Re-Birth of a Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Angry Parents

Angry Parents

3Gail said as he shook his hands slightly.      0

Two knuckle dusters appeared on those fists. When the six of them are about to brace themselves for the attack that was coming, Gail used his arms to do a cross arm block. He even went as far as creating a barrier in front of him.     

They were surprised and confused at the same time, but the next second they sensed something and looked in one particular direction.     

Yuvana and Gamin are in the sky as they swung their blades.     


The blade keening sounded like someone's soul is being dragged out of their body. The six of them felt like their live has come to an end at that very moment and even forgot to block themselves for a moment.     

The blade rays made their way towards them and they all blocked the attacks.     

They understood why Gail blocked instead of making a move. Followed by the blade rays, Gamin and Yuvana jumped forward into the encirclement and stood there waiting for the dust to settle.     

"Brother, you go back to the wall and stand guard there. We will handle this."     

Gamin said in a cold tone. He looked at the guy who threw those crimson flames at Grivon. His eyes spewed killing intent. But that is not even the most fearful thing that they are experiencing at the moment.     

Yuvana looked at all three of them like they are her prey. She looked like a wild predator with utmost strength and ruthless hunger.     

"How dare you? How fucking dare you attack my son? You even dared to bring Blood tokens and attack him with that?     

I will kill you all. I will fucking kill you all right here and then make a visit to the Divine league. I will exterminate everyone of your kin. Anyone who has any kind of relationship with you will die. "     

She muttered in a very low tone as she swung her blade at the opponent.     

Gail sighed as he looked at them. He knew that both of them are extremely angry. There is no way, they would be able to control themselves anymore.     

He looked at the six and shook his head, before leaping into the sky.     

The group didn't want to let him go though, but this time Gamin and Yuvana's presence hindered four of them while Gail punched two of them in the faces as they moved towards him.     



The punches threw them into the ground and created large craters on the ground. They felt like their souls are knocked out of their bodies and pulled back into them again and they felt all of that in one second.     

Gail stepped in the air as he ran towards the war. The burn mark on his back is healing slowly.     

While he is making his way to the wall, Sivan is shaking in his boots. He doesn't know what to do at the moment. He doesn't know if the Grand elders would be able to do anything to Gail who is going back.     

But when he looked at them, he can understand that they would rather not make a move.     

Apart from that, he is at least relieved that Yuvana and Gamin didn't just go for a random rampage over the soldiers in anger. They directed it to the Divine league members so, he quickly thought of next steps to go along with the battle.     

He noticed the positions on the city wall.     

With both Gamin and Yuvana leaving their position, there is a definite spot with no guards whatsoever. So, there is a chance for them to attack     

As long as a side of the wall was completely destroyed, Sivan can find a way to attack within the city and cause some massive chaos.     

He was thinking of various scenarios, when he suddenly got a call from some of the Divine league members that are yet t make a move.     

"This is the chance, make half of your grand elders to join the battle with Avlyn and the rest. Tell them to assist with ranged attacks."     

"My grand elders?"     

"Yes. We need to attract attention from at least another peak stage cultivator. Gail is about to stand guard on the wall, but we cannot let him have that. We already missed one shot at him. Before he recovers completely and gets back at us, we need to create another opportunity."     

"Will it be possible? I think he will be on complete guard at the moment."     

"It is possible. As long as we can use this chance properly."     

Sivan gritted his teeth and decided to go along with this plan. He called for four of his grand elders and asked the to make a move.     

All four of them are mid-ranged attackers and they went straight for Gamin and Yuvana who are in a deadlock with the opponents.     

When they saw, fire, wind, water and once again fire element attacks from all four sides coming at them with extreme limits, they were a bit surprised and go caught off guard.     

Fighting against Avlyn and her team is already hard enough, now fighting against the other four is going to be a big pain the ass.     

Yuvana clashed with the swords man and the spear user along with a fire user from the original six.     

The fire user is her target, but the swordsman and the spear user are getting in her way constantly. She is so pissed to even take them seriously, but when she noticed some extra candidates are trying to butt in, she was enraged once again.     

She lunged towards the swordsman and caught a hold of his sword strike with her bear hand.     

There is a slight slash on her palm and bleeding started. But she managed to catch the hold of that sword. Meanwhile the spear user stabbed with his spear from the rear.     

She forcefully changed her position and even went as far as dragging the swordsman along with him.     

The spear brushed past her side. She used the chance to raise the arm and catch the spear with her armpit.     

She caught it almost at the middle and held it pretty perfectly with the armpit.     

She held the spear like that and swiftly turned her blade to hold it back hand and used the left hand which still held the blade of the opponent to pull the opponent towards herself.     

The sword handle hit the opponent in the neck and she borrowed the momentum to slide over the spear shaft and stabbed the opponent who is behind her.     

The sword went straight through the armor and lodged itself into the abdomen of the spear user.     

He gritted his teeth and looked at her hatefully.     

Yuvana kicked the sword user on the leg to make him fall on his knees before kicking him on the face and making him fly in the air.     

She then turned around and held the sword tightly as she looked at the spear user dead in the eyes.     

He tried to pull the spear back and take a few step backs, but Yuvana didn't let that happen, instead she started channelling energy into her sword and kept up with his movements as she twisted the blade a bit.     

The spear user got scared as he felt his innards turning and twisting before becoming a few pieces of flesh.     

He took out the blood token hurriedly and attached it to the spear that was still stuck in Yuvana's hands.     

A crimson red streak flew across the spear and Yuvana let go of it before it could touch her.     

The swordsman who was kicked away also took out the token and attached it to the sword to attack her.     

Yuvana blocked that sword with hers and pushed him away before stepping the air and somersaulting to the rear of the spear user.     

She slashed her sword downwards only for it to be blocked by the spear.     

But this time, it was not completely blocked. All of a sudden, her energy became extremely fluid. The sword slipped across the spear and she managed to land the slash on the leg of the opponent.     


The opponent hissed in pain and took a step back.     

Yuvana who landed on a crouching position agilely lunged forward and stabbed on the same wound. She then forcefully stood up with the sword still stuck in his calf muscle.     

She tore the whole calf and then cut through his thigh. Because of the loss of balance, he fell to the side and the sword cut through the thigh dismembering the leg.     

The whole thing is gruesome as Yuvana was covered in blood, but she didn't care.     

He turned around and slashed the opponent who fell on the ground on his other leg. She hacked the leg bit by bit until it was completely gone and then went on to deal with his arms. While torturously dismembering him, the swordsman came running with that red streak sword, she turned around just in time to block it.     

But just the aftershock of it sent waves to the surroundings and a dozen or so trees were stuck down on the side.     

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