Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



2Ling Ming's two albums, together with the concert specials had bought in unprecedented benefits to QuoDuo. Yang Kun's 'Indifferent' was also on flames. In just two days, it brought loads of traffic to QuoDuo. HuaXiang Entertainment had also promised that Yang Kun would be releasing more music soon. Zhang Xiaohua had become the god of wealth for the QuoDuo Network.     

Upon hearing that Zhang Xiaohua wanted to meet up, Zhu Xiangyang made the trip over.     

Zhu Xiangyang stood in Zhang Xiaohua's office, his face full of smiles. Recently, QuoDuo had made a lot of money. As the person to negotiate the deal, Zhu Xiangyang was wallowing in glory.     

Zhang Xiaohua was expressionless, he looked over to Zhu Xiangyang quietly. There was clear dissatisfaction in his eyes.     

Seeing Zhang Xiaohua's appearance, Zhu Xiangyang lost his smile and asked seriously: "Why has Boss Zhang called me over? Has something happened?"     

Zhang Xiaohua slid the mouse over and opened up QuoDuo. He looked at the computer screen facing Zhu Xiangyang and his finger pointed to Yang Kun's music section​​. He said: "Have you seen this advertising layout. Look at all these blank areas, we are losing out on multiple advertisers which means we have lost money. We have great losses on both sides. I am very dissatisfied with this!"     

After Zhang Xiaohua's explanation, Zhu Xiangyang looked at the blank spaces and felt that the layout of this advertisement was quite lacking.     

Under normal circumstances, if someone was willing to advertise on QuoDuo, then QuoDuo would recommend customers to the Eternal Advertising Company who would help them design the advertisements. After the advertisements were completed, they would be placed on QuoDuo by Eternal Advertising.     

After Zhu Xiangyang explained it to Zhang Xiaohua, Zhang Xiaohua's iratation seemed to grow: "It's obvious that this Eternal Advertising is trash. As a boss, I have to ensure the interests of the company. The company's interests can't be affected, so I'm asking that you immediately terminate the partnership with this Eternal Advertising."     

"This..." Zhu Xiangyang was stunned.     

QuoDuo and Eternal Advertising had been in happy cooperation for years. At present, Eternal Advertising had been responsible for the advertising design of many customers of QuoDuo. If suddenly they terminated their cooperation, what about the customers of QuoDuo? Who should they look for advertising designs? This was too abrupt!     

"If you continue to cooperate with Eternal Advertising, then in order to ensure that our company's interests are not harmed, I can only terminate the cooperation between us." Zhang Xiaohua continued to place pressure on Zhu Xiangyang, leaving no room for negotiation.     

Zhu Xiangyang was so anxious that he was sweating.     

If they had to choose one, then QuoDuo would undoubtedly choose HuaXiang Entertainment. By contrast, if the Eternal Advertising Company was at most a small shrimp, HuaXiang Entertainment was a real big fish.     

However, at present, there was still a lot of business dealings between their company and Eternal Advertising. If they rushed to terminate their contract with Eternal Advertising, it would cause dissatisfaction from many customers.     

"There is no need for this, I will urge Eternal Advertising to immediately modify the design. You can be responsible for the supervision so they meet your satisfaction." said Zhu Xiangyang.     

Zhang Xiaohua sneered aloud and said: "There is nothing to talk about, I will get people to draft up a contract cancellation agreement and send it to your company as soon as possible. It has been great cooperating with you during this time."     

After he said this, Zhang Xiaohua picked up the office phone. Zhu Xiangyang stood up and immediately pressed his hand on the call cancellation button he said: "Boss Zhang don't misunderstand, I'm just trying to find a compromise. We can still discuss this."     

"To tell the truth, there is no room for negotiation in this matter..." Zhang Xiaohua's face was gloomy and cold: "Eternal Advertising or HuaXiang Entertainment. Now please Mr. Zhu, chose one. Our choices are as simple as that. Let's give a reply."     

Obviously, Zhang Xiaohua had some sort of grudge against Eternal Advertising and was using them to get revenge.     

Zhu Xiangyang was filled with frustration, but he said: "Well, since Boss Zhang's mind has been decided, then please give me some time to go back and discuss with the shareholders."     

Zhang Xiaohua nodded.     

"I can give you two days to reply." said Zhang Xiaohua.     

After Zhu Xiangyang left, Zhang Xiaohua immediately put on a smile and leaned back into his chair and started playing computer games.     


In the afternoon, when Zhu Xiangyang conveyed what happened in the meeting to the CEO, he immediately held a meeting with the other shareholders.     

The results were no surprise, they unanimously decided to abandon Eternal Advertising to protect their golden goose.     

Plus, there were plenty of advertising companies out there but there was only one HuaXiang Entertainment. Nowadays, HuaXiang Entertainment had basically created a monopoly over the music scene. Though many other companies had created copycat artists and similar songs, none had gained as much traction as HuaXiang's. The music scene had showed great signs of picking up, but currently HuaXiang Entertainment a had large amount of the market share.     

Now, "Indifferent" had become popular all over the country overnight, it had brought huge gains to the QuoDuo and Zhang Xiaohua had already promised that Yang Kun would continue to introduce new songs and continue to bring to QuoDuo huge gains.     

However, if Zhang Xiaohua was offended by the advertising agency and took up shop elsewhere, the consequences would be dire.     

After their decision, Zhu Xiangyang contacted Zhu Yuncai to talk about it tomorrow morning.     

Early the next morning, Zhu Yuncai came to the headquarters of QuoDuo early to met with Zhu Xiangyang.     

Zhu Yuncai thought that Zhu Xiangyang was looking for himself to talk about business. Unexpectedly, Zhu Xiangyang gave a copy of the contract cancellation agreement to Zhu Yuncai.     

"I am sorry, Boss Zhu."     

Looking at the contract book in his hand, Zhu Yuncai was shocked, his hands began to tremble violently.     

They had a pleasant cooperation with QuoDuo Network all this time.They had always been doing their best for QuoDuo, they didn't dare be the slightest bit sloppy, as far as he knew, no mistakes were made so far, so why were they seeking to terminate the contract?     

The most important thing was that QuoDuo was their largest client. 75% of their income was from QuoDuo. If QuoDuo was determined to cancel the cooperation, they would be pushed close to death's door.     

"Master Zhu, this... What do you mean by this?" Zhu Yuncai was stunned, why would QuoDuo suddenly cancel the contract with his company?     

Zhu Xiangyang had no choice but to smile. He was also forced to do so. This was not his decision. This was the unanimous decision of the shareholders, he was just the messenger. As far as he saw it, HuaXiang was overreaching, allowing them to meddle in their business now was only setting up a dangerous precedent for them to do so again in the future.     

"I understand Boss Zhu's mood but I don't have the power to change the company's decision, the shareholders have already decided." Zhu Xiangyang sighed.     

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