Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Chess Pieces

Chess Pieces

0Get Volume 3 (Chapter 101-150) for $4:     


Due to the preparations made beforehand, Yang Kun did not make any mistakes during the recording of the song. From beginning to end, in one go, they successfully recorded the song.     

Taking off his headphones and walking out of the studio, Yang Kun's face was always filled with a confident expression. He seemed to be waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to openly praise him, he was feeling a little self-satisfied.     

Zhang Xiaohua admitted that Yang Kun did have a solid singing foundation. He was a rare talent in music.     

But at the same time, Zhang Xiaohua could feel that Yang Kun had already regarded himself as a superstar. Although he did not say it, people's eyes would not lie, his were filled with unbridled arrogance.     

If he continued to maintain this mentality, then this mentality would harm him sooner or later, just like Wang Jingwen.     

"The performance was okay. But in the future, you have to continue to work hard, don't be complacent, otherwise I can't help you." Zhang Xiaohua deliberately poured Yang Kun a bucket of cold water.     

"Now I have to take back what I said before. I admit that your voice is unique. I didn't know how to appreciate it before, sorry!" Yuan Datong bowed to Yang Kun. He sincerely expressed his apologies to Yang Kun.     

The others also expressed their apologies to Yang Kun.     

In the face of the appreciation from Yuan Datong and the others, Yang Kun's pride which had just been annihilated by Zhang Xiaohua, once again burned up. Looking up at Zhang Xiaohua with pride he seemed to blame Zhang Xiaohua for not knowing how to appreciate him.     

Zhang Xiaohua was depressed for a while, he threw a glance at Yuan Datong. He intended to use his eyes to communicate with them, but they were all focused on Yang Kun. They didn't pay attention to Zhang Xiaohua at all, he complained in his mind: "Can't these kids be smart? Will they die if they don't commit the same mistakes twice? Wang Jingwen's lesson, have they already forgotten it?"     

"Boss, what are we going to do now? Do you want to shoot a music video for Yang Kun?" Emma asked excitedly. In order to make up for the mistakes she made before, she hoped to help Yang Kun and make him a superstar.     

Zhang Xiaohua wasn't only a musician, he was still a businessman, he wouldn't let go of an opportunity to make money, so the music video must be filmed as soon as possible so they could quickly release the song into the market.     

Seeking speed, Zhang Xiaohua gave out orders: "You go and hire out a warehouse make sure it's spacious. After you find it, inform Zhou Yi and ask him to bring equipment and personnel for filming. I will handle the rest of the arrangements."     

"Roger that!"     

"Are your accommodations arranged?" Zhang Xiaohua asked casually.     

"Manager Yuan arranged it for me yesterday. It is a 50 square meter public rental house. The place is quite small, but I can still live." Yang Kun answered truthfully. It's just that his words were vaguely filled with dissatisfaction. Perhaps for him now, the 50-square-meter public rental house was below his expectations.     

Zhang Xiaohua also heard the meaning behind Yang Kun's words. He was asking for a larger house.     

It stood to reason that if Yang Kun could bring in good returns for the company, then the company would reward him.     

But now his first song wasn't even out yet. It was unknown how much income he would bring into the company. If the company gave him a house at this time, it was just setting up a foundation for others to demand the same in the future.     

Zhang Xiaohua wasn't willing to agree!     

"Let's wait first. I will write more songs for you. When you really have achievements, the company will not treat you badly." Zhang Xiaohua refused the request made by Yang Kun, but also gave him a comforting promise.     

Listening to Zhang Xiaohua say he would write a few more songs for him. Yang Kun immediately imagined himself in Tianhe Stadium. He was eager to perform in front of 20,000 fans like Ling Ming. He could really become a real superstar!     

Thinking this way, Yang Kun quickly changed into a charming smile and it was difficult for him to conceal his excitement: "Thank you, boss, I will work harder and never let the company down!"     

Zhang Xiaohua smiled in his heart, remembering that Wang Jingwen used to say the same thing, but what look what happened in the end.     

"Okay, go back first. Take a break and wait for the company's notice."     


After that, Yang Kun left the studio in a great mood.     

Zhang Xiaohua came downstairs, sat in front of the computer and began to concentrate on writing songs for Yang Kun.     

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Zhang Xiaohua still sat in front of the computer and almost wanted to break his head. Finally, he wrote four songs for Yang Kun, namely Empty City, Wrangler, The Day and Rio de Janeiro....     

Although the levels of these songs were lower than "Indifferent", once combined into an album it should be no problem.     

Zhang Xiaohua took a long breath and didn't stop, he also arranged the music videos for all the songs including scenes, shots and performances.     

Of course, the reason why Zhang Xiaohua was working so hard was for his own interests. For him, Yang Kun was just a pawn in his life.     

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