Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant




Half an hour later, the heavy rain still blew on the ground, the innocent sky was covered with dark clouds and from time to time, and there was a crackle of lightning and a roar of thunder. There was no sign of pause from the fury of the raging winds and torrential downpour of rain.


Through the curtain of rain, they saw Wang Jingwen's silhouette as she let the wind and rain blow on her now shivering body. She didn't complain or act half-heartedly. She just held her weakened body with both hands, and due to the coldness, she could not help but tremble. The heavy makeup on her face was now washed away completely and at the same time, her beautiful and pitiful face was thoroughly presented to the eyes of the crowd. It was almost as if her feelings of arrogance was also being washed away and at this moment, she looked like a beautiful flower withering in the wind and rain. She was like a rose: not only pure but also graceful.

Zhang Xiaohua was still reclined on a soft sofa as he held a tablet computer in his hand and was playing a small game casually. He was too lazy to even look at Wang Jingwen. It was as if he had completely forgotten her existence.

On the contrary, Yuan Datong could not bear it.

Although Wang Jingwen was rude earlier, she was just a girl. At this point, she had been showering for more than half an hour. After all this, it wouldn't be a surprise if she became ill.

"Xiaohua, I think this should be enough. You should let her in now." Yuan Datong took the lead to help Wang Jingwen. He was neither cold-hearted nor evil enough to bully a girl until she was sick.

"Yeah, boss, I think she has already learned her lesson." Emma followed suit, and Xiaohai and others also nodded in agreement.

Only now did Zhang Xiaohua turn his eyes away from the computer screen. First, his eyes swept through the few people in front of him, before he turned his head to look outside at Wang Jingwen. He was silent for a long period of time. After that, he just said indifferently, "Let her come in."

Zhang Xiaohua also didn't want to do too much to her. If she really contracted some sort of disease, it would certainly affect the progress of various tasks. Besides, there are still too many things to do, the time was limited and mistakes could not be made.

After receiving the permission of Zhang Xiaohua, Yuan Datong volunteered himself as he ran to Wang Jingwen's side in one breath and immediately grabbed her arm to pull her in.

Emma rushed to get a dry towel and helped Wang Jingwen wipe her wet body. She then took off her coat and covered Wang Jingwen. Fearing that she might have caught a cold, Xiaohai had poured a cup of warm water and handed it to Wang Jingwen in order to keep her warm.

Seeing everyone busy with Wang Jingwen, Zhang Xiaohua felt helpless.

These guys really did have a Buddha's heart. They were obviously a bunch of good angels who couldn't resist helping others, even after being insulted.

They didn't seem to understand that, sometimes, it was better to be a devil than to be an angel.

"Zhang... boss, may I ask you... what else do you need me to do?" Wang Jingwen looked at Zhang Xiaohua earnestly and shyly asked with a trembling voice.

Wang Jingwen didn't seem to have time for anyone else except Zhang Xiaohua. Of course, this was because she was very clear that only this Zhang boss was the highest decision maker of the company. So, she did what she had been told to do as she was willing to do anything in order to gain the opportunity to get her hands on the song's vocals position.

Zhang Xiaohua casually stood up from the couch. He first looked at the time then at Wang Jingwen before he replied succinctly: "First, go back and familiarise yourself with the lyrics of the song, then be here at 9 o'clock in the morning with your identity card to sign the contract. I don't want you in this sort of dress, and I also don't want to see your face covered in foundation or lipstick. I want you to dress plain and simple, or don't blame me for turning you away."

Though Zhang Xiaohua's remarks did not contain any humanity, Wang Jingwen listened to him with high spirits. She laughed, smiled, and kept acknowledging Zhang Xiaohua's generosity and thanked him. It seemed, even if she was ordered to jump into the Yellow River, she would do so willingly.

"It is time for me to head back as well, so I shall see you guys tomorrow." After he bid his goodbyes, Zhang Xiaohua left the company and drove home.

Back home, Zhang Xiaohua didn't even take a bite of his dinner. He just went into his room and sat in front of the computer.

There was still a lot of work to do, and it was enough for him to stay busy throughout the night.


Early the next morning, Wang Jingwen had come to the company with unprecedented joy.

According to Zhang Xiaohua's request, she didn't have any makeup on today, and she was only wearing a pair of sling jeans, a black T-shirt, and a pair of casual shoes. Even her red hair was re-dyed to black. It seemed to be more simple and plain that Yuan Datong was sure magic had to be involved. She had once again transformed into a pure and simple lady; this woman really was ever-changing. Regardless of how she was dressed, she could not help but give people a brighter feeling.

It was clear that Wang Jingwen had been completely tamed by Zhang Xiaohua.

At the same time, in the Zhang family house, Zhang Xiaohua was still asleep.

These days he hadn't been idle as he would go online to learn how to shoot scenes and research various directors' necessary knowledge. He also didn't forget to learn a foreign language, so that he could "move forward to the future" and "get out of Asia." To lay a good foundation, he almost forgot to eat and sat in front of the computer all night, but he had gained a lot of knowledge and resources.

Last night, he didn't sleep, instead; he had written up an exclusive contract for the company.

Regardless of the company, a legally binding contract was crucial. Of course, the contract was not very important to the company. It was mainly used to restrain the other party, especially in the entertainment industry. A company with a binding contract was crucial and necessary. Otherwise, those artists who wanted to breach the contract would just grab their money and default on the contract.

At this moment, a sudden knock on the door had brought Zhang Xiaohua back to reality from his dream.

After rubbing his eyes, Zhang Xiaohua fixed his eyes and saw the maid, Liu Yan, who was standing in front of the door. She carried a tray of steaming hot food in her hand. It seemed that if there was no permission from Zhang Xiaohua, she wouldn't dare enter the room.

"Young master, I am sorry to disturb your rest, but it is already eight o'clock. It is time for breakfast." Liu Yan still stood in front of the door, as she spoke up with an apology.

"Liu Yan, why are you so kind to me?" As he saw Liu Yan's attitude towards him, Zhang Xiaohua was a bit embarrassed. He quickly got up out of bed and went to Liu Yan and laughed. "I have grown up smoothly, and I owe it all to you, so let me take care of you. In my heart, you will always be like my half-mother, and later you might not see me so much. Also, you can call me Xiaohua from now on, so don't use young master, it seems too distant."

"This... how could this be done? Young master, please don't worry about my happiness. I... I cannot afford it, ah!" Liu Yan couldn't believe Zhang Xiaohua.

In her opinion, the young man was only polite to her when he had a fever or wanted her help. Usually, when the young man didn't come to find fault with her, she thanked God for that. How would she dare call him by his name?

Zhang Xiaohua smiled. He stretched out his hands and gently resting on Liu Yan's skinny shoulders. He said sincerely: "I wasn't kind before, and I always found you to create trouble for you. Please forgive me as I'm more mature now."

"Master, how dare I..."

Liu Yan was flattered and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Xiaohua: "Before I was born, you came to my house as a maid. And I know that, for more than 20 years, you haven't only served my parents, you have also been treating me as your own son. I remember when I was 10 years old, I had a high fever, and it just so happened that your daughter was also sick at the time. However, you chose to take care of me still. This, I will not forget for the rest of my life, and in spite of how much I have been for so many years, you have always accepted me, tolerated me, and had taken care of me every day. If I remember correctly, your daughter had not forgiven you yet?"

"Young master, you must not say so. No matter what I do for this family, it should be so. If the old lady and sir had not accepted us back then, we would be dead already. In order to repay the kindness of the husband and wife of this house, even if I had to work forever for this family, it is a matter of course!" Liu Yan said with sincerity, but it was also true.

Indeed, when Liu Yan was in the countryside, she had married and had a child, but her husband didn't do much besides drinking or went gambling every day. He lost all their family's money, and his temper was not good. He had often took Liu Yan as a punching bag and constantly hit and kicked her when he was frustrated.

Liu Yan finally couldn't stand it, so she had come to Tianjing City with her two-year-old daughter. Winter came and it became cold.Liu Yan was penniless, and she was unfamiliar with the city. She was desperate, so she could only take it, and with her daughter, sleeping on the street, they suffered from hunger and the cold.

Zhang Xiaohua's parents had taken good care of both mother and daughter. After that, the couple also arranged for Liu Yan to become a maid at their home.

Later, the couple also provided for Liu Yan's daughter's education. It could be said that the couple had never treated Liu Yan as a servant. In their hearts, Liu Yan was a family member.

Over the years, in order to repay the kindness of the couple, Liu Yan was also very conscientious, and she was very considerate and meticulous in serving the couple.

In particular, Zhang Xiaohuasince his birth, his body had not been very good. He had always been malnourished, and he could be violent at any time. Finally, under the love and care of Liu Yan, Zhang Xiaohua was able to grow up.

For this reason, Liu Yan often neglected her own daughter and made her daughter suffer many grievances. It was precisely because of this that her daughter had chosen to move out. Fortunately, her daughter's academic performance was so good that she could rely on scholarships to maintain herself. She was currently going to college abroad, but the mother and daughter had not been in contact for several years.

The previous Zhang Xiaohua was not really a thing. Not only did he not care about Liu Yan's painstaking efforts, but he also shouted and yelled at Liu Yan. However, when things were a bit unfair, sometimes he would ask Liu Yan to bring the food to the bedroom, and then let Liu Yan wait on him to eat with the young master.

What's even more excessive was that he came back after getting drunk in the middle of the night. Liu Yan would have to wake up and cook for him at unimaginable hours in the morning, all while she cleaned up after him after he had thrown up. Absolutely, he was a heartless ancestral pig!

Although there were no half-dollar relations between Zhang Xiaohua and those things in the past, to Liu Yan, there was no previous Zhang Xiaohua and to her, he was still the same as before.

"Liu Yan, please don't worry, I used to be very ignorant, but please, I have changed for the better." Zhang Xiaohua said, "Time is early. Now, let's go and eat."

"Young master, here is your meal. If these things don't suit your taste, you just have to tell me what you want to eat, and I will do it for you." Liu Yan was still flustered and at the same time, she felt that today's Zhang Xiaohua was not the same as before. Where was he not the same? She couldn't say anything at all as it just felt strange to her.

"I'm not a crippled person. I can walk and jump, so why do I have to eat in my bedroom?" Zhang Xiaohua took the tray and carried it all the way to the dining table in front of the living room. Then, he first served Liu Yan before sitting down to eat.

Zhang Xiaohua looked around but did not see his mother's figure, then he asked Liu Yan: "Liu Yan, where is mother?"

"Oh, my lady said she was feeling uncomfortable in her body, and she did not eat her breakfast," replied Liu Yan.

"Uncomfortable? I want to see her." Zhang Xiaohua was not relieved, he immediately stood up and walked straight to his mother's room.

As he just arrived at the stairwell, Zhang Xiaohua raised his head and happened to see his mother. His mother's body was obviously weak, and her face was bloodless and pale. Her lips were also dry and white, and her forehead was covered with intensive sweat. As she stood on the stairs, she held her hand tightly on her waist in pain, and she was trembling. It was as though a breeze could blow her down.

Suddenly seeing his mother looking liked this, Zhang Xiaohua was surprised and quickly went to support her. He carefully grabbed his mother's arm and asked with concern, "Mom, what's wrong with you? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Zhang Shaofang shook her head and her pale face could barely smile "Your mother is alright, I just got a cold last night. I'll go back and have some cold medicine later. I'll be fine."

As he listened to his mother's words, Zhang Xiaohua also calmed down and gently took her mother to the table and sat down.

"Madam, I'll grab some porridge for you."

Liu Yan was about to go to the kitchen, but she had heard Zhang Shaofang cry. "Liu Yan, do not work. You should first sit down as I have something I want to tell you."

After Liu Yan returned and sat down, Zhang Shaofang took out a bank card and placed it in front of Liu Yan.

"Madam, what are you doing?"

Zhang Shaofang reluctantly sighed and said, "Yeah, we are not outsiders. I won't beat around the bush. There is 100,000 yuan on this card. It's the savings I saved for the past few years. You should take it, and with this money, you should go back to the countryside. You have been waiting on us for most of your life, and it's time to go home and enjoy your own life and blessings."

Liu Yan heard it and her face immediately changed into a sad expression. "Madam, are you trying to push me away? Did I do something wrong?"

Zhang Shaofang shook her head and grasped Liu Yan's trembling hand tightly and she let out a small laugh, "You did nothing wrong, my dear. This is what our family owes you. You deserve it."

"Madam, if I go, what will you do?" Liu Yan took hold of Zhang Shaofang's hand. There was no need for rumors at this moment, and the strong feelings between the master and servant could be fully reflected.

"Xiaohua's father still owed a lot of debt on his deathbed. These debts couldn't be repaid!" Thinking of her husband who had just passed away, Zhang Shaofang's eyes began to moisten.

After she had wiped the tears from her eyes, Zhang Shaofang reluctantly looked at the house with tears and said, "Xiaohua's father is no longer here. This house is so big, and it's a waste for just me and Xiaohua to live here alone. Now, I want to sell this house."

"To sell the house?" Liu Yan asked, "This is the only house your grandfather left for you and your son. If you were to sell it, where would you live with the young master?"

"I'm still not that old. I can move my hands and feet. Instead of being idle at home, I'd rather go out and find a job. If it's not enough, then I could go and rent a house first. Anyway, we don't need anything too big. There should be no problem in maintaining our livelihood." She really could not bear to sell the house, but there was no way to do it. The money still had to be returned.

"Madam, I can't take this money." Liu Yan stuck the bank card back into Zhang Shaofang's hands, as she spoke decisively: "The lady wants to go out to find a job. Okay, I'll go out with the lady. Although I am a woman with no culture, I can still do the dirty work, and if my lady decided to rent a house, then I can do it too. Even if the house is too small, my lady and the young master can sleep in the house. I'll hit the ground outside, and I will never leave my lady until I die!"

"Liu Yan, why do you wish to suffer like this?" Zhang Shaofang had already shed many tears. The deep tears marked her pale face and added a bit of sadness.

At this time, Zhang Xiaohua was in no mood to move.

He did not expect this kind of painful drama that could only be seen on television. He could actually see it in reality!

This reminded Zhang Xiaohua of a movie called "Peach Sister" in which the feelings between the master and the servant could not be described with words. This Liu Yan was the true portrayal of "Peach Sister" in this world. She was conscientious and diligent, didn't care about payment and devoted her life to caring for her master.

Unable to help himself, Zhang Xiaohua extended his hands and wrapped the palms of their hands—which were tight and uncomfortably warm— in his palms. It was as if he had wrapped not two hands but a responsibility!

"Mom, you don't need to sell this house, you don't need to go out to find a new job either."

"Liu Yan, you don't have to leave. This will always be your home."

Zhang Xiaohua smiled brilliantly and confidently assured: "Give me a little time, and I will solve all the troubles at home."

The two looked at each other as their eyes revealed a few colors of suspicion. Zhang Shaofang shouted, "Stupid boy, what can you solve? Do you know how much your father owes? You don't need to think about it. Just don't sell ​​those shares that your dad had left for you. Xiaohua, that company is your father's lifelong effort. Although your father is gone, he very much hoped that the company would remain in the family. Do you understand? I won't forgive you if sell your shares!"

"Mom, don't worry, I won't sell those shares," he said, "I know, no matter what I say now, you wouldn't believe me. But I still ask you to give me some time. Well, I should go to the company. There are still many things left for me to do today."

As his mother didn't talk anymore, Zhang Xiaohua quickly stepped upstairs and took the contract book that he wrote overnight. He decided not to bathe and rushed straight to the company.

"Liu Yan, did you just hear this child say he was going to... a company?" Zhang Shaofang felt confused, not understanding what her son meant when he said he was going to the "company".

"Lady Zhang, the young master has already grown up. Since he said that he wanted a little more time, then you should wait and see. Young people, no matter what they do, must be tempered before they can grow up. Regardless of his age, I believe he hoped to get your trust and recognition." Liu Yan said with a smile full of comfort because she felt that Zhang Xiaohua had really grown up, become mature, and sensible.

As she listened to Liu Yan's comment, Zhang Shaofang was suddenly enlightened. In order to encourage her son, she temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​selling the house and finding another job. Although she did not expect too much of this son, she still wanted to witness his growth.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Zhang Shaofang suddenly collapsed on the floor.

Her pale face didn't even have a hint of blood. Her brows were wrinkled, and she clenched her teeth as if in a bid to stay alive!

"Madam, what's wrong?" Liu Yan was in a hurry, but she was not sure of what to do. She didn't dare touch her as she feared that she would further increase Zhang Shaofang's pain.

"I want to go to the hospital and get a check-up, you should come with me." Zhang Shaofang said in a weak and painful voice.

Liu Yan dared not neglect and hurriedly called a taxi to accompany Zhang Shaofang to the hospital…

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