Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Eating Western Food

Eating Western Food

1When she heard Zhang Xiaohua applaud, Ling Ming released a sigh of relief. Although she had performed music publicly before, since coming to HuaXiang it just felt different, there was more pressure, she felt as if she was separated from the world. Every minute and second she sang, her eyes were filled with nervousness.     3

Fortunately, Zhang Xiaohua gave her encouragement in the past few days, and also taught her a lot of things, so she overcame some of the difficulties in her heart, and she could barely pass it if she focused on just singing and zoned out of her surroundings.     

Zhang Xiaohua felt like he was leisurely floating on clouds, his face was full of the warm spring breeze. Damn, life was good.     

"Director Zhang, aren't you gonna treat us to a meal?" Emma smirked while teasing him.     

"Well, everyone has worked hard." Zhang Xiaohua immediately took up the attitude of big boss, and then looked around for a circle, seeing that all the tables were empty, and there were no guests.     

What's more, it was noon now, just perfect to catch up on a meal. This place was a ready-made restaurant, so he could simply eat here and reward everyone, while also bringing some business to the restaurant.     

"Manager Xu, tell the boss that we will have lunch here, one steak per person, plus a bowl of borscht." Talking to the staff, he generously said: "Everyone, don't be polite, order what you want."     

"Thank you, Director Zhang." Everyone said to Zhang Xiaohua in unison, Zhang Xiaohua was fully enjoying everyone calling him director. His face was full of an intoxicated expression.     

"Director, how was my performance?" Ling Ming asked meticulously.     

Zhang Xiaohua burst into praise: "Well, you performed well and have great potential."     

After fifteen minutes, everyone had a top-notch California steak in front of them. Except for Xu, everyone else had started digging in.     

Manger Xu just watched them with his eyebrows furrowed. It was no wonder, as a former executive of New Century, he often had to entertain big name clients.He frequently took them to both Chinese and Western places to eat, so he naturally knew how to eat Western food. The others, on the other hand, were mostly small people at the bottom of the society. For some, this was the first time they had entered a Western restaurant. They took up their tableware and dug in straight away.     

Zhang Xiaohua held the knife and fork in the wrong hands and was struggling. After what seemed like half a day of attempting to slice off a piece of the steak with all his strength, he only managed to cut small section off, his image as big director was instantly destroyed, directly burned to the ground, and never to be seen again...     

Turning his head and looking at the waiter, Zhang Xiaohua frowned slightly, and whispered softly: "Can I have a chopstick?"     

The waiter was first stunned, and then almost burst into laughter, saying: "Sorry, sir, we are a western restaurant, so there are no chopsticks."     

"..." Zhang Xiaohua was depressed and continued to work at his steak in frustration.     

On the side of him, Emma and Ling Ming all followed the same pattern, holding the knife and fork, forcefully attempting to cut the steak. Xu constantly listened to the sound of knives and forks hitting the plate as it was a strange thing in such a high-end western restaurant.     

Seeing this scene, Manager Xu smiled and decided that Zhang Xiaohua definitely needed some help, he clearly had never eaten Western food, so he reminded: "Xiao-Hua, you knife is..."     

Unexpectedly, when manager Xu just opened his mouth to speak, Zhang Xiaohua immediately slammed his hands in frustration, indicating that Manager Xu should not remind him.     

"F*** sake! What kind of crappy invention is this? It's just useless! It looks good on the surface, but how are you meant to still eat? This will take years," Zhang Xiaohua was infuriated, suddenly throwing away the knife and fork in his hands, he immediately grabbed the whole steak and stuffed it into his mouth. It didn't even take half a minute for the whole piece of steak to be swallowed by him. It looked like a very fragrant meal, he swallowed two pieces of bread and drank a bowl of borscht afterwards. And was finished.     

Manager Xu directly looked at him with his eyes, and the waiter on the side was also stunned.     

Seeing this, Emma and co also followed suit and directly grabbed their steaks. They were able to stuff them into their mouths. They turned this elegant western restaurant into a food stand. Eating beef with your hands!     

After the meal, Zhang Xiaohua asked Emma to bring a lunch to Yuan Datong, and then led the shooting team to his house.     

Half an hour later, when Zhang Xiaohua opened the door, he fixed his eyes and looked forward. All the furniture looked completely new and shiny, and the floor was glamorous and spotless. It was obvious that it had just undergone a thorough cleaning.     

Yuan Datong was wearing Liu Yan's apron, holding a feather duster in his right hand, a rag in his left hand, singing a little song with his mouth, and rubbing all kinds of accessories with great strength. His spirit was surprisingly strong. He seemed full of energy.     

Zhang Xiaohua has finally opened his eyes today. He was such a housewife. Such a family man. In the future, if a woman married him, it could be regarded as a blessing for eight generations.     

"Wow, boss, your house is beautiful!" Emma kept looking around, and Xiaohai was also shaking his head. This was the first time they came to Zhang Xiaohua's house. They didn't expect his home to be so luxurious.     

Zhang Xiaohua didn't care. In his conception, a house like this was only for the rich, but it still wasn't the most luxurious.     

A house with a large swimming pool, an independent cinema, a large gymnasium, a thousand acres of gardens, and a private golf course. This was truly a luxurious style. Of course, this was the goal that Zhang Xiaohua was fighting for in this life.     

Next, under the arrangement of Zhang Xiaohua, the shooting team completed three consecutive shots, one was Ling Ming sitting in the middle of the living room, and other was a scene of her sitting on her bed looking solemn.     

The third shot asked Ling Ming to stand in front of the window and gaze into the distance. On the two sides of the window, there were two ladders. Xiaohai and Haozi sprinkled water from the top of the ladders, making it look like it was raining outside. Matching completely with the warm tone of "raining outside, as if my heart is dripping", the lyrics combined with it perfectly.     

"Okay, yes, let's take a break, the last shot we will shoot at night." After that, Zhang Xiaohua ran upstairs to change clothes.     

Reaching the second floor in one breath, Zhang Xiaohua could not help but stand still in the hallway.     

"Mum and Liu Yan have been out for a week, how come I haven't even received a single call?" Zhang Xiaohua felt it was strange, it was reasonable to say that his mother should call to check up on him. She had been out for so long, but he actually didn't receive a call or a text. What happened?     

Zhang Xiaohua felt a dark premonition in his heart, quickly taking out his phone, he dialled his mother's phone, but the call went straight to voicemail.     

Zhang Xiaohua was more and more uneasy in his heart, and he hurriedly dialled Liu Yan's number. Soon, the voice of Liu Yan came over the receiver: "Young master, what's the matter?"     

Hearing Liu Yan's voice, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but breath a sigh of relief.     

To ease the tension, Zhang Xiaohua asked: "Liu Yan, how are you and my mother? Enjoying your trip? Where are you now?"     

"Oh, me and the lady are still in Hong Kong. The next stop is going to Macau, followed by Taiwan. Mam seems to be enjoying herself. It will take a little longer to get back than planned. Just now I walked around the street with my lady. She is tired and just went to sleep."     

Listening to Liu Yan, Zhang Xiaohua was relieved. He smiled and said: "Don't be afraid to spend money. If you like something, buy it for yourself. If you don't have enough money, call me. Okay?"     

"Thank you, Master, you must also take care!" Liu Yan replied with angst as if rushing to end the conversation     

"I know, please call me if you need anything. You should take care, goodbye!" After that, Zhang Xiaohua hung up the phone and went to his room in good mood.     

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