Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



28 o'clock the next morning, Xiqiao Street.     

Zhang Xiaohua slowly opened his eyes and started sitting up. But suddenly, he felt splitting headache come on.     

Forced to rub his eyes, Zhang Xiaohua inadvertently turned his head, and he could not help but become startled as he saw Yuan Datong across from him, holding his chin in his hand. His eyes bore into Zhang Xiaohua, his face full of an inexplicable smile.     

Zhang Xiaohua's brows suddenly wrinkled, he faintly felt a chill. Looking down, his face became full of sweat, all his clothes were gone and only his underwear was left!     

Zhang Xiaohua subconsciously yanked up his quilt and asked: "You...what did you do to me last night?"     

Yuan Datong smiled and said: "You threw up yesterday night. In the living room and on your clothes, so we changed you out of them."     

"....." Zhang Xiaohua was speechless.     

"I am a little hungry, can you go get me some food?" Said Zhang Xiaohua with a sigh.     

"You still have the heart to eat?" Yuan Datong said unhappily.     

"Why can't I eat? I am hungry." Zhang Xiaohua asked with a confused look.     

"Do you remember what you did last night?" Yuan Datong asked with a deep frown.     

"..." Zhang Xiaohua turned his eyes and looked at the ceiling for a moment, then shook his head.     

"Do you remember meeting Ling Feng?" Yuan Datong reminded.     

Zhang Xiaohua once again fell into contemplation. He only remembered glimpses of the night before. But what happened specifically he couldn't really say.     

Yuan Datong sighed deeply and said bitterly: "You smashed Ling Feng in the head with a bottle. Now we are waiting for the Jinsheng Group to retaliate."     

Zhang Xiaohua was incredulous: "Why would I hit him?"     

"Who knows what type of illness your were under. That's not important, what we need to do now is get ready to defend for our lives, the Jinsheng Group will soon be coming to our doors." Yuan Datong said indignantly. However, he wasn't too worried about how the company's business would be affected, what he feared the most was that they would directly retaliate against Zhang Xiaohua.     

Zhang Xiaohua felt indifferent. He still hadn't fully understood all of what had happened that night, but if what Yuan Datong said was true, then there was no way out for him.     

Seeing Yuan Datong's uneasy look, Zhang Xiaohua knew that he was worried about him. He couldn't help but feel warm. Seeing his worry, he tried to ease the mood: "You are the general manager, so I'm guessing you've already made emergency procedures!"     

Ling Feng wasn't anything to fear, the key was the Jinsheng Group behind him. With their strength, it would be easy for them to kill this kid!     

"Aren't you afraid?" Yuan Datong asked curiously.     

Today, Zhang Xiaohua's thinking had far exceeded the scope of Yuan Datong's cognition.     

The former Zhang Xiaohua was an indecisive fellow and an open book to read.     

But now, Zhang Xiaohua was clearly a hard-hearted man who was impossible to read. All his decisions seemed to be made in the moment. He never seemed to consider the consequences, he was an unpredictable mystery.     

"If I admit fear, will things be solved?" Asked Zhang Xiaohua seeing Yuan Datong's questioning looks.     

Yuan Datong shook his head, this kid was too naive!     

This wasn't a simple matter that would just go away.     

Zhang Xiaohua said in the tone of preaching: "Being afraid won't help things. Why should I stress myself from worry? Things will go the way they will, it's not like there is anything we can do, is there?"     

Yuan Datong frowned and thought about it. He knew that Zhang Xiaohua's words were reasonable, but he couldn't calm himself.     

"Don't be too much in a hurry to find trouble. Otherwise you will find it." Zhang Xiaohua gave a hippie smile.     

Yuan Datong nodded, infected by Zhang Xiaohua's optimistic attitude. He finally relaxed slightly and his originally nervous mood gradually became relieved.     

As the two continued to converse, they heard footsteps and then the door opened… it was Emma holding a tray.     

She was soon followed in by the rest of the group.     

"Boss I've brought you breakfast and there is a cup of hangover tea. You should eat and drink up quickly." Said Emma as she placed it on the nightstand next to the bed.     

"I'll eat it later." Said Zhang Xiaohua, giving Xu Fengnian a look.     

Seeing his look, Xu Fengnian spoke up: "There are a few things I need to discuss with you."     

He had put in place all the preventive measures he could think of in the moment last night, but they still needed to make future plans. Plus, last night it was without Zhang Xiaohua's permission that he had made some arrangements privately, but since Zhang Xiaohua was the company's leader, he had to report to him.     

Seeing Xu Fengnian getting serious, everyone immediately corrected their attitudes.     

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