Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



3Ten minutes later, a harsh braking sound broke the silence of the Municipal People's Hospital car park.     4

Zhang Xiaohua jumped out of his car and rushed into the hospital hall.     

Running up to the reception desk, Zhang Xiaohua eagerly asked the nurse: "Is there a patient here named Zhang Shaofang?"     

The nurse checked the admission record and said: "Yes, there is a patient named Zhang Shaofang in the Nursing Department."     

Passing over his ID card for her to check, he asked urgently: "Which ward is she in?"     

"Medical Ward No.306." The nurse replied.     

Hearing this Zhang Xiaohua sprinted towards the 306th ward.     

Before standing in the door, Zhang Xiaohua looked inside and saw that it was a common ward. There was what seemed to be like 10 patients staying there, the walls were dirty and an unpleasant smell filled the room.     

Zhang Xiaohua searched across the room to see a familiar face in the innermost corner of the ward.     

As the distance narrowed, Zhang Xiaohua fixed his eyes and couldn't help but become filled with sorrow. He saw his mother was lying still, her hair was dull and messy and her whole person was skinny and pale. Her lips were dried and white cracks could be seen across them.     

Slowly walking up to the bed, Zhang Xiaohua slowly leaned down, gently getting hold of his mother's hand, he said softly: "Mum, I'm here."     

Hearing her son's voice, Zhang Shaofang slowly opened her eyes, her eyelids seemed to be heavy, it took her a long time to open her eyes fully.     

Probably because of her illness or because of not seeing her son for months, Zhang Shaofang's dry eyes gradually became cloudy. Crystal tears streaked down her pale face, wetting the pillow.     

"Xiao-Hua..." said Zhang Shaofang gently, just the two words seemed to exhaust her.     

"Mum, what's wrong with you? I thought you were traveling with Liu Yan?" Zhang Xiaohua looked at his mother with distress.     

"Mum is fine, I just missed you, I wanted to see you." Said Zhang Shaofang.     

Zhang Xiaohua smiled weakly and gently held his mother's hand. He said softly: "I am here, I won't go anywhere, you can rest assured."     

Zhang Xiaohua paused and looked around: "Where is Liu Yan? Isn't she with you?"     

Referring to Liu Yan, Zhang Shaofang's face fell and she seemed to lose all her strength: "You have to go see Liu Yan, she..."     

Before Zhang Shaofang could finish her words her eyes suddenly rolled backwards and she fainted.     

"Mum, Mum!" Zhang Xiaohua screamed twice, seeing his mother didn't respond he hurriedly shouted: "Doctor, doctor..."     

Soon, a male doctor walked over with two nurses.     

The doctor first checked Zhang Shaofang briefly and then casually said to Zhang Xiaohua: "The patient's fine, just exhausted, which is to be expected. After all, she just had an operation. She will be fine after some rest."     

"My mother just fainted, does that seem okay to you!?" Zhang Xiaohua shouted, seeing the doctor's loose attitude.     

"I have already said that the patient just had an operation and is weak from exhaustion. Let her be and everything will be fine." The doctor fired back.     

Zhang Xiaohua suppressed his anger and asked: "Why did my mother have surgery?"     

The doctor took a report clipboard from a nurse: "The patient was admitted five months ago, diagnosed with kidney failure. She was placed on a treatment plan and dialysis, her condition continued deteriorate, but a kidney matching her blood type was unavailable. As her situation became more dire, a person named Liu Yan came forward to donate her kidney. After some tests, we found she matched the patient's blood type, so we performed an emergency operation on the patient. The operation was successful, so far there are no signs of her body rejecting the kidney."     

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Zhang Xiaohua was stunned. Everything that happened was outside of his imagination, making it difficult for him to digest.     

Unexpectedly, in such a short period of five months, so many things happened, he couldn't imagine how much pain his mother must of suffered.     

As her son, when his mother needed him the most, he wasn't at her side. For this reason, Zhang Xiaohua blamed himself for not pushing hard enough to find out the situation.     

Zhang Xiaohua blamed himself and asked the doctor: "You just said that a woman named Liu Yan donated a kidney to save my mother?"     

"Yes." The doctor nodded.     

"So where is she?" said Zhang Xiaohua.     

"Miss Liu caught an infection after the surgery which lead to her condition deteriorating. She is still in the intensive care unit and is in a coma. The patient has already paid for the kidney transplant. But as of today, there is no money left in the patient's account. You should pay the hospitalization fee as soon as possible, otherwise we can't do anything more for them."     

Zhang Xiaohua mind was now full of Liu Yan's kind face.     

As a servant, Liu Yan not only did her best for Zhang family, but even in the case of their family plummeting she didn't abandon them. And now, she had even donated a kidney to save his mother. It could be seen that her friendship with Zhang Shaofang had far surpassed the common relationship between master and servant, they could be described as sisters.     

Zhang Xiaohua, trembling, took out his mobile phone and dialed Mi Jia's phone: "Transfer over two million yuan to the People's Hospital immediately and bring over Manager Xu."     

Upon hearing this, the doctor couldn't help but squint, looking at Zhang Xiaohua from top to bottom. But no matter how he looked at it, the other party was just a child, how could he just call for 2 million yuan like it was nothing?     

He was kidding, right?     

If this kid was so rich, how could he allow his mother to live in such a ruined ward? In fact, thinking back to it, he hadn't seen this kid before.     

The doctor's eyes were full of doubts and slowly became clouded with disgust, it seemed filial piety was non-existent among the younger generation.     

Zhang Xiaohua had been focused on developing the company during this time, he had acquired over 180 million in assets. His net worth was rising at an alarming rate.     

However, before Zhang Shaofang and Liu Yan were admitted to the hospital, Zhang Xiaohua was still a poor man. Therefore, in order not to worry Zhang Xiaohua, Zhang Shaofang and Liu Yan decided to use the excuse of "tourism" to leave for the hospital. Zhang Shaofang already knew her condition, but she didn't expect it to be so serious, to the point of requiring a new kidney.     

As Zhang Shaofang's condition deteriorated rapidly, as a last resort, Liu Yan resolutely donated her own kidney.     

Unexpectedly, Liu Yan got infected after the surgery and was in a life-threatening situation, so the doctors transferred her to the intensive care unit to isolate her.     

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