Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



3The next morning at 7:00 am...     

Everyone had already arrived at the company, even before the usual meeting time. All of them were in place, only waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to arrange their work, including Mr. Xu.     

Whenever there was a job, everyone was always especially motivated.     

This was the so-called driving force to success.     

Today's job was to record the music video for Ling Ming's song: "Can I Hold You?"     

However, Zhang Xiaohua was struggling. He could only think of a few shots of the original music video. All the other shots were forgotten.     

Apart from the main scene, it seemed that he would have to create new scenes to match the music video theme.     

Taking advantage of his spare time, Zhang Xiaohua took himself to the computer and first described the several shots he remembered from his memory. Then, he designed several sub-cameras according to the theme of the song. After filtering out his ideas, Zhang Xiaohua only retained ten scenes, they were to be shot in three venues and divided into day and night scenes.     

For a song that lasted less than five minutes, these ten scenes would be enough. Switching back and forth would be fine.     

In order to show off the luxuriousness of the music video, Zhang Xiaohua decided to record a scene at home in the villa and rented out a Western restaurant for the other. As for the last scene, it was a bit more complicated, they would have to use a water gun and a water pump to create a rainy scene. This was the essence of the entire music video and it complemented the lyrics.     

After drafting a rough plan, Zhang Xiaohua proceeded to give everyone their tasks, one at a time: "Emma, ​​take Ming'er to buy two sets of clothes, it must be a dress without a collar, buy one in black and one white. Don't be afraid to spend money, but don't be too mundane, it's good to let Ming'er wear something feminine."     

"Ah!" Emma's spirit was invigorated, she immediately pulled Ling Ming along. In an instant, they both had disappeared from everyone's sight.     

The others eagerly looked forward to their tasks, staring at Zhang Xiaohua with a expectant gazes. Even Xiaohai's eyes were full of pleading.     

Zhang Xiaohua temporarily ignored the existence of them and turned to Xu Fengnian: "Mr. Xu, do you know the boss of a restaurant? I want to rent a western restaurant. It's best if their walls are white. We will need it for like an hour or so."     

Xu Fengnian thought for a moment, then nodded his head and said: "I happen to know the boss of a western restaurant. The furnishings in the restaurant were almost the same as what you said. Rest assured, I'll personally make the trip, I will arrange it to meet the requirements you want." After that, he strode out heading straight to the restaurant.     

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the notepad in his hand and called out to Xiaohai: "Xiaohai, you need to go and buy two large kettles, the kind for watering flowers, and then go rent a generator, don't worry, you will be reimbursed by the company."     

"Ok, I'm off then." Xiaohai shuddered and joined the battlefield—the grocery market.     

"Haozi, Jimmy, Jack, you three go buy two water guns and water pipes, and then buy a high-pressure pump. The expenses will be accounted for by the company," Zhang Xiaohua seriously commanded.     

"Received!" The three people had a firm backboard with a tough task and they were out of the door.     

Seeing that everyone else had a job, Yuan Datong has anxious his heart. If he didn't find something to do quickly, he would feel itchy and extremely uncomfortable.     

"Xiao-Hua, they all have their tasks. What should I do?" Yuan Datong pointed his fingers at him and looked at Zhang Xiaohua with a pitiful look. He was eager to receive work.     

"Oh..." Xiao-Hua couldn't help but laugh, he planned to just laze about till everything was ready for filming.     

Bringing out two five jiao coins, he extended them to Yuan Datong: "Go to the grocery store up the road and buy two popsicles to eat. I'll treat you!"     

"F*** off!" Yuan Datong grunted in anger, brushing away his hand.     

"..." Zhang Xiaohua was depressed thinking about it. Apart from getting Yuan Datong to buy ice cream, there was really nothing he could think of for him to do.     

In desperation, Zhang Xiaohua could only take out his house key and hand it to Yuan Datong: "If you don't feel tired, go to the house and clean up a bit. My mother and Liu Yan aren't home. I haven't been home for several days. In the meantime, the villa has probably collected a lot of dust. Go back and clean it, we're gonna shoot a scene there later."     

Yuan Datong smiled, went out and stopped a taxi, quickly rushing towards Zhang Xiaohua's home.     

"Oh, I've never seen so many workaholics!" Zhang Xiaohua shook his head and sat back in the sofa, turned on the tv and began to relax.     


Two hours later, Zhou Yi drove the equipment over.     

At the request of Zhang Xiaohua, Zhou Yi brought in two film cameras and six high-energy spotlights. Of course, professional photographers and lighting specialists were indispensable, and a professional makeup artist was also brought in.     

Thanks to Wang Jingwen, currently the company's assets had reached 15 million, so this time Zhang Xiaohua decided to invest heavily, to create the top notch music video for Ling Ming.     

The most important thing currently was to film the music video for "Can I Hold You?" and continue to record songs for Ling Ming, and then continue to shot music videos for those songs. She was almost fully booked for this month and she had a lot of work to do.     

Ten o'clock in the morning, everyone who was sent out had already returned to the company one after another. They had all completed the tasks assigned by Zhang Xiaohua.     

Zhang Xiaohua was very satisfied, and he intended to record the first scene at the western restaurant. He then said to Ling Ming, "You should first change into your white dress."     

She nodded, and went upstairs to change. When she re-appeared in front of everyone, they could not help but stare. Her looks had a refreshing simplicity to it.     

Xu Fengnian suddenly realised that this was the natural beauty that Zhang Xiaohua wanted.     

At this moment, he had to say that this young girl was truly beautiful. Although the dress still couldn't hide her countryside flavor, it enhanced her honest and simple temperament.     

Having become accustomed to seeing city girls who plastered on heavy makeup, now seeing Ling Ming was like a fresh breeze. For those with a refined taste, this was a fairy from heaven!     

At this point, seeing how Ling Ming looked like, Xu Fengnian thought about that face painted with powder and dressed up in exposing clothes. Shaking his head involuntarily, his face gradually floated out a look of disappointment, deeply sighing in his heart: Truly a vulgar girl!     

Half an hour later, under the leadership of Xu Fengnian, they arrived at the western restaurant in the city centre.     

Zhang Xiaohua looked around the surroundings, well, it was exactly the scene he wanted. It was spacious and translucent with proper lighting. Seeing Xu Fengnian so deeply involved, the boss had promised to let them use the venue free of charge.     

The scene was very simple. Ling Ming would be sitting in front of a dining table in the middle of the restaurant. With a slightly sad expression and facing the camera, she then would sing the first two verses.     

After talking with the photographer and the lighting engineer, the photographer immediately set up the machine and the lighting technicians quickly prepared. When the high-energy spotlights were arranged around they instantly shone an ambient light around the room. The room was clear and shiny as if in a fantasy setting.     

Perhaps because the surrounding lights were too bright, at first glance, Ling Ming's body was almost surrounded by a layer of white light, as if a holy glow was wrapping around her. The scene looked impeccable!     

"Boss, are you sure you're not shooting a movie?" Emma spoke in awe of the shot, she was constantly looking around, completely attracted by the immediate environment, as if watching a big blockbuster.     

Zhang Xiaohua is also surprised to see the colour, this time the effect of this scene had exceeded his imagination, it was thanks to manager Xu, the lighting divisions and good old plain luck.Without them, how would they have found such a perfect angle to catch this effect?     

It was a pleasing mirage, they all praised Ling Ming in their hearts. Truly a perfect scene, uncomparable!     

After everything was ready, Zhang Xiaohua sat in front of the monitor, nodded to Emma and then said: "Start it."     

Emma went to the camera, pointed the film cards in her hand at the camera and shouted, "First take of Scene 1 in day time. Ready... and Action!"     

As Emma's voice fell, the cameras started to roll. Ling Ming was in her best state according to Zhang Xiaohua's request. Her expression was slightly sad as she looked forward. Zhang Xiaohua looked through the monitor and felt an urge to hug her!     

The process was very smooth...     

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