Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Six Million RMB For A Meal

Six Million RMB For A Meal


A short time later, a dozen waitresses arrived at the booth with various drinks and fruit plates. They all smiled endlessly. Afterward, they did not leave but instead waited patiently for the dispatch of Zhang Xiaohua and the others.


After all, Zhang Xiaohua had already said that anyone who waited on him tonight would receive a reward of 100,000 yuan.

This was not a small number!

If this matter was spread out, it was estimated that all waiters in the hotel would probably scramble here to come and wait on them.

Yuan Datong counted a few times. At present, there were a total of 15 waiters here. That is to say, if Ling Feng really wanted to give them all a tipping fee of 100,000 yuan each, then Ling Feng would need to have at least 1.5 million!

However, everybody in Tianjing City knew that Ling Feng wasn't only rich, but also extremely fond of gaining face. If these waiters really were to ask him for their tips, he might give it to them.

To tell the truth, Yuan Datong originally had a slight disdain for Zhang Xiaohua. He was insulted and did not say anything. He even accepted the other party's charity.

Wasn't that disgraceful?

However, he now understood, Yuan Datong's contempt for him became admiration, seeing that this kid was trying to bankrupt this Ling Feng.

"You should hurry up and eat. Eat and drink, fill your stomach first but don't eat too much. There is a real meal waiting for us." Zhang Xiaohua still leans on the comfortable sofa.

Emma, ​​Xiaohai, Haozi, Jack, and Jimmy were no longer polite. Each person had a fruit plate in their hands and began to devour them.

Even Yuan Datong had a drink in one hand and a fruit plate in the other, desperately eating and drinking.

Hungry for a whole day, he really couldn't withstand the temptation of these foods!


Ten minutes later, Manager Wang slowly came into the booth.

Zhang Xiaohua and others were shocked to see him, Manager Wang flashed a scornful look in his eyes and then took a look at the virtues of Yuan Datong, who was eating like he had not eaten anything for 800 years. In Manager Wang's eyes, a look of disgust flashed for a few moments.

In the eyes of Manager Wang, Zhang Xiaohua and the rest were no different from the rats on the streets. If it weren't for Ling's favor, how could this group of rats enter the dining hall of such a high-class hotel?

However, they were now guests, not to mention Young Master Ling also made a speech, saying that all the costs of tonight were on his tab, coupled with Zhang Xiaohua calling the manager to come over; therefore, Manager Wang was also very helpless, and could only reluctantly come over entertain them.

"What are you doing here with so many people?" Manager Wang had a dark face when he just entered the door. At one glance, he swept the 15 waitresses a glance, thinking that they were only a group of embarrassing people. Did they need so many people to serve them?

"So it really is Manager Wang." Zhang Xiaohua lay on the couch and opened his mouth. His pair of thieving eyes looked through the skylight and stared at the stars. He showed naked contempt for Wang saying: "Go back and tell the young master Ling Feng to give each of these waitresses a reward of 100,000 yuan. Remember, it's Yuan, not Yen."

"What!?" Manager Wang was taken aback, a dumbfounded look appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but burst out into a foul language: "Kid, are you really retarded? There's more than a million yuan in tips?"

Zhang Xiaohua smiled a bit, sat up attentively, and picked up a piece of watermelon, bowed his head and asked, "Didn't Young Master Ling Feng say that he would pay for tonight?"

Manager Wang was tempted to deny, but he had no choice but to reluctantly nodded his head to show his acquiescence.

"I asked why aren't you speaking? Are you too dumb to speak?" teased Zhang Xiaohua, now that he could come in and eat here, it showed that he was a guest, so he deserved the respect of one. How could he allow a small lobby manager to disrespect him?

"Yes!" Under compulsion, Manager Wang responded with an angry voice. His face had turned into a deep red, and his heart was crying from anger.

"Now, I'm glad to treat these waitresses with tips. In any case, all I spend tonight will be covered by that young master. Ling Feng is not anxious. So what's your worry here? Really. Do you really treat yourself as his barking dog?"

"You… " Manager Wang was speechless. 

If he really continued to speak good words for Master Ling, wouldn't he really become a guard dog then?

The kid was right. Since the emperor wasn't in a hurry, why should the eunuch? Besides, it wasn't even his money!

Seeing Manager Wang being trained by Zhang Xiaohua like a dog, Yuan Datong and the rest relaxed.

"Well now, the main dish." Zhang Xiaohua threw the watermelon rind on the coffee table, and laid down again, waiting for a waiter to deliver the menu.

The waiters didn't dare neglect him, and one hurriedly offered a tablet computer to him. With a grinning face, he said, "Sir, we have all the dishes in our hotel on this web page. If you fancy any dish, you can just click on it. The kitchen is over there. It will be cooked for you straight away."

Zhang Xiaohua took over the tablet computer but did not order food. Instead, he said in a roaring manner, "Bring all of your best and most expensive dishes here until you fill the table. Plus, what's your best wine here?"

"Sir, the best wine in our hotel is the sherry, brewed by the Masendra Winery in 1775, worth 400,000 yuan. Now we have 11 bottles in our hotel inventory, and it is also the only 11 bottles in the world." The waiter answered while smiling. 'The order was so clean and neat, the other party was obviously from a big household and may come back often afterwards; as such, he could not be offended', thought the waiter.

"Well, this wine it is then. First, bring the 11 bottles. The remaining bottles which we do not drink tonight should still be billed anyway and keep it for me to drink later on my return." Zhang Xiaohua waved his hand afterwards, indicating that the waiter should do it.

At this time, Manager Wang had been completely blinded. His mouth could fit an egg in, and his face couldn't conceal his shock.

Not to mention the tips of the 15 waiters, or even the fact that these guys had ordered such expensive dishes, just the 11 bottles of sherry produced in 1775 had a total value of 4.4 million. The sherry was usually reluctantly opened by others, but this guy actually had 11 bottles at a time.

"If you want to call the Young Master Ling Feng to write a complaint, then go ahead. It's too late already." Zhang Xiaohua said while playing with his tablet, not bothering with Manager Wang. It seemed that he had seen through the manager's mind correctly, and he said in a carefree way, "If you can let me look at his expression, that would be great!"

Hearing that, Manager Wang was shaken.

How did this kid know that he had to report to Ling Feng?

Although this group wasn't spending his money, Manager Wang really did not want to see them feeling so proud. If Ling Feng knew this group was squandering his money so unscrupulously, Young Master Ling would certainly refuse to pay for it.

In addition, this was a good opportunity to flatter and get into his good books.

Thinking up to here, Manager Wang grabbed his cell phone and dialed Ling Feng's phone.

In order to make Zhang Xiaohua embarrassed, he pressed the hands-free speaker. After a moment, he said to Ling Feng in front of Zhang Xiaohua: "Master Ling, I really need to talk to you. Do you know what these people are ordering with your money!?"

On the other side of the phone, in a fast-moving Bugatti Veyron sports car, Ling Feng drove while holding a mobile phone. "It's just a group of trash who haven't seen money before. Can they even order something good?"

"These people have not only promised to give 15 waiters a tipping fee of 100,000 yuan per person but also ordered our hotel's most expensive dishes, a whole table at that. In addition, they also had 11 bottles of 1775 Sherry delivered. I estimate overall that you will need at least 6 million to pay for the meal!"


A scream was heard immediately in the handset, followed by the shrill sound of brakes.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaohua suddenly raised his voice and deliberately said: "If Ling Feng doesn't have so much money to help us check out, it doesn't matter. I knew I was right when I said those words he said earlier were farts. I'm just afraid that the reputation of the young master will be ruined. People will spread it around about how they heard someone accepted the charity of Ling Feng from the Jinsheng Group, but he actually couldn't afford to pay for the meal."

On the other side of the phone, Zhang Xiaohua's remarks were naturally passed into Ling Feng's ear.

In fact, from the moment when Ling Feng was first seen, Zhang Xiaohua knew what kind of person he was. This young master Ling was a deaf brother who would carry any cost in order to save face. He could not stand the ridicule and excitement of others.

Not to mention that the meal was worth 6 million, even if it was 60 million, as long as it could save his face, he believed this Ling Feng would clench his teeth and support his words till the end.

Unlike Ling Feng, who was a non-professional young master, Zhang Xiaohua had more knowledge. He did not dare to say that he knew people like Ling Feng by heart, but he had enough confidence to play with them.

Sure enough, only the voice of Ling Feng was heard again from the ear of Manager Wang: "This young master is no pauper. It's only 6 million, this young master can afford it. You tell that group of trash that I will pay. I'm only afraid they will overeat themselves to death!"



Then, Ling Feng's voice disappeared. He cut the line...

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