Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



1Half an hour later, Mi Jia and Xu Fengnian rushed into the hospital accompanied by Xiong Zhuang and four security guards. After checking to make sure the hospital had received the bank transfer at the reception, they ran over.     

Zhang Xiaohua was sitting in front of the hospital bed as he overlooked his mother. He didn't dare to leave.     

In this world, his mother was his only blood relative and the person he cared for the most. Of course, Liu Yan was next on the list of the people who he cared for the most. Currently, Liu Yan was in the intensive care unit, so Zhang Xiaohua was unable to see her.     

"Boss, we are here."     

Seeing Zhang Xiaohua with a depressed face, Mi Jia felt uncomfortable. Xiong Zhuang wanted to say something but didn't don't know where to start.     

"What's wrong with the Madam?" Xu Fengnian whispered.     

Xu Fengnian was familiar with Zhang Shaofang. Back in the day, when he had just been recruited to New Century by Zhang Xiaohua's father, he often visited their home for meals and discussions.     

"She just had a kidney transplant. Uncle Xu, do you have acquaintances in the hospital?" Zhang Xiaohua asked Xu Fengnian.     

Xu Fengnian had spent most of his life in the society. No matter which industry, he seemed to have a link to someone: "What do you need?"     

"I want to move my mum to a private ward. I don't want her staying here. Also, help me contact some of medical experts for a consultation."     

"Do not worry, the Dean of this hospital and I are old classmates. I will go and talk to him. It should be no problem." Xu Fengnian said and left.     

On his way out, Xu Fengnian immediately called Yuan Datong and asked him to come over to accompany Zhang Xiaohua.     

Twenty minutes later, Yuan Datong rushed into the hospital. Accompanied by Emma and the rest, they rushed into the ward, surrounding Zhang Xiaohua.     

Seeing Zhang Shaofang looking so sickly, Yuan Datong's heart fell.     

He remembered when he used to go over to their house and Zhang Shaofang treated him with care and affection like he was her own son.     

Zhang Xiaohua had a bitter smile on his face.     

As the son, he was unaware that his mother was ill for so long. In fact, he even allowed it to get to the point she needed a new kidney. He wasn't even able to take care of that for her, someone else had to do it in his place. For this reason, Zhang Xiaohua was filled with anger towards himself for being so naive and believing her excuses.     

"Boss, if there is anything you need or that we can do to help? Just say the word and we will get it done." Softly whispered Emma.     

"Yes boss, no matter what it is, as long as you say it, we will get it done."     


"Thank you everyone." Said Zhang Xiaohua, sincerely expressing his gratitude to everyone: "But there is nothing you can do to help here. I won't be at the company for a while so just handle any issues there for me."     

The crowd nodded collectively and reassured him.     

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Xu Fengnian came back. He had arranged everything. The experts would be coming tomorrow to look over Zhang Shaofang.     

With the two million yuan paid, Zhang Xiaohua asked the hospital to use the best medicine for his mother and Liu Yan.     

After sending Zhang Shaofang to her new private ward, the group stood outside the door.     

Emma went off to buy some food for Zhang Xiaohua. Until now, Zhang Xiaohua hadn't eaten.     

Looking at the kind faces around him, Zhang Xiaohua's heart was filled with warmth.     

"Boss, hurry up and eat. After dinner, you can head back to rest. We will take first shift and help you look after your aunt." Emma said with a smile.     

"Yeah, you can rest assured, go back and rest." Said Yuan Datong.     

Zhang Xiaohua was filled with gratitude for meeting such kind souls.     

However, in fact, Zhang Shaofang's condition had been stabilized. The person he was most worried about was actually Liu Yan.     

All the doctor had told him was that Liu Yan was still undergoing treatment and her condition was improving, so he should try to stay calm.     

Zhang Xiaohua was still filled with doubt.     

Sometimes, these people dressed in white were angels sent from heaven to save the wounded.     

Sometimes, they were more heartless than cold-blooded demons!     

Sometimes, in order to avoid medical disputes, they would deliberately conceal the patient's condition. Clearly, the patient was very ill, but in order to reassure the patient's family they downplayed the issue.     

Besides, if Liu Yan's condition was really stable, why would she still be in the intensive care unit?     

"Uncle Xu, can you find a way for me to meet Liu Yan? This time, to save my mother, Liu Yan didn't hesitate to donate a kidney for my mother. Now she is still in the intensive care unit, but I didn't even have the chance to see her face and thank her." Zhang Xiaohua asked Xu Fengnian.     

Xu Fengnian thought about it, then took out his phone and went to the side to personally call the Dean.     

Soon, a nurse came over and asked politely: "Excuse me, who is Mr. Zhang Xiaohua?"     

"I am." Zhang Xiaohua rushed to respond.     

"Please come with me, I will take you to see Ms. Liu Yan." Said the nurse.     

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