Gacha Sovereign




"Wuu!" The fox greeted him.1

"He sleeps once again, it's a shame," the human sighed.

'You are the one who knocked him out again,' if the fox could speak, this might be the sentence that it would say to him.


The human who was just walking inside the cave was indeed Alex.

Alex picked the demon up once again and laid him down. After a few hours, the demon finally woke up.

He slowly opened his eyes. After recalling what just happened, he said, "Is this heaven?"


He heard the sound of the fox. He turned to the fox, "Did you get killed as well, fox? I'm sorry."


Noticing the demon moved, Alex looked at him. He giggled when he heard his conversation with the fox.

"Right. You are already dead. Now let me guide your soul to reincarnation," Alex said. He tried to make his voice a bit ethereal.

The demon still didn't see Alex, so he believed this voice. "I see. I have already died. Are you a demon god? If I reincarnate, please let this fox accompany me. It was my fault that he died," he said.

"I'm sorry. I can't grant your wish, because the fox is still alive."

"He is still alive? That's great!" The demon was relieved.

"Do you have any wish before you reincarnate?"

"Wish?" The demon thought for a moment, "I want to know the name of the human that killed me."

"Oh him? Sure, I will grant your wish."

"Thank you very much!" The demon thanked him.

"His name is..." the voice seemed to stop, which gave a suspenseful atmosphere.

The demon gulped, he waited for a while before he was shocked with what he heard next.

"It's... me. Pfft!" Alex held his laugh.

The demon was surprised to hear the answer and he froze for a moment. He then turned to look at the voice, and his eyes widened. The human couldn't hold his laugh anymore, so he laughed in front of him.

The demon realized he was still alive. He was tricked all this time, so he was angry, "You!" He greeted his teeth.

The demon stood up fast and tried to punch him again.

"Aiyo... why are you attacking me again? I healed you just now, and you attack me as a thank you? Haiz... well, I have my fun just now though. Haha...!" Alex grabbed the demon's fist.

"You... you tricked me all this time? How dare you!" Seeing his fist was grabbed by the human, he launched another strike with his other hand.

"Haiz... Sherry immobilizes him," Alex said.

The fox immediately jumped toward the demon's back, pinned the demon to the ground.

"Now we can talk. Oh right, before I forget. This fox is a female, not a male. Its name is Sherry," Alex said.

"You..." the demon still looked at Alex full of hatred.

"Oi... don't glare at me like that. I'm the one who saved you, after all."

The demon finally realized that it seemed like Alex was the one who healed him. There were no demi-human here. "You... why did you heal me? If you are going after some information, you better kill me now because I won't give you any information even if you toture me to die."

"No. I am here because I am curious about the war. Since my kingdom is not planning to join the war."

The demon suddenly snapped. "Not planning to join the war? You, humans, were the ones who attacked us first. For the so-called resources, you killed so many of my brethren!"

Alex was shocked. He knew already that Zircodina was the one who attacked the demon first, but this was the first time he heard about the reasons behind the attack. The reason was resources? What kind of resources is this? And in rage, this demon spurted all of that important information.

"Resources? What kind of resources are they looking for?" Alex asked again.

The demon suddenly realized that he just spurted the information. He glared at Alex hatefully while remaining silent.

The demon seemed to regain his calm manner. Alex shook his head, "Well, we should have a conversation. Judging by the way you talk and your tone when you're speaking, you seem to be one of the high-status demons."

The demon was surprised. The human in front of him almost saw his real identity. He saw Alex hatefully, "You better kill me, I won't give you any information again."

"Well... let me introduce myself first. My name is Alexander Sirius. I'm from the Acacia Kingdom. It seems like there is confusion regarding who are the kingdoms that are at war right now. So let me make it clear for you first. The ones on the battlefield right now are from the Zircodina Kingdom and the Holy Kingdom. The Acacia Kingdom never plans to join the war from the beginning.

The reason I'm here is that I'm rather curious about the war and I want to stop this war. But I need the information to be able to do that. Sigh..."

The demon looked at Alex, he didn't feel any lies in Alex's words. But he still felt angry, "What do you mean you never plan to join this war? Because of your greed, you attacked us!"

"Greed? Now I am rather curious as to how is this 'greed' involved in this war? Well In my point of view, it's true, one of the common reasons for war is greed. The other might because of supremacy, anger, beauty, etc. Since this war is caused especially by greed. Can you tell me this 'greed' that you keep talking about?" Alex asked.

"Hmph, I know that our opponents are only two kingdoms at the moment. But, If I tell you the exact reason, it will just incite your greed. There is no guarantee you will not report it and join forces with them and fight along in the war. So, you can just kill me right here, right now," the demon snorted.

"It is really hard to talk to you," Alex felt frustrated. "Well, we are currently at war after all. No one will give away their information to their enemy," he sighed. "If this war does not stop, the Acacia Kingdom might get dragged into it by the other two kingdoms. What should I do..."

Alex was deep in thought, and after a moment he decided, "You can go then."

The demon's eyes widened, surprised by what he heard from the human, "What!"

He was shocked. Who would let their enemies get away?, he then responded, "Are you serious? You are letting me go? I will surely report you when I'm back, you know?"

Alex looked at him, he shook his head, "Sure, I am planning to go back after this. I am not planning to stay for a long time here. I'm just curious after all. Why do you suddenly want to die? You want me to kill you..."

"You... foolish human," the demon slowly walked away.

Alex shook his head and stroked Sherry's head, "It's really hard to do some good things(?). He didn't even know how to say thanks."

'He is your enemy!' Sadly, the fox couldn't talk.

Alex watched the demon who slowly walked away, but his eyes suddenly went wide, he shouted, "STOP!"

The demon halted his step and turned back to Alex, "Right, now you regret your choice and take back your promise. As expected of hu..."

"Just shut the fuck up and come back here!"

"Hah! If you think you can order me as you like, then you are wrong," the demon sneered.

"Fool! Hurry, come back here! It's coming!" Alex shouted.

"Hah! I won't. You need to drag me back if you want me to com..."

The demon didn't finish his words when he heard there were cracking sounds behind him.



The demon immediately turned back, he saw a giant bear destroying a part of the entrance.

The bear looked at the demon in front of it, he launched his claw at the demon.

The demon's face became pale. There was only one thought in his mind, "I can't dodge this."

A shadow appeared in front of the demon. Using a sword, the shadow blocked the bear's strike. It was Alex who appeared in front of the bear.

While the bear managed to block the strike, the strike still blew Alex away.

Alex immediately grabbed the demon and flew away together with him.

After a few meters, they landed.

"You..." the demon was shocked. Alex was the one who protected him.

The bear ran toward them and threw another strike at them.

"Tch!" Alex clicked his teeth because the bear's target was the demon.

"Immovable Step!"

Alex got between them and used his Immovable Step. He grabbed the bear's paws.


Alex was shocked by this bear's power. "Rank 6?"

"Boost Step!"

Alex used his Boost Step behind his hand to give him more power boost. Because of this momentum, Alex managed to push the bear away.

"Rank 6 bear is really strong. This is the first time I meet rank 6 monsters. I need to go all out, am I?"

"Sanguin Sword Art, Fifth Slash!"

A crescent Sword Wave moved toward the bear at a high speed. But, upon seeing it, the bear only used its paw to destroy Alex's Sword Wave. After he destroyed Alex's Sword Wave, the paw was pushed back because of the shockwave that came from it.


Alex was surprised by this bear's power. But suddenly,


A pink-colored flame tornado crashed toward the bear.


"Fifth Sword Slash!" Without saying anything Alex threw another strike to it.

Alex then turned to Sherry who released the attack, "Nice job, Sherry!"



The smoke was cleared away, but the scene before him made him shocked. The bear was unscathed.

"This might be bad. Maybe, only the Six Slashes can injure this bear. But the problem is, I haven't mastered it yet!"


The bear started running toward Alex again.

"Oi... you demon, why don't you hide first?"

The stunning demon finally came back to his senses. Alex had already saved him thrice. The first time was when he almost died and Alex healed him. The second time was when the bear came, and the third time was when the bear charged at him.

"Tch!" The demon was still not moving.

Alex grabbed the demon and used his Flash Step to barely dodge the bear.

"You... you don't need to save me. You can escape if you leave me here. Why are you helping me? A demon?"

"As I said before, I never have any prejudice for any races. The one who does bad things will suffer from bad karma, no matter what his race is," Alex said, while he secretly added in his mind, 'If not, my system might become a bad-luck gacha system.'

"..." The demon fell silent upon hearing what Alex said.

"Hide yourself," after Alex said that, he used his Boost Step to approach the bear right in front of it and kicked it.

Sadly, Alex didn't succeed in kicking the bear because it was as strong as a boulder. The bear launched its counter-attack by attacking Alex with his claw.

Alex immediately put his guard up but the impact still blew him away.

Alex looked at the bear, "Do I need to use my flame?"

After launching its counter-attack, the bear immediately charged at Alex. While Alex was thinking about his plan, suddenly another fire tornado crashed toward the bear.

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