Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Vs the Clan leader II

Vs the Clan leader II

4*BAM*      0


Sam was smashed on to the ground so hard, that he bounced back and fell again. There are huge cracks spread out like spider web on the charred ground.     

The clan leader looked at Sam with intense killing intent as he felt the poison seeping into his body.     

Even though the Shadow energy and the Light energy are causing same level of pain, the pain itself felt different. He knew the pain of elemental corrosion and since the Divine energy of it is not that much, his own Divine energy could counter it bit.     

The process might be painful, but he can anticipate what kind of pain it is.     

But the situation with this poison is different. The poison is attacking each muscle fibre and it is being fueled by the Divine Energy.     

He wanted to kill Sam right there and then and he raised his leg to stomp on him.     

Sam disappeared from the spot and reappeared a bit far away.     

But he didn't even stand up, he still laid down on the ground as he coughed out some blood. He felt as if all of his internal organs were shaken and when he looked at the clan leader glaring at him with that animosity, he blinked once again from his spot and disappeared.     

The clan leader felt the spatial fluctuations around him and turned around to grab Sam with his spiritual energy rope and he indeed caught him and dragged with to hit him with a strong kick. But he frowned as soon as he made contact.     

The thing that he caught is not Sam, rather one of his shadow undead and he also saw the shadow having a formation disc strapped to it.     

The clan leader felt spatial fluctuations a few meters away from him.     

Sam reappeared there.     

He is still injured and he looked shaken, but his eyes were unwavering. He took out a metal coin and tossed it into the air before shooting it with his gun.     


The clan leader felt the explosion of intense fire elemental energy happens right under his foot. The invasive and corrosive fire elemental energy invaded his foot like crazy and he felt the trace of Divine elemental energy.     

It didn't injure him critically though. As soon as the explosion hit, he immediately turned around and moved in a certain direction. He used the spiritual rope and once again caught another shadow undead that appeared out of nowhere.     

But unlike before he is cautious enough to notice that it is a shadow undead and didn't just blindly attack it.     

He even carefully took a look to see if there are any formation discs strapped to it.     

At this moment, he sensed two more fluctuations of space around him. He pinned the shadow undead under his foot before he used the spiritual energy rope once again to launch another attack.     

He caught both figures that came out of the two spatial cracks and this time, one of them is indeed Sam.     

He decisively let got off the shadow undead, not even taking the time to deal with them and punched Sam in the face once again.     

Everyone could even see the Divine energy manifested in the punch. Sam used both of his arms and another minuscule amount of Divine energy to try to roll the punch of over his arms upon impact.     

Sam was once again sent flying, his arms are broken and he rolled on the ground as he crashed like a crater once again. He used the shadow element to disappear instantly as he dodged another rope.     

At this exact moment, the two shadow undead, the one under the clan leader's foot and the one behind the clan leader made a move.     

The undead under the foot just enveloped itself around him as if it is trying to seep into his flesh.     

The explosive divine power circulated through his leg and the shadow undead scattered into thin air.     

Meanwhile, the shadow undead coming from the rear was hit by his punch and was destroyed just like the first one.     

Sam disappeared once again. He is nowhere to be seen.     

The clan leader crazily spread his divine senses but he wasn't able to pick up Sam's location.     

He is frustrated and it's itching to kill Sam right now. As for focusing on his wound, he knew for a fact that Sam would come out of nowhere if he focuses on his wound right now. And he didn't want to take Sam lightly at this point.     

As a Divine Plane cultivator, he should have been able to kill Sam with just his first attack.     

But Sam just proved that he could take some real beating.     

"How did he survive until now?"     

Kumar muttered under his breath. He is really surprised by this fight.     

But his shock is lackluster compared to what the elders of the clan are feeling right now.     

The players didn't actually come into contact with many Divine Plane cultivators. In fact, this is the first mission where they actively came and interacted with such existences.     

But these elders and the rest have been here their whole lives. They revered the existence in Divine Plane and the different should definitely not be as small as the one between the clan leader and Sam.     

If it is a normal situation, a reasonable situation would be Sam dying after the first punch, but he is really taking a beating, but he is still coming back.     

While the rest of them are spectating, Sam suddenly appeared far away and he stood on the harbinger. He held his chest where a few bones are broken and looked at the clan leader who already spotted him.     

"The difference is way too big. I guess I should just go with the final move."     

He muttered under his breath and his body started glowing with golden light once again.     

The clan leader leaped through the air and levitated as he flew towards Sam.     

Sam turned around and used the light elemental energy to fuel the Harbinger and dodged.     

For the next minute or so, Sam tried to maneuver himself to dodge and escape Clan leader's chase, but the clan leader is slowly gaining speed and timing from Sam.     

The cultivators around were unable to capture the scene with their eyes. They are having a hard time following the fight.     

But Sam kept the fight to a very closed space and soon the Clan leader finally managed to get a hold of him.     

He used the spiritual rope technique when Sam made a hard turn. The rope caught hold of his body and the harbinger slipped away from under his feet.     

Sam used the light elemental body to his advantage and tried to escape from the grasp, so the clan leader had to bring in his second arm to trap him a bit more tightly and pulled him.     

His fists emanate a lot of divine energy. This time, he is not holding back. All this while whenever he threw an attack, he assumed it would be enough to kill Sam. After all, Sam is only an Astral Plane cultivator.     

But right now, the situation is a bit different than he expected. So, he decided to go all out.     

He is now fighting Sam as if he is fighting a Divine Plane cultivator as well.     

Sam could sense the Divine energy in the fist and he is not ready to take it head on.     

The golden lighting on his body turned into golden flames as he took a very very very large breath.     

Bloodline art of Golden Sun Crow mixed with a portion of Divine energy Sam has conjured until now, he breathed the golden flames from the maximum capacity of his lungs as the arm that is coming at him.     

That's right, he didn't focus on the whole body of the clan leader, instead, he focused and compressed the attack only aiming at the coming fist.     

The force of the attack, burned the spiritual energy rope and the clan leader was shocked out of his wits.     

He sensed a threat from the flames and tried to block it with his punch.     


The explosive impact sent Sam away as he crashed into the ground once again, but this time he stood up hurriedly and took off on the harbinger once again. The clan leader meanwhile, felt the scorching heat enter the arm trying to wreak havoc in every part of it.     

He looked like a kid caught on fire when playing with matches as he took a step back he suddenly sensed something else.     

The Harbinger that was moving alone before is zooming at him with maximum speed and when it reached his vicinity, it dropped all the poisonous gases it held in a single push.     

sam didn't feel the need to use the poison scarcely, he used all of it right then and there and got ready for to next attack.     

His body glowed with golden light as he ran towards the clan leader while shooting the light beams and at this moment, from far away, the harbinger started shooting small formation discs in the path of these light beams.     

The amplifying formations and the light beams met with the amplified light beams making their way toward the Clan leader.     

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