Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant

Blinded By Love

Blinded By Love

2The next day, New Century Entertainment announced the news of Wang Jingwen dismissal, but it did not cause much sensation.     

In fact, the public didn't pay too much attention to this kind of commercial thing. Moreover, Wang Jingwen was featured too much in the news recently, so the people had already developed immunity against her. Therefore, the news about Wang Jingwen had become commonplace for a long time already.     


HuaXiang Entertainment:     

At this time, Yuan Datong was sitting on the sofa, staring at Zhang Xiaohua who was sitting behind the desk. He was waiting for Zhang Xiaohua to make a major decision.     

Zhang Xiaohua felt saddened somewhat to see Wang Jingwen go, but he was a little grateful to Wang Jingwen because if it weren't for her, New Century Entertainment wouldn't have lost so much money.     

As one of the shareholders of New Century Entertainment, Zhang Xiaohua had naturally been affected by the fall in stock price. His dividends had fallen to 200,000 yuan.     

Since Wang Jingwen had fallen from the number one spot, then Ling Ming would have the chance to enter the limelight.     

The first step was to help Ling Ming gain traction.     

It's just that Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help Ling Ming gain overwhelming publicity like New Century had done with Wang Jingwen, so he could only use the internet to create the same effect.     

Taking out a USB flash drive and connecting it to the computer, Zhang Xiaohua uploaded the complete music video for 'I Can Hold You?' to the music section of QuoDuo.     

After clicking 'upload', the video quickly entered the review stage.     

Then, he looked at Yuan Datong and co. "You have been working hard recently. You guys should take two days off, go home and rest."     

"What about you?" Emma held her chin in her hands and looked at Zhang Xiaohua sullenly.     

"I'll still stay here." Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile. In fact, he also wanted to go home to rest but without his mother and Liu Yan there, the place just felt so empty and lonely. In his former life, he became fed up with the feeling of loneliness and sadness. So in this life, he really didn't want to stay alone at home or he would only feel empty and abandoned.     

At least here there was Yuan Datong to accompany him.     

In a short while, Emma and the others left, leaving only Zhang Xiaohua and Yuan Datong.     

Looking at Zhang Xiaohua's eyes full of evil, Yuan Datong's subconsciously slid away from him. Meanwhile, his eyes were full of vigilance as he stared at Zhang Xiaohua, for fear that Zhang Xiaohua would plot against him.     

Zhang Xiaohua licked his dry lips.     

Yuan Datong, scrutinised Zhang Xiaohua's face. After all this time together, he was still confused on how Zhang Xiaohua had changed so much. He still remembered when Xiao-Hua told him about how he was the one who cancelled the marriage contract with Cao Feifei. So far, all the new changes had been great, except for the kid's love for playing tricks on him.     

Now thinking about it, since Cao Feifei, he hadn't seen Zhang Xiaohua chat to any new girls or go out of his way to look for a new girlfriend. Moreover, remembering that even when Wang Jingwen hinted that she would offer him a few 'favours', this kid was actually so indifferent to Wang Jingwen.     

As these thoughts started to float and link up randomly in Yuan Datong's mind he began to doubt Xiao-Hua's sexual orientation!     

"How come you haven't started looking for a girlfriend?" Yuan Datong asked with seriousness.     

Zhang Xiaohua felt that itch again, the urge to mess with Yuan Datong.     

"Why would I want a girlfriend? Love is not just patent for men and women. Sometimes men and men can also explore this topic in depth." Zhang Xiaohua put his hands on his chest and gently licked his lips at Yuan Datong.     

"....." Yuan Datong was stunned by Zhang Xiaohua reply, absolutely speechless, he clenched his ass and looked towards the exit. Turning back to face Xiao-Hua, he quickly advised: "Xiao-Hua, the world is massive, there are plenty of fish out there! Even if you can't have Cao Feifei, there are still many good girls in the world. Like me, you see how good my relationship with Mary is? You just think about it, and eventually face yourself and decide your sexual orientation!"     

"F*** off with your sh**ty relationship advice, why do you always have to mention Cao Feifei?" Zhang Xiaohua immediately rebuked.     

He had seemly conditioned his reflex to the name "Cao Feifei". Every time he heard the name, Zhang Xiaohua would have a most primitive animal desire, to knock the hell out of that b****!     

But he had to admit the girl was still smoking hot...     

However, compared to Cao Feifei, the name Mary caught Zhang Xiaohua interest. He asked seriously: "Right, I remember last time Mary borrowed 500,000 from you, saying that she needed it for business in the United States. She promised to double the money right? So how is it now, have you got your money back?"     

Yuan Datong smiled at the mention of his sweetheart: "She said the business is successful, but the organisers she worked with for one of the jobs hasn't settled the bill with her yet and to wait a while. Anyway, I am not short of money, plus she is my girlfriend, so it doesn't matter much."     

"I see how it is, so when we ask you to pay for a meal, you twist and squirm like a little girl. But when some girl asks for 500,000 yuan at once, you don't even blink and send it over!"     

Zhang Xiaohua said with a smile, another serious reminder: "You are too emotionally invested in this but I as bystander am very aware of the situation. You just reminded me there are plenty of fish in the sea. If this sentence was used on you, you definitely wouldn't accept it. But as your friend, I must remind you. Some women, it's better to guard against. Especially when you separate by an ocean and thousands of miles, you can't see the other person's heart. Don't just believe everything she says, okay? Otherwise you might end up losing everything, just show some caution."     

Yuan Datong was just sat there smirking without a care. Zhang Xiaohua's words just entered through right ear and left through the other.     

Yuan Datong knew that Zhang Xiaohua was reminding him in good faith, but in Yuan Datong's view, Zhang Xiaohua was still affected by Cao Feifei, so he reflected her actions on to other women, thinking that all women in the world were the same. Not worth trusting.     

Seeing Yuan Datong look at him with sympathy and pity, Zhang Xiaohua sighed.     

It seemed that this kid was still stuck in his own world of fantasies, unless he recognized the reality himself, it would be useless to say anything further.     

Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but raise a middle finger at Yuan Datong. After that, he was too lazy to bother with him. His eyes locked on to the computer screen and he started playing a small game.     

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