Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant



3Zhang Xiaohua's words weren't generous, but they succeeded in inspiring the villagers.      2

In particular, the last few words made them feel hope. At this moment, in the eyes of everyone in the scene, Zhang Xiaohua was the "leader" who could lead them to make a fortune.     

After a brief silence, the villagers again burst into loud applause and it did not stop for a long time.     

Zhang Xiaohua was the hero who brought them all the together. For a beautiful goal, they were willing to work harder!     

"We should talk about the acquisition as soon as possible." Xu Fengnian reminded them, edging in on the scene.     

Zhou Yi nodded and then loudly said to the villagers: "Okay everyone, I have things I need to discuss with Boss Zhang. In the future, Boss Zhang will be coming to visit more often. There will be plenty of opportunities for everyone to meet. Now, everyone scatter. Let's go."     

The villagers waved goodbye to Zhang Xiaohua, before reluctantly dispersing. The small village was gradually restored to its original tranquillity.     

"Boss Zhang, Manager Xu, please come with me." Zhou Yi led them into his office.     

Inside was a room full of people.     

Zhou Yi gave a brief introduction to Zhang Xiaohua. Those inside were the heads of the business department, the heads of the film crew, the heads of the post-production department, and the heads of the marketing department. These people were also Zhou Yi's university classmates and of course this company's fellow shareholders.     

Zhou Yi had already explained the situation to them and got a consensus. Everyone was willing to hand the company over to Zhang Xiaohua. After all, Zhang Xiaohua's ability was known to everyone. There was no reason for rejection.     

Zhang Xiaohua had also promised Zhou Yi before, that after his acquisition, these people would continue to work here, and their respective positions would remain unchanged. The only change would be in the remuneration system: instead of dividends, they would receive a fixed salary for their work.     

Xu Fengnian took out the acquisition contract from the briefcase and let everyone have a look.     

Everyone looked at it seriously and found that the articles were clearly written and there were no hidden small prints. It seemed reasonable, so no objections were raised.     

After reaching a consensus, Zhou Yi took the lead in signing his name on the contract, and then the others took up the pen.     

The company was officially sold to Zhang Xiaohua. From now on, they were employees of HuaXiang Entertainment.     

Zhang Xiaohua bought the record company in all aspects, including intellectual property rights, for only 12 million yuan.     

In order to promote the entertainment culture the government was extremely supportive of young people getting involved in the entertainment market.     

Especially for college students who wanted to get involved in the entertainment market after graduation, the government opened up a loan program for various entertainment projects. Zhou Yi and the group of students present at the scene originally borrowed money from the bank for this purpose and then opened up Sparrow, but the results were unexpectedly poor.     

It was not until the cooperation with HuaXiang Entertainment that the situation had improved, but they still hadn't managed to pay off all of the bank loan.     

Now that they had sold the company to Zhang Xiaohua, Zhang Xiaohua naturally had to help cover these debts but for today's Zhang Xiaohua, such a small loan wasn't worth mentioning.     

From now on, they didn't have to worry about this issue, they would be receiving a salary every month, plus commissions and bonuses, so in their view, they would have less stress and more benefits.     

After signing the contract, Zhang Xiaohua, as the boss, announced that Sparrow Records would officially change its name to HuaXiang Records and made some work arrangements.     

Zhou Yi was appointed as the director of the factory, in charge of all the work here, the other positions remained unchanged, only the Marketing Department and Business Department were divided between Xu Fengnian's men. A total of 15 people, led by Xu Fengnian, would be responsible for the business side of the operations and training the others.     

Nowadays, HuaXiang's sales network had been greatly expanded. There were more than 300 sales points across the country, so the record production capability had to be increased again. Therefore, Zhang Xiaohua decided to spend 50 million yuan to expand the factory and update various equipments once again.     

In particular, the warehouse had to be rebuilt. There was to much risk of a collapse for his liking.     

Finally, Zhang Xiaohua decided to recruit another 1,000 employees. Otherwise, even if there was new equipment, they still wouldn't be able to reach the production volume needed.     

"Zhou Yi, this matter will be handed over to you. There are quite a few villages nearby, just recruit people from those villages then get your people to train them, try get them adapted to work as soon as possible. Is there any problem?"     

"Please rest assured Boss, I will get it done as soon as possible!"     

Zhang Xiaohua nodded with satisfaction, and then reminded: "The stuff I requested from you needs to be completed as soon as possible. At the very least, before October 1, all the equipment should be in place."     

Zhou Yi's slumped slightly in this moment, his momentum just disappeared.     

He needed to recruit staff and train them, while also being responsible for the preparation of the concert equipment and stage construction.     

Zhang Xiaohua also understood Zhou Yi's difficulties, but there was no other way. At present, they had a shortage of human resources. For the time being, he could only shift the workload on to Zhou Yi.     

Stretched his hand and patted Zhou Yi's shoulder. Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: "You've been working hard recently. If you feel that the burden is too much, then don't hire any staff for the time being, first concentrate on getting the equipment for the concert ready. If you are short of money, tell me."     

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaohua also seriously assured: "I will set up a Human Resources department as soon as possible to recruit more talents and help ease your workload. But for now, just try your best."     

"Okay, I will get it done as soon as possible."     

"Good!" Zhang Xiaohua nodded with relief. He always believed in Zhou Yi's ability to do things. As long as he said yes, there was no problem. In this way, he could concentrate on other things.     

"Manager Xu, I gave you a task before we came, how is it going?" Zhang Xiaohua turned his attention to Xu Fengnian and asked.     

"I have already chosen a place. When we go back, I can take you to see it." Xu Fengnian replied.     

Now, Xu Fengnian was also busy. Recently, he wasn't only busy cultivating the people under his command, but also communicating with advertising companies about Ling Ming's concert.     

Yesterday he just came back from a business trip, but before he could even catch some rest, he had to help Zhang Xiaohua look for a office building.     

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the time. Since arrangements were already made, he announced his departure.     

Under the escort of the senior executives, Zhang Xiaohua and Xu Fengnian walked to the door. Reaching the door, they found a signboard being put up. The original signboard of Sparrow Records had disappeared, being instead replaced by another one: the signboard of HuaXiang Records. The brand new plaque glittered under the sunlight, making the large font stand out more.     

Zhang Xiaohua and Xu Fengnian exchanged glances, their hearts could not help but stir up their blood. Because this meant that the scale of the company had expanded, and that their recent hard work had not been in vain!     

Looking around at the big truck full of all kinds of food, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but feel moved... but they didn't really lack food and drink. It felt wrong to accept their gifts, especially when the villagers weren't exactly well off.     

"It won't be easy to return these things to the villagers but I feel that it is necessary. The villagers owe me nothing."     

"Boss, this is their wish, it's the only way they have for showing their gratitude"     

"Fine, but please stop them in the future. I know your workload is intense, but just try your best and the company won't treat you badly. Well, that's all I got to say, see ya." Zhang Xiaohua said.     

He got into the car full of food while Xu Fengnian hopped onto the truck they were lent. Under the eyes of everyone, they drove off toward the city.     

On the way, watching Zhang Xiaohua disappear into the distance Xu Fengnian felt very gratified. He couldn't believe the change that had occurred these past few months.     

HuaXiang's dark horse entrance into the music scene. A bunch of young enthusiastic kids in a run down studio creating superstars, songs and taking the country by storm.     

Truly a bunch of young heroes!     

"Old Zhang, you truly have a good son!" Xu Fengnian sighed in his heart, and felt his body full of vitality, as if he had returned to his youth, he only wanted to ignore everything and rush into his work. All of this came from the young man in front of him. A man destined to become a business tycoon...     


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