Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



3"Since she doesn't trust me, I will give her no choice but to believe."     

Zhang Xiaohua walked over to Liu Yan's ward and then took a couple of photos of Liu Yan with his phone through the window and sent them to Liu Yi.     

Soon, he received a call: "Where is she now?"     

"Tianjing City People's Hospital." Zhang Xiaohua answered truthfully. Although the attitude of the other party was cold and rude, Zhang Xiaohua could imagine her anxiety.     


He heard the sound of the line being hang up.     

Zhang Xiaohua became relieved and took a long breath, his goal had been meet.     


Three days later, Zhang Shaofang's health was obviously much better than before. Her pale face gradually became rosey and her limbs also regained their strength.     

The doctor examined the wound for Zhang Shaofang and found that it was healing very well. He told Zhang Xiaohua clearly that, in another week or so, Zhang Shaofang could start to move around. If there were no accidents, then she could leave the hospital in half a month or so.     

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiaohua went straight to Liu Yan's ward.     

The next moment, in the corridor, Zhang Xiaohua inadvertently looked up and saw a young girl standing in front of Liu Yan's ward.     

The girl was in her 20s, with a suitcase under her feet, obviously she had just come from afar. She was wearing a black over-the-knee trench coat with a pair of long boots, and staring at Liu Yan in the ward.     

In the vagueness, there seemed to be something shining in the corner of the girl's eyes, whether it was sweat or tears, he couldn't see it. The girl was facing away from Zhang Xiaohua, so Zhang Xiaohua couldn't see her appearance but he felt a strong sense of deja vu from her presence.     

Although Zhang Xiaohua had roughly guessed the identity of the girl, he still wasn't sure, so he slowly walked towards the girl.     

Recently, Zhang Xiaohua frequently glanced at the ward, but every time he saw Liu Yan's dying appearance he felt distraught.     

The girl seemed to be focused on Liu Yan, it wasn't until Zhang Xiaohua was near that she noticed his presence.     

"You are Liu Yi?" Zhang Xiaohua asked.     

When she heard Zhang Xiaohua's voice, the girl immediately turned her back and wiped her wet eyes quietly, then turned back to Zhang Xiaohua. At the same time, Zhang Xiaohua also thoroughly saw the girl's appearance.     

Her features were cold and sharp as if carved out by an artist. It was as if all her features were calculated to perfection, her sword like eyebrows with a small peach-like mouth, combined to create a sharp and graceful face.     

Seeing the girl's beauty, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but squint, he was stunned.     

"What happened to my mother? How did she become like this?" The girl's face was full sorrow but her voice carried hints of disgust.     

Zhang Xiaohua didn't hide what happened, this kind of thing couldn't be concealed, not to mention the girl was Liu Yan's biological daughter, she had the right to know, so Zhang Xiaohua explained the inside outs of the story.     

"So, in the end, she is even willing to give her life for your family." The girl snorted.     

"She is a kind soul, she didn't deserve this." Said Zhang Xiaohua, deciding to glide over her comment.     

"Blind loyalty to others always leads to a miserable path."     

Zhang Xiaohua's brow gradually became wrinkled and his forehead became full of black lines. His face was full of anger and disappointment: "What are you talking about? The person lying inside is your mother. Now that she is like this, can't you show some respect and let your past issues go? At least for her sake."     

The girl snorted and said: "Sure, she is my mother. This is an indisputable fact. But from the way she acted, you would never guess it, right? What did she give me as my mother? Where is all the love I deserved? Where is the love I needed in my childhood?"     

As she talked, her calm appearance fell apart and her words grew louder: "I'll tell you where it went. It went to you and idiotic family! All the time she should have been with me, she took it all and gave it to your family."     

Her serious expression gradually turned into a helpless smile. Tears once again fell from her eyes, and her trembling voice conveyed her sorrow: "Even now! She gave her goddamn life to your mother, but what about me? What did she... ever... give me? From small to big, she never cared about me... nobody cared about me. Not even when I was hurt! Do you know what happened when I was sick? How much I cried, wishing that the person in her arms was me, not you? I begged and pleaded her to accompany me more..."     

Wiping away her tears, Liu Yan let out the anger in her heart as she continued: "But she didn't! She gave everything away to you and your godforsaken family! In her eyes, your family was worth more than her. It was worth more than even me, her own daughter!"     

In the face of the girl's outburst, Zhang Xiaohua froze, completely speechless.     

He had no rebuttal. For many years, Liu Yan had dedicated everything to their family and now she was on her deathbed because of them. It was understandable that her daughter has infuriated.     

"Since you hate your mother so much, why are you still coming?" Zhang Xiaohua asked weakly.     

"Didn't you just say it? She is my mother. If I didn't come, what would be the difference between me and her? I'm only here to grant her peace before…she dies." After her words were finished, the girl looked at Liu Yan, and then immediately picked up the suitcase at her feet and left.     

Zhang Xiaohua was about to say something, when the girl suddenly stopped.     

She suddenly turned around, striding in front of Zhang Xiaohua and saying nothing, she swung her hand and gave Zhang Xiaohua a slap to the face without warning...     


A sudden burst of sound broke the silence of the corridor.     

Zhang Xiaohua's eyes became blurred. His left cheeks clearly showed the outline of her fingers. His ears were ringing.     

"This slap is what you owe me. In addition, I'll warn you now, don't think that I am still the little girl who didn't understand anything like before. You can bully my mother, but you definitely can't bully and manipulate me like you used to do with her."     

She then turned and started to walk off again, only to stop at the exit and turn back.     

This time, Zhang Xiaohua had learnt quickly and retreated a few steps, opening up a little distance between him and the girl.     

"You listen to me, although I don't have any feelings for my mother, I won't allow anyone to bully her. Especially you! And my name's Zhao Zilin now, not Liu Yi." She said, before strolling out….     

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