Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

An Eye for An Eye

An Eye for An Eye

2At present, Yuan Datong was away at the studio recording songs for Yang Kun. Ling Ming's advertisement for the drink company was also undergoing post-production. Currently, all of the company's internal staff was busy. As for the day to day running of the business, Zhang Xiaohua left most of it for Xu Fengnian to deal with, so Zhang Xiaohua was currently just an idler.     4

At this point, Zhu Yuncai had been waiting outside for more than five hours. Filled with anxiety, he paced up and down the waiting room till his legs were numb.     

It wasn't until four o'clock in the afternoon that Zhang Xiaohua, becoming triggered at his team, skillfully ragequit and stood up. After stretching, he walked to his office's balcony and began to appreciate the scenery outside.     

Looking at the time on his phone, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but smile.     

Going up to his desk, Zhang Xiaohua picked up the phone and called up to the front desk and asked: "Is Zhu Yuncai gone?"     

"Not yet, he is still waiting for boss to see him." The receptionist replied.     

"Hahah, that old bastard sure does have perseverance!" Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but mock.     

"Should I send him up now?" the receptionist asked.     

"Not yet, a few more minutes won't kill him." After speaking to the receptionist, Zhang Xiaohua contacted Xiong Zhuang: "Send a few guards up to my office immediately."     

After receiving Zhang Xiaohua's order, Xiong Zhuang immediately sent up ten people from the security department. They all came to Zhang Xiaohua's office dressed in black suits and spread around the room.     

If a stranger saw this scene, they would probably mistake Zhang Xiaohua for some sort of syndicate boss.     

"Boss, what's wrong, is there someone after you?" asked Xiong Zhuang, curious but with worry in his eyes.     

"Just an old enemy." Zhang Xiaohua was sitting open in the boss's chair. He recalled that time when Zhu Yuncai took his thugs to find himself, he was really shocked.     

"Who has such courage?" Xiong Zhuang asked: "Tell me who the other person is and I will abolish him before he starts causing trouble. "     

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "No need, you guys just need to look intimidating."     

Picking up the phone, he called down to the receptionist at the front desk and asked her to deliver a message...     

Hanging up the phone, the receptionist looked over to Zhu Yuncai in the waiting room and sighed, walking into the waiting room she said: "Who is the bastard looking to speak to our boss?"     

Hearing her, Zhu Yuncai almost burst into tears, they were the only two people in the room, clearly he was the 'bastard'.     

After a period of psychological struggle, Zhu Yuncai gritted his teeth. In order to see Zhang Xiaohua and to keep the company, he could only choose to compromise.     

"I... I am!" Zhu Yuncai said weakly.     

"Can I see him now?" Zhu Yuncai lowered his head, his face was completely lost. How could he still look up? He knew that Zhang Xiaohua was deliberately mocking him, clearly Zhang Xiaohua still hated him.     

The next thing Zhu Yuncai had to do was to resolve Zhang Xiaohua's hatred towards himself. Only in this way could he and the company gain a glimmer of hope!     

"Please come with me." The receptionist tried to hold back a smile and lead him to Zhang Xiaohua's office.     

Looking around the office building along the way, Zhu Yuncai could not help but deeply sigh!     

He didn't expect that Zhang Xiaohua could make the company so big in just a few months. The scale now far exceeded that of his own advertising company.     

For the time being, HuaXiang Entertainment had a liquidity of 150 million yuan and a monthly turnover of 34 million yuan from streams and record sales.     

Before coming to Zhang Xiaohua's office, the receptionist first knocked on the door politely. After getting permission from the inside, the receptionist opened the door and made a gesture to Zhu Yuncai, indicating that he could go in.     

When Zhu Yuncai walked into the office, he couldn't help but be shocked and frightened. All around the room were massive guys in black suits staring intently at him.     

Seeing Zhu Yuncai, Zhang Xiaohua snorted and leaned back into his chair: "Well, if it isn't the one and only Zhu Yuncai. What can I do for you?"     

Zhang Xiaohua waved his hand to Xiong Zhuang and said with sarcasm: "You weren't there last time, so let me introduce you to Zhu Yuncai, he is an old friend of my now dead father. Before, Zhu Yuncai used to be a regular guest at our house, he is someone who has experienced the warm hospitality of our home. He and my father were also business partners, but I believe that you now provide your services to the Cao's instead, right?"     

Zhu Yuncai shook his head rapidly, his face filled with embarrassment.     

Zhu Yuncai and Cao Dequan, whether willing or not to admit it, had relied extremely on Zhang Xiaohua's father to reach where they were today. Zhu Yuncai was able to get so far today due to Zhang Xiaohua's father providing him money and his connections in the industry.     

However, due to the financial crisis which occurred at New Century, Zhang Xiaohua's father asked to borrow 5 million from Zhu Yuncai.     

In the past, Zhu Yuncai never rushed to retrieve the 5 million yuan due to their friendship, especially when Zhang Xiaohua's father passed away. That was until Cao Feifei looked for him and asked him to pressure and force Zhang Xiaohua to pay it. His aim was to tie himself to a new boat and establish a relationship with the Cao's.     

Now that the Cao family had burned the bridge with him, he had offended Zhang Xiaohua for no reason.     

"Xiao-Hua..uh no....I mean, Boss Zhang. Like you said, me and your father were old friends. Before, I was tempted by devils, but now I understand my mistake. I only ask that you leave me a way out and allow me to keep the contract with QuoDuo."     

"What is the meaning of Uncle Zhu's words? If QuoDuo wishes to cancel their contract with you, what does it have to do with me?" said Zhang Xiaohua playing dumb.     

"Boss Zhang, we are all smart people here, I am not a fool, so I beg you to not play dumb."     

Zhang Xiaohua smiled, then looked at the time: "Well, I will give you 5 minutes to convince me."     

Zhu Yuncai spoke quickly: "QuoDuo is our biggest client. Losing them will cripple the business. I know you're the one who asked them to cancel the contract and I fully understand why, but I ask that you show mercy and forgive me. You can rest assured that I will never dare scheme against you after this. In fact, I will owe you a favour, you can ask me for anything in return. If you want me to bark like a dog, you can be reassured I will bark like a dog!"     

After a sigh of relief, Zhu Yuncai looked at Zhang Xiaohua with a pleading look.     

Zhang Xiaohua had a smile placed on his face and proudly said: "Didn't you have New Century's support? Last time you attacked me for the Cao family. Now that you're in trouble, why not go back to your masters for help?"     

"In addition, for what reason do you think I would allow an enemy to survive? Especially one like you who has already shown he has no regards for loyalty and honour. You attacked your so called 'sworn brother's son' just for a few benefits, now you want me to trust you?."     

Zhu Yuncai's heart became cold. Zhang Xiaohua's words were like a bucket of ice water, destroying the hope in his heart...     

Obviously, Zhang Xiaohua's mind had been decided. He wanted to kill off Eternal Advertising.     

Looking at Zhang Xiaohua's cold and ruthless face, Zhu Yuncai frowned.     

"What does Boss Zhang want me to do before you let the company go?"     

"Don't waste your time, there's nothing you can do."     

Seeing Zhang Xiaohua wasn't joking, Zhu Yuncai was completely desperate, he kneeled onto the carpet and began pleading desperately: "I beg you, Eternal Advertising is my family's business, I have worked so hard to build it. How am I supposed to support my family in the future? Xiao-Hua, I beg you!"     

Looking at Zhu Yuncai behaving like a madman, Zhang Xiaohua showed no signs of feeling sympathy. In fact, he felt a huge rush of adrenaline up his spine, he felt great pleasure having control over others' fate.     

At this moment, Zhang Xiaohua felt like he was a god.     

Of course, Zhang Xiaohua was clear that this feeling was based on money and power.     

Too lazy to look at Zhu Yuncai, he just waved his hand and told the surrounding security guards: "Send him out, don't allow him in the building."     

"Yes, boss."     

The two security guards immediately went into action, regardless of Zhu Yuncai's struggle, they grabbed his arm and lifted him up and forced him away from the office.     

"Boss, do you want me to handle him?" Xiong Zhuang whispered.     

Xiong Zhuang wasn't a fool, he could easily see that Zhang Xiaohua and Zhu Yuncai had a deep hatred.     

"No need. The old man is bound to fall." Zhang Xiaohua said calmly.     

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