Gacha Sovereign

Bawon Fortress (6)

Bawon Fortress (6)


"Alex! Watch out!"1

Alex frowned.

Those three wolves' target was Alex. The one who killed a lot of high-ranked monsters in their group. It seemed that the rank 7 monster, the Rock Wolf, was very intelligent. It was intelligent enough to know that Alex was a big threat to their attack. With one howl, he ordered the wolves to do something unexpected and attacked Alex.


"Frozen World! Ice Prison!"

"Fire Spear!"


An Ice, a fire, and a paw struck the three wolves that were targeting Alex. Even though their power wasn't enough to kill them, they were enough to stop them from attacking Alex and made them fall to the ground. Once they reached the ground, they would be injured because of the wall's height.

Alicia, Firia, and Sherry circled around Alex.

"Are you okay, Alex?"

"Yeah. Thank you," Alex smiled.

"Hehe…" Both Alicia and Firia were giggling.

"Wuu! Wuu! (I have protected the Master too)!" Sherry didn't want to be outdone by them.

"Yeah. Thank you for you too, Sherry," Alex patted her head.

"Wuu! Wuu!"

Alex looked at the 'Rock Wolf'. This monster was intelligent…

He picked up another spear and aimed it toward this monster leader.

"Spin Throwing!"

The spear flew at a very high speed to the wolf's head. The wolf didn't even bother to dodge the attack. It took the spear head-on.

The spear hit the wolf's head hard. But, the spear didn't even manage to make a dent in that wolf's head and it just broke to pieces instead.

Alex already expected this outcome. But still, watching his attack get destroyed just like that was making him feel pretty bitter. Alex's rank 8 spears might be able to pierce through the Rock Wolf's body, but he wanted to leave it as the last resort if nothing else worked. He took another spear and aimed at it again, hoping that this time it could at least injure him even if a little.

"Sir Alex, are you going to shoot it again? But the previous one-"

Alex frowned because the one who talked just now was Sila. He was confused as to why she suddenly came to him and tried to talk to him, considering that she was being rude earlier that night. However, he ignored her as he took a long breath and threw the spear once again.

"Power Throwing!"

This time, Alex switched from the 'Spin Throwing' to 'Power Throwing'. Just like its name suggested, the technique meant that the spear that Alex had thrown just now brought out the destruction power with it. True, to its name, when the spear reached the Rock Wolf, it didn't dare to take the attack head-on. It used its paw instead to block Alex's spear. Alex's plan was to use the power with the spear to destroy the 'hardness' of the wolf's body.


"Do you manage to kill it?" Sila was very shocked by the attack. The spear just now contained a mighty power. While the first attack from Alex didn't even put a dent on the wolf's body, this time, not only the wolf didn't dare to take it head-on, it also used its paw to block it.

'No,' he replied in his mind. He somehow didn't want to have any contact with her, especially after her rude behavior earlier. He didn't like how she showed a huge hatred toward him and even mocked him, but then she changed her mind so suddenly. She came to him and even tried to talk to him now.

For him, her behaviour was confusing and he decided to completely ignore her. He looked at the dust created by the clash between his spear and the wolf's paw. When the smoke cleared away, he could see how the Rock Wolf stood still as nothing had happened. Alex's spear didn't even injure the wolf, not even a little.

"Tch! You're not even fazed with that attack huh… well, what can you expect from a normal-ranked spear… sigh… what a defense. That sh*tty rock."

Alex turned to Leyfon, "Sir Leyfon. I will leave the Rock Wolf to you."

"Sure, you have helped us so much already. This way, we can reduce our casualties so much, thanks to you."

Alex nodded and turned back to his spot. He grabbed another spear and threw it to a rank 5 monster and killed it on the spot.

[Gacha Ticket x1 Acquired]

"Oh, finally, my first ticket!"

After he acquired the first ticket. He upped his tempo a bit more, although he wanted to target those lower monsters. After all, they were in a defensive battle, not for himself but also the others in the fortress. He decided to pace up a bit so he could massacre those lower monsters faster.

He continuously threw the spears, killing the rank 5 monsters one by one. When their population reduced to half, the Rock Wolf let out a shivering howl.


The rank 5 and rank 6 monsters started charging toward the wall. It seemed like the monsters' leader changed its tactic because Alex was killing them off one by one. Sadly for those monsters, the Rock Wolf's intelligence was not enough, they were too late. After all, Alex had killed half of them. The previous 10 of rank 6 monsters had reduced to 6. While fifty of rank 5 monsters had reduced to twenty or so.

Alex managed to get a few more of rank 5 monsters before they reached the gate. Leyfon had already taken out his sword and was ready for the battle.


The gate was breached. Even with many ranks 4 or lower monsters, they still couldn't breach the door. But with the addition of rank 5 monsters and even rank 6 monsters, the gate immediately collapsed.


The garrison led by Andreas who already stationed themselves behind the gate immediately moved to intercept the monster. With Andreas as the leader, the monsters were pushed back. The garrison finally went outside. There was no monster that managed to pass them and rampaged on the town.

As soon as the garrison was out, the earth mages did their job.

"Earth Sprites, hear my word. Bless the earth so they can protect. Lend us your protection. Earth Wall!"

Around eleven intermediate earth mages cast the same magic. They decided to seal the gate with intermediate magic, the earth wall. With that power, eleven intermediate earth mages reinforced the gate. Even those in rank 6 couldn't easily destroy the gate, except the rank 7 monster, Rock Wolf. If that creature attacked the gate, it would be easily destroyed. But there was one disadvantage to this technique. The earth mages needed to input their Mana continuously. If not, the earth wall would be destroyed. From the look of it, they could hold on for two hours. That was enough for the rest of the battle, at least that was what they thought.

"Young Alex, I will distract the Rock Wolf. Even though my rank is above him, we cannot underestimate Rock Wolf's defense. That's why I will wear him out first. In the meantime, please kill the rest of those monsters."

He was a bit ashamed to ask for help from others, let alone a youngster. But if it was Alex, he didn't really mind. After all, his power, calmness, and decision-making ability made him a valuable asset especially in a battle like this. He could let this youngster protect the gate. Alex was that abnormal in his opinion.

"I will do my best," Alex nodded.

"Please. protect my granddaughter too."

Alex threw a glance at Sila with a slow sigh, "I will try my best."

This time Alex didn't say 'I'll do my best' but 'I'll try my best' instead. Leyfon caught what Alex meant by that and he could only let out a sigh. His granddaughter left a bad impression and even had gotten a worse reputation in Alex's eyes. What could he expect? He shook his head and flew to the Rock Wolf.

When someone reached rank 7, he or she would have the ability to fly. For Leyfon who was a rank 8 warrior, flying was a piece of cake.

Alex looked at the Leyfon who was flying. He felt a bit envious of that ability. If he also could fly, he would have wider and a lot more strategies to use which would be really helpful on the battlefield. He could fly and shoot the spear from above or bombarded the enemy with magic from the sky, assuming that the enemy couldn't fly.

Alex threw spear after spear. The garrison killed most of the monsters at the bottom of the wall. Firia and Alicia didn't participate in the battle so much. They just let out a little magic from the top of the wall to the monsters on the ground. Because their power was limited, they could only kill monsters of rank 2 or below. After all, with their distance, the power contained in the magic decreased on the way to the enemy.

Sherry didn't kill any monsters. Just as it said previously, it would protect Alicia and Firia including Alex. But that was all it was going to do. It didn't help with anything other than that. Somehow Alex wondered if Sherry was just being lazy or only doing what was said. Whatever, it was Sherry after all. It was alright to let it do anything it wanted.


Alex turned his head to the source of the loud crash. The clash between the Rock Wolf and Leyfon didn't seem to go any easier. Leyfon tried to slash the Rock Wolf, but because of its unusual defense, his sword didn't manage to injure it even a little. On the contrary, the Rock Wolf attacked him ferociously. But it seemed like it was as Leyfon planned all along. If the wolf attacked him continuously with all of its power, its stamina would be quickly drained and it would be easy to defeat in that state. After that, they could bombard the wolf continuously until it died. 

It was a clever way to deal with a monster with an impenetrable defense. Alex's rank 8 spears combined with his Spin Throwing technique might be able to injure it. But it would be foolish to shoot him with that precious spear without at least weakening the monster first. If he threw it before the monster showed any signs of fatigue or weakness, it would be as good as abandoning the precious spear. On a battlefield like this, such hasty action proved to be fatal.

Clash after clash could be heard from a distance, Leyfon still casually handled the Rock Wolf. Meanwhile, other monsters were butchered mercilessly on the battlefield. The monsters would be wiped out in a few minutes if this went on longer. After that, they could help Leyfon kill the Rock Wolf.

Alex killed the majority of rank 5 and rank 6 monsters. After wiping out the monsters, the garrison immediately marched forward to the Rock Wolf. Alex frowned looking at this development of the situation.


"Fool! This is still not the right time!" Leyfon shouted.

True enough, right at the moment the garrison entered the Rock Wolf's area, a deafening howl was heard.


The Rock Wolf switched his target to the garrison instead. Because of the huge difference in rank between the monster and the soldiers, they were killed by Rock Wolf instantly.

"Power Throwing!"

A spear was thrown straight to the Rock Wolf. However, that monsters' leader used its palm to block that sudden attack. As soon as the Rock Wolf blocked it, another spear was already on its way to attack him. A series of spears continued raining down on the Rock Wolf. That attack lifted Leyfon's hope once again. He also caught the meaning behind those spears' attack that Alex delivered.

"Nice assist, young Alex!" He looked toward the garrison, "Soldiers! Retreat!"

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