Gacha Sovereign

Bawon Fortress (5)

Bawon Fortress (5)


Alex grabbed another spear. After killing the first one, he couldn't waste time. It needed a while for the whole monster group to notice that a rank 6 monster had died. 2

He aimed at the second rank 6 monsters. This time, it was a rank 6 fox. But unlike Sherry, this fox didn't look cute at all. On the contrary, this fox was ugly and ferocious, just like how people imagined a monster would be. With a huge body, it let out its tongue and sticky slobber flowed out from its mouth. Alex felt slightly annoyed upon looking at this creature.

"It is not cute at all, unlike Sherry. Ugh, so ugly. -100000 points. That guarantees you death," as he thought that in his mind, he threw another spear in his hand.

"Spin Throwing!"

On the side, suddenly Sherry jumped around in joy, "Wuu! Wuu!"

It didn't know why, but it got this feeling in its body and needed to let it out.

"Sherry?" Alicia and Firia were confused as to why Sherry suddenly acted like that. If Alex looked at Sherry at this moment, he might embarrassedly scratch his cheek or he might have retorted it instead. Unfortunately, he couldn't be bothered with anything else for a moment.

The spear suddenly appeared in front of the fox's head and pierced through its skull, thus killing it instantly. The spear also broke this time after it pierced through the fox.

Another rank 6 monster died. Leyfon was too shocked seeing how easy Alex killed these rank 6 monsters. Sila lowered her gaze embarrassedly. She was very ashamed of her behavior toward him before. Meanwhile, Franky didn't have any face to look at Alex anymore, he just wanted to find a hole and hid there forever. That way Alex couldn't look at him and he didn't need to embarrass himself any more than what he already did.

He could just jump out of the wall. That way, he didn't need to face the embarrassment and would be completely hidden in the dark.

Alicia and Firia were also astonished by Alex's power. But that was all. They didn't feel shocked by it. If you were together with Alex for a long time, you would somehow get used to his abnormality, and that was what happened to both Alicia and Firia. Meanwhile, Sherry was jumping around in joy while saying, "As expected of my Master!" But of course, nobody could understand it.

Alex grabbed another spear as soon as he threw the previous one. This time, the monster he aimed at was a rank 6 wolf. As he threw the spear, another monster died. But after he killed this third monster, Alex seemed to notice something.

"Sir Leyfon."

"What is it? Do you feel tired? After using that marvelous technique continuously, you must be tired. You can rest first, you have helped us enough," he somehow recovered from his shock after Alex called him.

"No no, I'm still fine. But, I just noticed something after killing the third monster. Don't you think they are from the same race? Look, first I killed a werewolf, the second was a fox, the third was a wolf and another fox was beside them, and-"

"Oh right, now that you mention it, they are similar... don't tell me..."

"Sir Leyfon, do you know something?"

"I think their leader is a rank 7 Rock Wolf!"

"Rock Wolf?"

"Yes, just like its name. Its characteristic is very similar to that of a wolf. But its body is made of rock. It is very hard to kill them, after all, their body is very strong and hard. It is hard for a warrior to beat them with their weapon, as its body is stronger than your average weapon. However, we can wear it out somehow, so you don't need to worry. Leave the leader to me."

Alex nodded. As he was about to grab another spear, suddenly a high pitch sound was heard.

"Auuuu!" The sound was coming from the left side, where Alex concentrated at.

Alex immediately saw what was happening, "The monsters have noticed me."

Leyfon also knew what Alex was talking about. He shouted to everyone standing by the wall, "The monsters will charge at us anytime now! Get ready with your weapon! Archer, start charging your bow now!"




A series of loud howls echoed on the battlefield. It was like the sound of a huge horn on the battlefield to signal the start of the battle. True enough, as soon as that series of howls began, the monsters started charging toward the wall. The people on the wall were taken aback by the sudden attack. Although they knew that the monsters would attack them at this moment, it was still very shocking to see this kind of scene right in front of your eyes, where monster hordes launched an attack on you.

"Don't be afraid. We have our proud wall that keeps standing even after continuous attacks from those beasts. Put your focus on those monsters and make sure to kill them all!" Leyfon rallied a battle cry.

"I will continue to shoot them with my spear," Alex said to Leyfon.

"I will leave it to you," Leyfon nodded and showed his trust to Alex.

However, before Alex continued, he went to Sherry and talked to it first, "Sherry, are you okay? After all, they are your kind..."

"Wuu! Wuu! Wuu!" Sherry said anxiously. Alex understood her, it seemed like Sherry told him, 'Don't lump me together with them, I only need you, master!'

Alex smiled hearing what it said, then he stroked her a bit. Then he immediately went to his position once again without saying anything.

Alex threw another spear to a rank 6 wolf. But the wolf had already prepared, so Alex failed to kill it with the spear he threw. Fortunately, the attack still blew one of its legs away, so its battle efficiency would be decreased. Alex then aimed at it once again. Because of its injured leg, the wolf couldn't dodge Alex's second spear and it killed the wolf on the spot.

"Huh... I hope the system has a recall function. With a few high-rank spear and recall functions, I can use the spear over and over and easily kill them with my 'Spin Throwing' or like an RPG with my 'Power Throwing'."

A shout then was heard from his left side. "FIRE!"

Many arrows immediately flew into the air. It was Leyfon who was giving commands to the archers. The monsters had already come within the archers' range.

The arrows feel like rains hitting the ground. Many of the arrows hit the target and a lot of monsters died instantly. However, those arrows only managed to kill the low-rank monsters, rank 2 or lower. The arrows only injured rank 3 monsters, while some others were able to dodge the arrows. None of the rank 4 monsters was hit, and that was how strong they were.

If you wondered about the rank 5 monsters or above, they were still lazing around the back of the line, while lower rank monsters charged first. This formation was convenient for Alex. They could just stand there, as he sniped them one by one with his spear.

Alex threw another spear to a rank 6 monster. But sadly, the monster already prepared enough and dodged his spear completely. Unlike the rank 6 wolf from before which Alex needed to throw two spears to kill it. It was pointless to aim them for the second time as this one was uninjured and prepared for a sudden attack. Thus, he changed the target and aimed at another rank 6 monsters. Unfortunately, he failed again and again. He realized that the monsters were now aware that someone was shooting them with a spear. They had become prepared and it was hard for Alex to target the fully prepared rank 6 monsters with this distance.

"Sir Leyfon, I think it will be hard to hit those rank 6 monsters since now they have prepared for my spear. I will try to change my target to rank 5 monsters."

"Sure. You already help us greatly by killing a few rank 6 monsters."

Alex nodded, "I will target the rank 5 monsters for now. If the rank 6 monsters come closer, I will aim my spear at them again. We will see which one is faster, my spear or their speed."

As he said that, Alex grabbed another spear and targeted the rank 5 monsters. This time, even though the monster already prepared for his spear, they didn't manage to dodge the spears. Alex continued throwing a few more spears, and by then, the monsters reached the wall. The monsters were butchered when they reached the wall since they had the height advantage, however, they kept ferociously charge toward the gate.

"Archers! Shoot those monsters attacking the wall gate. Don't let them break through the gate!" Leyfon shouted. "Andreas! Take a garrison to prepare for an attack. Charge to the outside! Have the Earth Mages form a temporary gate. I will join you soon!"

If you were wondering why the monsters only targeted one gate, the reason was simple, it was because the earth mages made out an earth wall to make a temporary wall that looked like (\__/). By doing this, the monsters would focus their attention on one gate only without bothering to go around looking for another gate to attack.

"Yes, father," Andreas immediately carried out his father's order. Unsurprisingly, Franky also followed him. It was probably because he wanted to leave the place immediately. He couldn't bear the embarrassment any longer.

No one cared about that though.

"Aoooo!" A high pitch howl suddenly heard on the battlefield. The monsters suddenly stopped for a while before they charged at the wall once again with more ferocity.

"It's coming," Leyfon looked at the darkness with a concerned look on his face.

"Coming? You mean…" Alex was surprised.

"Yes. The rank 7 monster, Rock Wolf, is finally coming."

Alex then tried to see into the darkness where the howl was heard. He tried hard, but couldn't see anything because of the dark.

Soon enough, a shadow formed between the darkness. It was difficult to see it, but it looked bigger and bigger as the shadow was coming closer to the wall. The shadow then took a shape and it became clear the monstrosity of this Rock Wolf. It stood five meters tall with a huge body, making the shadow look scary. Soon, it came out from the shadow and the figure of this monster became clear. The Rock Wolf had brownish rock skin with a few rock spikes on the top of its body. It showed its ferocious eyes and sharp fangs. It let out a howl once again which brought shivers to the spine of anyone who stood at the wall.


Under the Rock Wolf's command, a few rank 5 wolves immediately charged toward the gate with rage and a lot of power. They charged with much faster speed than the previous monsters. The rank 5 monsters reached the wall only within a few seconds. Alex was surprised by the sudden appearance of the rank 7 monster. That was why he was unprepared when the rank 5 wolves charged toward the wall.

What was more surprising was that the wolves suddenly went into an unusual formation. Six wolves were surrounded by many wolves as they charged toward the wall. Suddenly, the six wolves jumped from the ground.

"Fool! Do they think our wall was short enough for them to pass it with just a jump?" A soldier near him mocked the wolf.

But right after the sentence came out of his mouth, he was visibly shocked. The three wolves suddenly leaped once again with the support of the other three wolves. They jumped and sacrificed their comrades' bodies. And their target was…

"Alex! Watch out!" Leyfon, who was caught off guard, shouted at Alex.

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