Gacha Sovereign

Back to The Surface

Back to The Surface


Alex thought about his next plan. He then made another Flame Sword Wave, the turtle immediately got inside again when it realized Alex was going to release another attack. Alex too made a few Fire Arrows again. But this time, he also closed in together with his Fire Arrow. When his Fire Arrow exploded, the turtle also came out just like what Alex had expected. He immediately swung his sword to its head with Sword Intent.


He managed to sever the turtle's head with this attack. He sighed relieved, he never fought with such a defensive monster. This was surely one of his great experiences to help him get stronger.

"Why haven't I done this since the beginning?" he said puzzledly. If people were watching him and heard what Alex said, they would immediately snap, 'You want to pay back what the turtle did to you.'

He shook his head and checked his status.

Name: Alexander Sirius (Early Phase Qi Gathering Stage)

Job: Sword Saint (Primary), Adventurer (Secondary), Alchemist (Secondary), Hunter (Secondary)

Rank: 5

Level: 501

STR: 462

AGI: 422

VIT: 428

DEX: 446

INT: 410

He already managed to go to the rank 5 this month. Though his strength was still the same as those of the rank 4. Well, he could still bluff with this level.

He grabbed the turtle core and he was a bit disappointed when seeing the turtle body was gone. If he could take the shell back, he probably could make a shield from it. He reluctantly went back, but before he reached the stairs he noticed a few people coming down.

They and Alex looked at each other.

"Hi..." Alex decided to greet them. There were five people in this group and most of them in their forties.

"Hi..." the leader greeted Alex back. "Young man, do you see the turtle boss in this room?" he looked at the room but there was no sign of the turtle's presence. So he asked Alex.

"It's already gone, I killed it," he innocently said.

"You killed it?" he was shocked.

"Did you really kill it?" he wanted to confirm it once again.

"Yes," Alex then nodded.

This was shocking news to him, "Are you a rank 6 hunter?" he didn't want to believe that this young man who was still under twenty could kill that turtle.

"No... Look I'm still a bronze rank hunter," he pointed at his badge.

"Then...Then how did you come..." he wanted to ask how did Alex come all the way here since bronze rank usually in the upper floors. But this was not something they should be bothered by since the bigger amazement was the fact that Alex might have killed the turtle, they thought. He asked again, "Young man, tell me the truth, did you kill it?"

"Yes, look at this. It's the core I got after killing it," he pulled out the blueish core.

"..." the middle-aged man and his team gasped, "I'm sorry, We are a gold rank party from hunter guild. This monster boss already killed many rank 4 hunters. The hunter guild already sent one rank 5 team to kill this monster, but they never come back. So we are the one who was sent next."

"..." Alex was speechless, if he knew this was the case, then he might lie about this. He would say an expert came and killed it. Since it was too late to make up a lie he finally told the truth, "I blew him from the inside."

"Blow him from the inside?"

"Yes, when the turtle went back to its shell, I used that chance to kill it since it was already at its vulnerable time," Alex made an excuse. But there was still half the truth of his words. If not for his tyrannical Pure Fire, no normal hunter could manage to kill the turtle-like that.

The hunters pondered for a while and nodded, the plan was feasible for them.

"Then, are you going back to the surface?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Yes, you all can go back first. I still need to tidy up my backpack first," he pointed at the large backpack that was a few times bigger than Alex. He already filled it with the monster cores he killed during this month.

"Alright, We only planned to kill this turtle not to dive into the dungeon. So we will go back first and report to the hunter guild," he said.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tony, this is Kain, Buta, Giro, and Mash. We are a gold rank party called Dungeon Hitter," he introduced the team to Alex. "Alright, we will go first. Hope we can meet again," after saying that, the group went back.

"I'm Alex," Alex nodded and let them leave the floor.

Alex grabbed his big size backpack and went back too. This kind of backpack was normal for hunters. They needed it if they wanted to dive into a dungeon for a long time.

Alex already used to fight rank 4 or rank 5 monsters, so when fighting with lower-ranking monsters he killed them in seconds.

After a few hours of walking, he reached the surface. He didn't realize that he missed the sunlight that much once he came out of the building.

He went to the hunter guild with his backpack.

The hunter guild was the same one he went to a month ago and he immediately lined up, he planned to sell the monster cores he got from the dungeon. Of course, he already kept a few of them for his benefit.

There were a few people like him who brought this super-size backpack. They were the porter of hunters.

After a while, Alex turned and he gave his backpack to the receptionist. He disdainfully looked at Alex. He already saw Alex's badge was bronze, so he thought he must be a porter and this super-size bag must be filled with only rank 0 monster cores.

Alex already arranged his backpack in which the upper was filled with monster cores from rank 0 to rank 2.

"Judging from your backpack size, since it's filled with under rank 2 monster cores. So I will give you fifteen gold coins," the receptionist often dealt with this kind of newbie who came to the hunter guild filled with low-rank monster cores. So he avoided counting it manually, especially after he noticed how young Alex was.

Alex frowned, looking at this arrogant receptionist, "Sir, can you please count it?" he coldly said.

"Why do I need to count it? your back must be filled with rank 0 or rank 1 monster only, especially when looking at your age. With the size of your backpack, I will give you fifteen coins and it's a pretty good deal," the receptionist coldly said back to Alex.

"Please count it!" Alex only said this.

"Why do I need to count it? Listen to me, I often deal with young people like you. If you don't want to sell then you can scram from here," he now angrily shouted.

This scene had made a commotion inside the hall.

"Ah, Sir Alexander!" Yuna was surprised to see Alex again. She remembered he was the Sword Saint from a month ago.

"Hi, Miss Yuna. I want to sell monster cores, but this man doesn't want to count my monster cores and immediately give a fixed price for it. I don't think the price is acceptable but he told me to scram from here instead."

"This..." Yuna didn't know what to do, she turned to the receptionist, "Sir, I think you need to count it"

"Hmph... you are just a newbie in this guild, and also from the registration counter. You don't need to teach me how to do things here, it's not even part of your job. I have already worked here for 10 years, I will inform you to the guild master, just you wait," he coldly said to Yuna.

On the stairs, two middle-aged men were coming down. If Alex saw one of them, he would recognize one of the men as the one he met on the lower floor. He was Tony, the one he met on the 40th floor. These two men were happily chatting while walking down. But suddenly, they noticed the commotion between the rude receptionist, Alex, and Yuna. The two of them were displeased and they immediately approached the source of this commotion.

The middle-aged man went to the receptionist, "What happened here?" he said coldly.

"These two brats want to make a ruckus here," the receptionist pointed at Alex and Yuna.

Tony didn't go to the receptionist, but he went to the young man instead. He recognized this young man, "Haha, young Alex. You have finally come back!"

"Ah...Mr. Tony," Alex was surprised to run into him again.

"Tony, do you know him?" The middle-aged man was also surprised.

"Bernard, this is Alex, the one I talked about," Tony said to his friend.

"What! This is the one?" Bernard's jaw was wide open. He just talked about a young man killing the turtle that even a rank 5 hunter couldn't kill, but he was slightly displeased when they heard the commotion during the chat and went straight here.

Then, Tony turned to Alex, "Alex, this is Bernard, he is this hunter guild branch head."

"Greeting to you, branch head Bernard," Alex greeted him.

"Haha...No need to be so polite with me. Treat me casually just like how you treat Tony here. Also, what happened here?" he finally asked the source of the issue at the receptionist's desk.

"I want to sell my monster cores, but he doesn't want to count how many inside my bag and just give 15 gold coins for the price."

"What!" he was angry since he knew Alex had managed to kill that turtle. That meant Alex could kill most of the rank 4 monsters before. If in the bag there were many rank 4 monster cores, the price would be multiple times from that. Alex was a silver rank or even above, but he was still so young. Alex's potential was limitless, but this receptionist humiliated him.

He coldly looked at the receptionist, "You are dismissed."

"But why?" the receptionist was now the one who couldn't understand a thing. 

"Guild master, why do you dismiss me? I have already worked here for 10 years."

"Alex, you are from the lower floor right?" Tony chatted with Alex in a low voice.

"Yes," Alex nodded.

"How many rank 4 monsters did you kill?" he asked.

"Hmm, I didn't count them. But there are ten rank 5 monster cores in the bag as well," Alex said.

"What! You have killed ten ranks 5 monsters?" Tony unconsciously shouted, he was too shocked with what Alex could do.

Just when the guild master wanted to vent his anger toward this receptionist, he heard Tony shouted about Alex killing ten ranks 5 monsters. He was appalled.

The receptionist who heard about this became so pale. This meant that he just offended the soon-to-be gold rank hunter. He already worked in this guild for 10 years, but he was still polite when dealing with silver ranked hunters, but when dealing with gold rank hunters, he didn't dare to even make them feel slightly annoyed. But since Alex was able to kill rank 5 monsters, that meant he was suitable to become a gold rank hunter.

"Young Sir...I..I...Please forgive me!" the receptionist now pleaded.

Alex ignored him and looked at Bernard instead, the guild master then said, "The hunter guild has its own rule." He didn't know about this hunter guild rule before. But even though he hated this receptionist, he still had to maintain his image in front of this guild master.

The guild master looked at the receptionist, "According to the rule of the guild, a gold-ranked hunter can get special treatment. But you disregard everything, so you are dismissed."

'Soon to be though,' he added inwardly.

"Sir...Sir...I have worked for this guild for 10 years. Please...Forgive my mistake this time."

All of them already ignored his plea. The guild master turned to Alex, "Haha, young man let's go to my room. I will count them myself."

"But if you do it...I will trouble the guild master," he said awkwardly, before that he turned to Yuna, "Thank you Miss Yuna for standing up for me."

"No no...I just do what I need to do," she shook her head, feeling reluctant to accept Alex's thanks.

"Oh, you know her?" Bernard said.

"Yes, she was the one who registered me here a month ago. She is a good employee, she is honest and diligent," Alex said, praising Yuna for her hard work.

"Oh, can you tell me your name, Miss?"

"My name is Yuna, greeting the guild master."

"Yuna huh...How about you become my secretary? Since young Alex said you are capable, then it's perfect."

"Guild master...I..." she turned to Alex who only nodded his head. "I accept your offer, I thank the guild master for this chance."

"Haha...It's because of your capability. Let's follow me to my office as well."

"Haha...So nice of you, Bernard. I will go home now, you all can chat away," Tony said while saying goodbye to the rest of the people.

"Tony, let me treat you to a drink next time," Bernard said.

"Sure, I'm looking forward to it," Tony said and left while Alex and Yuna followed Bernard to his office.

"Since you want to exchange the core, let's count them first."

Alex only nodded, following what Bernand said, "How to count it?"

"Just pour all of them here," he pointed at the floor in his office.

Alex was surprised, "Really?" he asked again for confirmation.

"Yep, just pour them all to the floor," he ensured Alex once more.

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