Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



1Three days later...      0

At 9 am on this day, the company operated as usual. Apart from Wang Jingwen, all the other members had arrived at the scene.     

Wang Jingwen hadn't appeared for the last three days, and no one had been able to contact her during the period. Therefore, everyone was quite sure that this was a real job change, but it had not caused any major impact on the company.     

Since Zhang Xiaohua was penniless, and his mother and Liu Yan weren't at home, he not only leached off Datong for food, but also lived in the company directly. He occupied the spare bed in Yuan Datong's room, leaving him at a loss.     

However, these days Zhang Xiaohua was not idle, but he had instead spent a lot of brain cells. He wrote nine songs for Ling Ming in one breath. They were called:     

Listening to the sea     




Three days and three nights     

Can't cry     

Feeling Heartbreak     

Stand by me     

Anything You want     

These nine songs plus "Can I Hold you?" made a total of ten titles, the first classic, undoubtedly surprised everybody, they couldn't adapt to Zhang Xiaohua's perverseness at creating music, it wasn't human!     

And, compared with Wang Jingwen's lyrical songs, Zhang Xiaohua's songs written for Ling Ming were more diversified. Not only were there some lyrical songs, but the most important ones were the rock-type.     

The lyrical songs created beautiful emotion steering experiences and could leave you shedding tears.     

While the rock-and-roll style was full of vitality and filled the listener with pure energy and enthusiasm.     

But no matter what type, it was refreshing. They believed that when these songs came out, a new craze for music would be born. Even Wang Jingwen wasn't necessarily comparable, Ling Ming could potentially surpass her, even replacing her.     

Now everyone finally understood why Zhang Xiaohua often didn't put Wang Jingwen in his eyes. It turned out that he could find individuals to replace Wang Jingwen in minutes.     

However, in the eyes of everyone, this Ling Ming was the best person to be selected by Zhang Xiaohua.     

At this time, everyone was gathered in one place and carrying out a company's conference, listening to Zhang Xiaohua's proposal: "We will do it the same way, first help Ling Ming create a song, and then put it on the Internet. When Ling Ming builds up a good reputation we can release an album. Zhou Yi called me just now and said that Sparrow's equipment has already been updated and that under the guidance of Manager Xu, the work efficiency of the employees has been significantly improved, which has greatly increased production. So we can play a little bigger this time and make Ming two albums at once. For a total of one million copies!"     

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaohua swept everyone and asked: "Do you have any opinions?"     

They all shook their heads without hesitation.     

"You are the boss, you decide." Yuan Datong spoke first, giving Zhang Xiaohua affirmation.     

"Yes, whatever the boss says, we do. We must let people know that even without Wang Jingwen, we still live on!" Emma said powerfully.     

"Please rest assured boss, I will work hard, won't let everyone down!" Ling Ming also followed to ensure that. These days, she got along well with everyone and under the guidance of Xiaohai, she learned a lot of things. She really benefited from it, and she was very grateful to everyone. So she was eager to make some achievements as soon as possible in order to repay them. Zhang Xiaohua's understanding, grace and everyone's careful teaching.     

Seeing everyone's high morale, Zhang Xiaohua felt gratified.     

Unexpectedly, at this moment, two black Mercedes-Benz suddenly stopped at the company's door, and then they dropped nine men out of the car. They all looked solemn. In a well-dressed suits, each person was carrying two large square briefcases. It wasn't difficult to see that the bald middle-aged man was the leader. The remaining eight people behind the middle-aged man seemed to be bodyguards.     

Looking at this battlefield arrangement, everyone knew that the other party wasn't a small player, and they were all conscious of thought, thinking that this was a business opportunity.     

The newcomer was a guest. Emma, ​​who was the company's receptionist, naturally wanted to show the most basic etiquette. She greeted him with a smile, and politely asked, "Hello, can I know what matter you have come for?"     

The middle-aged man headed his gaze first at Emma but did not speak. Then he swept over Zhang Xiaohua and co. A slight expression of disgust flashing across his face. His aura of affluence gradually turned to that of hostility: "I'm the legal adviser and representative of New Century Entertainment. You can call me Lawyer Wu, who is the person in charge here?"     

Hearing that everyone looked at Zhang Xiaohua and Zhang Xiaohua leaned back against the sofa. Facing the Lawyer Wu, his face also showed a look of disdain, saying absent-minded: "Am I that dangerous that you have to bring backup?"     

Lawyer Wu opened his bag, took out a document and looked at Zhang Xiaohua disdainfully, arrogantly saying: "This is a contract to cancel the agreement that our New Century Entertainment's representative Miss Wang Jingwen made to your company. Since you are the person in charge here, please take a look. If there is no problem, then sign it."     

Zhang Xiaohua felt like laughing. This guy was commanding him as if he didn't sign, he would die without a burial place.     

"Oh, wow and I thought this was a business trip. It turned out to be a that snake again." Emma was suddenly displeased but she still reluctantly took the agreement from him and handed it over to Zhang Xiaohua.     

Since he had anticipated that there would be such a day, Zhang Xiaohua did not feel surprised. After reading the agreement from beginning to end, he felt that there was no problem. He signed the agreement on behalf of the company and formally cancelled the agreement with Wang Jingwen.     

The relationship was officially over.     

However, this was a surprise to Wu.     

In order to force the other party to sign the agreement, he prepared for three days in full, and even thought of multiple ways of dealing with this company. Even the selection of a team of lawyers was well-established. A group of elites were ready to go to court.     

But Lawyer Wu never imagined that the other party would actually sign the agreement with such ease, it was way too smooth!     

Why was he giving up Wang Jingwen so easily? Currently she was a goldmine with her popularity, what kind of people could give her up so easily?     

Or was he finally becoming self-knowledgeable about his situation, knowing that he is not an adversary of New Century Entertainment, he decided that short-time pain was better than long-term pain, and decisively choose to compromise?     

Lawyer Wu thought about it and eventually felt the latter to be the most likely case.     

But anyway, since the other party had already signed the agreement, it meant that his task was completed.     

"Has the cancellation fee for the contract been brought?" Compared to Wang Jingwen's stay, at this moment Zhang Xiaohua was more concerned with the cancellation fees. He always felt he had no sense of security when there was no money, and it wasn't convenient to do things.     

"According to the agreement your company had with Ms. Wang Jingwen, if Miss Wang Jingwen unilaterally made the decision to leave you company, Miss Wang Jingwen must compensate your company for a 15 million yuan loss." When the man finished speaking, he signalled the men behind him, who immediately placed the suitcases in front of Zhang Xiaohua.     

"They hold 15 million in cash, you can check it out." After finishing, Lawyer Wu stepped back with the rest of his men and waited for the other party to check.     

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