Omega Summoner

Corrupted Winds

Corrupted Winds

3"God Slaying Slash!" Nightshade activated the ultimate ability bestowed to him when he changed class.     


Skill Name: God Slaying Slash     

Tier: Legendary (Upgradeable)     

Type: Active Enhancement     


-Deal 10,000% of your physical damage to a single opponent. (This increases to 15, 000% when the target is affected by Marked for Death)     

-You will be covered in your own bloodlust that will increase your defenses by 50%     

-Number of enemies with Divinity killed (0/100) to upgrade the skill tier     

-This skill will be upgraded whenever you kill or participated in killing targets with Divine energy.     

Mana Cost: None     

Cooldown: 7 days     

Cast Time: 5 seconds     


Nightshade felt everything around him become slower and he could clearly see Artica coming towards him. He is not familiar with this sensation because he felt he could do anything. He felt that he could even kill a god at this rate, but he felt something incredible when looking at Artica.     

It seems that the energy of a dark god present in Artica is resonating with the god slaying weapon. Nightshade could feel that his weapon is thirsting for Artica's blood. He could feel that his weapon's ego will awaken if he kills Artica which meant that it would become stronger than before.     

"Shadow Assassin." Nightshade muttered as he activated another skill that he learned when he chose the assassin job class.     

He got covered in shadows and transformed into one as he charged towards Artica. Artica suddenly got bewildered as her opponent suddenly vanished, but the bloodlust targeted at her did not vanish. The next thing that she noticed is her body being cut into two by an ancient scythe overflowing with power.     

Artica regained her consciousness after getting cut by the weapon but can only be filled with regret. She did not think that the god slaying weapon that she ignored is the one that caused her demise. She regretted the fact that she even helped the pathetic adventurer to get it. She basically served her own head towards him and that made her feel indignant.     

Artica is then seen having her body cleaved in half cleanly as she just dropped dead. The players, who were not able to see what happened clearly, shuddered upon seeing what happened to the boss that they are fighting. They did not expect that one person could kill her with one attack. In fact, even nightshade did not expect that happening, but he triggered the hidden effect of each god slaying weapon.     

[You are targeting an enemy with divine energy. You will deal twice the damage.]     

Nightshade basically did 30,000% of his total physical damage to his opponent. Coupled with his defense penetrating passive skills, he more or less dealt 40,000% of his physical damage to Artica. She definitely did deliver her head to Nightshade on a platter as he is more compatible to the Slayer job class than one would think.     

[You have killed Artica.]     

[You have gained experience points.]     

The crowd cheered upon seeing Artica's dead body on the ground, but Adrian and Levin Cloud is not celebrating just yet. If a boss monster is usually dead, their body would have transformed into particles of light unless their body itself is the dropped items. The two then noticed that Artica's soul looked different as it just hovered on top of her dead body.     

Artica' soul is then skewered by ghostly looking pincers as her soul screamed in pain. Her soul is then eaten by something unknown, and her dead body started to twitch. The people celebrating quieted down as they could feel something different in the atmosphere.     

Artica's body that is cleaved in half suddenly exploded into unknown masses of flesh while a sphere made of wind floated above her messy dead body. The sphere made of wind is none other than the Breath of the Wilde, but it still had traces of corrupted energy.     

The corrupted Breath of the Wilde then erupted with dark wind blades and strong gales that pushed everyone back. It also damaged them, but they hurriedly used their remaining skills that increased their regeneration and defense. The damage is not great, but the knockback effect is terrifying as they are sent twenty meters away.     

Once everyone recovered from being knocked back, they noticed the twitching dead body of Artica. An otherworldly insect that has the appearance of a dragonfly suddenly erupted from the pool of mass. The expression of every player and even the audience that is still watching the scene is noteworthy. It is something that can only be seen in a horror movie in the gore genre.     

The dragonfly looking monster then gripped the corrupted Breath of the Wilde with all six of its legs as if it is part of its body. The dragonfly looking monster is none other than a remnant consciousness of a dark god that was trapped in the stone that Artica used.     

It seemed to want to try and absorb the Breath of the Wilde, but its body could be seen deteriorating. It then flew away to a different direction as it wants to escape. The body it currently has is limited and it needs to absorb the Breath of the Wilde completely to revive.     

"It is trying to escape!" One of the players shouted but Adrian waited for this moment.     

"Time Stop!" Adrian stated as he snapped his fingers.     

Time froze as Adrian activated his most taxing skill and he is glad that he did not use it earlier when they needed to enter the area. Adrian then commanded Sirius to perform Nether Rush as his Abyss Fenrir broke free from the bonds of time and space to attack the strange bug creature.     

It seems that the strange bug creature is sturdier than he thought as Sirius did not deal as much damage to it than he initially thought. Thankfully, its body is already deteriorating so he only needed to push it to the extremes.     

"Kanlaon, use your dragon breath." Adrian commanded as he tapped the frozen Kanlaon so that he can move again.     

Kanlaon received the command and all his dragon balls suddenly floated in front of his mouth while rotating in a fast speed.     

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