Gacha Sovereign

Teaching (2)

Teaching (2)

1"You are going to make the Fire Phoenix Seed as the foundation for this art. And this herb will help you to condense that seed."     

"But how long is this gonna take, Master?"     

"Haha, I know you don't have a lot of time. Don't worry, it won't take too long, only a day at most. I will help you with that. But since the process will be faster, you will experience the pain more. Are you ready for that? Actually, the real reason I want you to learn this is that your element was already awakened."     

"Awakened?" Alex was taken aback.     


"When did it happen, Master?" Alex asked back.     

"I don't know exactly when."     

"I understand now. Let's start it now then," since trying to figure out when exactly his element was awakened would be pointless, Alex thought it was better to proceed now.     

Maxwell nodded, his expression turned to be serious, "Sure. Let's start then. Feel your Fire inside your body. Concentrate them to this spot."     

Maxwell started guiding Alex, he pointed at the spot right behind Alex's heart. Alex immediately followed his new master's word, he slowly moved his fire from his finger, his hand, his leg to the spot Maxwell pointed at. It took him an hour to do so. This was the first time Alex did something like that. He had tried moving his element from one spot to another once. But this was the first time he moved all his elements to one spot.     

After feeling the element gathered in one spot, Maxwell continued. "Now, eat that herb, and stay focused. Don't let the fire come out from that spot."     

Alex ate the herb just like what his master ordered. After he ate that, suddenly, there was an impulse from his fire. The fire that concentrated right beside his heart wanted to go back and burst out. "Argh!"     

"Alex, you have to stay focused. Don't let the fire out. Keep them in that spot," said his master.     

"Ahhh!" Alex endured the pain as he followed what his Master said. He continued to keep the fire on the same spot. After enduring for one hour, Alex finally got used to the pain.     

Seeing that Alex is ready, Maxwell then continued. "Alex, now I'm going to proceed. You have to get ready because the pain will intensify a few times. But you will have to endure that. I will also help you to control them in that spot."     

"Yes. Please proceed, Master. I will try to endure it."     

Maxwell proceeded with the next step and Alex screamed immediately.     


The pain in his body immediately multiplied a few times. All his fire wanted to go out from that spot. If the fire broke free from that spot, Alex might die on the spot. That was why Maxwell also helped him in that process. If Alex didn't get any help, he would surely fail. Maxwell kept maintaining his focus on Alex.     

One hour… two hours… four hours…     

After half-day passed, Alex finally got used to the pain. Maxwell was relieved knowing Alex could adapt this quickly and endure everything. After confirming there won't be a problem. Maxwell turned to Sherry as he waved his hand again. This time, another herb also flew. "This is for you. If you want to help him, I think you might need this herb," Maxwell said to Sherry.     

"Wuu?" Sherry looked at the herb carefully. After confirming that the herb was safe, she ate the herb. Not long after, she fell asleep. This was the same process when she evolved in that cave after she ate Alex's flame.     

The room quieted down after Alex got used to the pain.     

Finally, after a full torturous day, Alex slowly opened his eyes. He checked the Fire inside his body, especially the spot right beside his heart where he concentrated all his fire. It was just a seed. But he felt all his Pure Fire was inside that seed. But his Pure Fire didn't break from that seed. Instead, the seed seemed to tune it down and let a downgrade version from his Pure Fire out and swarm his body. However, he felt there was more to it.     

"Oh, you finally awake. How do you feel?"     

"I feel something different. I notice that the seed seems to tone my Pure Fire down a bit and let out the downgrade one to my body. But…"     

"You feel that you can control the seed and break it open temporarily and let your Pure Fire out?"     

"Yes, Master."     

"Well, that's true. That's why it's only camouflage. Your Pure Fire is in that seed. You can let it whenever you want. It can be your trump card."     

Alex nodded. "Thank you, Master."     

"You didn't feel it?"     

"Is there something else I need to know, Master?"     

"Try checking your cultivation."     

Alex followed his words and checked his cultivation. He was soon astonished. "I reached the Qi Manipulation Stage?"     

Maxwell nodded.     

"Thank you very much, Master."     

"Alright. I am the one who talked all this time. How about you? Do you want to ask something?"     

"What happened to Sherry?"     

"I gave her a herb. I'm sure she will wake up soon. And as soon as she wakes up, she will at least reach the Qi Manipulation Stage. Unlike us, she can't cultivate, but instead, feeding her many medicinal herbs or pills will let her evolve faster."     

Alex thought for a moment, "Master, you are an alchemist, right?"     

"Alchemist? Actually, I picked Alchemy just because I got the Pure Fire Element. If not, I won't bother with that. I am an Array Master. That was my job in my previous life. That's why in this life, I got a double job. I am an Array Master as well as an Alchemist. I will tell you about the secondary job in the upper world.     

In the upper world, the main profession is usually something that you excel at. If you excel at the sword, you are a swordmaster. If you excel at blades, then you will be a blade master. Their classification is almost the same. There are seven ranks in their ranking, take an example from the sword. There are Sword Practitioner, Sword Master, Sword Grandmaster, Sword King, Sword Emperor, Sword Saint, and Sword God. I will tell you about the first three, Sword Practitioner is someone who only uses the sword as their main weapon. If you condense a sword intent, then you can be considered as a Sword Master. If you can control your sword intent to make a domain, then you can be considered a Sword Grandmaster and so on.     

Alright, let's talk about the Secondary Job now. There are three big Secondary Jobs, but they mostly call them Auxiliary Jobs rather than Secondary Jobs. So I will also call it the 'Auxiliary Job'. There are three Auxiliary Jobs, they are Alchemist, Forging Master, and Array Master. You might already know about it, Alchemist makes pills, Forging Master makes weapons, and Array Master makes arrays. There are eight ranks in those jobs. Rank 1 to rank 8, in simple terms, they are the same with Seven Cultivation stages plus the foundation stage. Alchemist can make pills to boost cultivation, Forging Master can make weapons to boost your firepower, but Array Master is the most respected and also the most scarce one."     

"Why is that, Master?"     

"Becoming an Array Master is the hardest challenge of the three. They can make an Illusion Array or some Cultivation Gathering Array that can boost the absorption rate. But unlike the alchemist, this array can be used by multiple people. You can also make an offensive type array to increase your firepower. That's why this is the hardest one to achieve. Do you want to be an Array Master? After all, you are my disciple."     

"But I am an Alchemist now."     

"Don't worry. I am also an Alchemist".     

Alex looked at Maxwell's expression, his expression was the same when he wanted him to be his disciple. If Alex refused him, he would do 'that' again. Besides, Alex thought that becoming an Array Master was also good for him. He could use the array practically, trapping his enemy in illusion or something like that. "Please teach me, Master."     

"Alright. But let's check your element first. You really need a Space Element if you really want to be an Array Master. I only require it since you are my disciple. Other masters wouldn't have that kind of requirement."     

"Eh? Why is that?"     

"Well, because they aren't gods. After I reached Godhood, I finally learned that having a Space Element might make the process of learning to be an Array Master faster and more convenient."     

"I don't really understand it."     

"You don't need to understand it now," Maxwell grabbed a Mana Crystal "Alright. Let's check it."     

"I think I don't have the Space Element," even though Alex said that he still placed his hand to the Mana Crystal.     

Like usual, there was a pure bright red since he had a Pure Fire Element. But, like when he checked with the dean, there was also a pink color. But this time it was more obvious. Alex was astonished.     

"Oh, you actually have it. Why did you say you don't have it?"     

Alex immediately screamed in his mind, 'System!'     

[I'm sorry Host. As System said previously, System manipulated a special space. But it seems that it also influenced you. Like the previous time when Host tested it with your Teacher. The system continuously influenced you. It seems that because of that, you somehow got a Space Element. Within Host memories, there is one word appropriate for this kind of thing. Host is like a mutant.]     

'…' Alex was speechless, but he finally gave in, 'Thank you, System. Sometimes, your uselessness brought me an unexpected blessing… what is that phrase again… that's right, turning misfortune into a blessing.'     

[I don't know if Host is insulting me or praising me. But, Thank you, Host. Love you]     

'Love you too, System.'     


"Ah, I'm sorry Master. But, what if I don't have a Space Element?"     

"Don't worry about it. I will also teach you how to get one. You might need to search for some old men's inheritance to get the Space Element. So don't worry about it. But since you have the Space Element, it will become easier. I will teach you this for two weeks. You can go back after that."     

"Thank you, Master."     

"Sure, let's start, First…"     

Maxwell taught him the basics to become an Array Master. It seemed that there were two big types of Array. The first one was that he could plant something and use it continuously. The other was the one-time use array, it used the Qi/Mana to draw an array in the air. It was usually an offensive or defensive array. Something like an illusion array or gathering array can only be used if there was some medium. Since they will be used for a period of time.     

Maxwell taught him about many symbols in Array. The center symbol, the weak point, the technique on how to use an array, etc. He taught him all of it in the span of two weeks. Alex also learned all of them well.      

After a week, Sherry also awoke from her sleep, she had reached the Qi Manipulation Stage (If according to the present world, it was equal to rank 7). Sherry was overjoyed with that, she didn't want to be outdone by her master. After all, she would be the one who protected him.     

Alex was really thankful to Sherry, he promised himself to fulfill her wish. If she wanted to eat something, he would try hard to get that for her.     

Two weeks have passed and Maxwell finally finished his teaching. In the end, he gave a book to Alex. The book contained many different types of arrays. Alex was very moved, even though he couldn't use it now, but at least he understood everything inside of it. It had tailored his skills to become an Array Master. The array inside the book was his Master accumulation. The book covered all arrays ranging from Rank 1 to Rank 8 Array.     

"Thank you very much, Master."     

"Haha, don't mind it. After all, I'm your Master."     

Alex smiled and Sherry also expressed her thanks to him, "Wuu..."     

"Oh right. Take this as well, I somehow was able to find a space stone and transformed it into this ring. I stored all my items in this ring. You can make another space ring if you find any space stone again. But I doubt you can. I already tried to search for another space stone but failed to find them. I also already stored the cure inside that ring. The cure was the demi-human race divine tree seed. You grind it into powder and purify it with your Pure Fire. Let her drink that, she will be fine for six months."     

"But… Master."     

"Don't worry, just accept it. There is no use if I'm keeping here for now since I got you as my disciple. But I have a request for you."     

"What is it, Master? I will fulfill it."     

"In that ring, there is a bucket of water. It's filled with Life Water. That time, I saved the demi-human race from extinction. The king at that time gave me that water as a thank you. Since I couldn't refuse it, I stored them in here. I assume that after this time, the divine tree will start to exhaust its life. This water can prolong its life for a few thousand more. After ten thousand years, It will start growing another seed and finally make another Divine Tree. I hope that you can bring that water to them. After all that time, I was the one who took the divine tree seed to cure her."     

"I will do it, Master. I promise you. It's also convenient for me to do so."     

"What do you mean?"     

"Actually, there is a war between humans and demons. I want to stop the war."     

"I see, I understand your intent. I support you on that."     

"Thank you, Master."     

"One more thing, after you cure her, please bring your wife here. I want to see the person who has magnetized you like that."     

"She is the one who pulled me from that darkness. I love her," Alex smiled.     

"I see. Please bring her to see me. I would love to see who my daughter-in-law is. This wisp of the soul of mine can appear one more time before it disappears."     

"I'll do it, Master."     

"Oh right, I almost forgot, if you want to start your searching I suggest you bring your own factions or take over a faction. That way, you can search in a wider range."     

"Faction huh… okay, I will think about it."     

Unbeknownst to him, that desire alone managed to bring him a fortune. Because, without Alex's knowledge, there was a notification from the system.     

[Confirming Host's intent. Because of the Host's wish, two new functions will be unlocked]     

[Faction Unlocked]     

[Summoning Gacha Unlocked]     

Though Alex didn't realize this for a while longer.     

"Alright. I won't take your time any longer. You can go now, my disciple," said Maxwell eventually.     

"I will excuse myself, Master."     


Maxwell sent Alex away and waited until he could no longer see Alex. He sighed, "Haiz, That poison. I didn't really research the cure for that poison since it was pointless back then. And this is my karma. Sigh, If I have that item, I might be able to stop her time and search for the cure, I might be able to find the cure in a few years. But, that item is still in that person's possession. Well, it's to be expected since she is his daughter, the daughter of the former Time God."     

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