Villain Cultivator

Miaomiao, the Porn Star

Miaomiao, the Porn Star

0Chapter 368 – Miaomiao, the Porn Star     


"Do you know how to fertilize my eggs?"     


Again, the unknown cute voice kept asking the same question.     


Miaomiao shook his head as he gave up on his SIMP gods. He simply took off his pants, revealing his erected 9-inch.     


"To fertilize your eggs, you need a man to inseminate them. Secondly, it has to be done inside your pussy. You catch my drift?"     


Miaomiao didn't care if he had to cheat his wives again. After all, his survival depended on his D.     


The voice no longer responded to his words.     


Miaomiao gulped, waiting for the unknown being to either appear or leave.     


He hated the silence. He didn't know what the mysterious being's motive was since the question sounded like a test.     




A minute had passed, the cave was still quiet.     


However, it was the most nerve-wracking moment of Miaomiao's life. He could even hear his heartbeat and flowing bloodstream inside him.     


"Umm, well?" Miaomiao spoke first as he didn't like the suspense.     


It worked. The mysterious being finally disabled her camouflage ability, revealing her sexy hairy spider legs and her half-monster body.     


Because of her six long spider legs and her monster physique, the black-haired spider girl looked towering compared to Miaomiao's height.     


Still, Miaomiao was being Miaomiao. Instead of being shocked, his eyes and erected penis were attracted to the monster's pale boobs. He also had the urge to grope them, but the monster girl was too tall.     




Dian Wei blinked her eyes several times and tilted her head, staring at Miaomiao's orc dick, "What's that?"     


"Hmm? What's what?"     


Dian Wei pointed at his crotch, "That."     


"Oh?" Miaomiao grinned as he sensed the innocence of this monster girl. He took off all his remaining clothes and began stroking his junk. "This is called a man's genital! We use this thing to reproduce. Well, in your case, it's a tool to fertilize your eggs or whatsoever."     


"Really?" Dian Wei clapped her hands and smiled, "Then, can you show me how it's done? I don't know the method."     


"Err, with you?" Miaomiao pointed at his dick again.     


"Yes, please."     




For a moment, Miaomiao suspected that he had been reincarnated or transmigrated into a porn world. This kind of scenario only belonged in C-grade X-rated movies with no story but sex scenes.     


Although this girl was easy, there were problems.     


Miaomiao had no experience with monster girls.     


"But first things first," Miaomiao coughed and glanced at Dian Wei's lower body part. "Where is your pussy?"     


"What pussy?"     


"Your genital."     


"What genital?"     


Miaomiao facepalmed. This monster girl was too pure. Now, he started hesitating if he should violate her innocence.     


Fortunately, Dian Wei was a smart monster. She thought of something and clapped her hands.     


"Is this the one?"     


With both hands, she spread her crotch area, where a pink hole was hiding in between the lower human abdomen and the spider abdomen.     


The human genital had replaced her spider mouth. Thus, it couldn't be seen from her point of view.     


However, Miaomiao instantly sat down and examined it. Indeed, there was a pink juicy slit there.     


Still, Miaomiao was curious, "Did you give birth to your eggs through this hole?"     


"No. They always came out of my back butt," She pointed at the spider abdomen.     


Miaomiao looked at the huge round and hairy spider part while he had goosebumps, imagining a scenario in which he had to insert his D into that area.     

















Jesus had been working very hard behind the curtain. This prophet was also efficient as he completed many tasks at once as if he had been planning ahead.     



<99 Immortals have purchased Tier 1 subscription of your channel for 1 month.>     

<17 Immortals have purchased  Tier 2 subscription of your channel for 1 month.>     









Miaomiao was at a loss for word. Not only he had to convince this monster girl not to kill him, but he might also have to satisfy the demands of these horny gods.     


Still, the unimaginable wealth he received was exaggerating and astonishingly stunning for a mortal. As 6,269 soul stones could be exchanged for six billion essence cores, he started to wonder where Dion or these gods had procured so many dantians of dead cultivators.     



<"A reminder, in the immortal and god realms, we are using soul stones of various grades as a currency. It is also easier to procure as thousands of immortal planets contain many natural mines".>     

<"1st-grade soul stones are like a chump change to us. Please do not hesitate to extort your viewers for the donation".>     

<"As for essence cores, you don't have to worry about it. We don't extract raw essence cores form mortals. In fact, we farm it from livestock in god realms. Even a chicken has several essence cores in their body,"  said Macho Joshua.>     


'So that's why…'     


This information was an eye-opener. Even though Miaomiao was still overwhelmed by the live-streaming career's revenue, he was no longer embarrassed or shy from being exposed to the public eyes.     


Sex sells!     


Porn sells!     


Sex feels good!     


Making money feels good!     


Making money while having sex feels SUPER GOOD!     


He was motivated!     


But Jesus had not finished his job yet.     












The next system notifications were like a nail to the coffin. The capitalist spirit of Miaomiao took over his logic, doubt, and fear.     


Without hesitation, Miaomiao stood up and confronted Dian Wei. His eyes were so bright that they almost fired laser beams, "Hey babe, since you've asked me to teach you, may I try to insert my penis into your pussy?"     





Dian Wei was still confused. She tilted her head to the other side, "Okay."     






Miaomiao smiled at the system panel, getting excited along with his fans.     


However, Miaomiao ran into a problem. Currently, Dian Wei was a bit too tall, so he would have to jump if he wanted to stick it in.     


"Can you bend your legs and lower your crotch down? I can't reach it."     


"Oh, sure," Dian Wei obediently sat down, eagerly waiting to learn a new thing.     


Miaomiao slowly lifted Dian Wei's human torso up and slipped his legs under her. Then, their genitals finally made contact.     


Dian Wei grinned as it felt tingling and hot. Meanwhile, Miaomiao drooled as her body temperature was cold, but her fluid was as slippery as oil.     


He grabbed his manhood and carefully inserted it into the paradise hole. Though it was slightly hotter than Xu Chu and other succubi's holes.     


Dian Wei slightly opened her mouth as she felt the new sensation, after which she laughed, "Hey, that feels kinda tickle."     


Miaomiao hadn't moved yet, but Dian Wei began to move her hips left and right, grinding the huge rod inside her. Even though her hymen was torn and her blood leaked out, she ignored it and concentrated on squeezing the hot sausage to savor the tingling feeling.     


Miaomiao snickered and enjoyed getting the grinding service of this powerful spider. He also slightly moved his hips up and down, teasing her inside.     


As soon as Miaomiao's tip reached the innermost part, Dian Wei slightly jolted and widened her eyes, "Oh? Eheh! Wow!"     


Then, instead of moving from side to side, she started moving up and down.     


"Ah? Aha!"     


It was slow at first since Dian Wei wasn't used to moving like this. But 10 seconds later, she moved faster.     


Soon, the piston speed and intensity of this 9th-stage monster shocked Miaomiao. She pressed him on the ground and started doing all the moves alone.     




He lost count of how many times Dian Wei had squatted, but it was as fast as Xu Chu's speed, minus the small tentacle.     


Moreover, her inside was barbed like cat tongues, which was new! The hole squeezed, grounded, and twisted as if it was alive.     


Because of the new experience, he fired his first shot within 2 minutes.     




Sensing hot liquid inside her belly, Dian Wei sensed a chill running down her spine. She placed her hands on her cheeks, savoring the taste and the pleasure.      0


For the first time, she had an orgasm.     











Miaomiao whistled as he read the system notification messages. He had forgotten about the Vital Yin Core as it barely boosted his power, but the quest hadn't finished yet.     


He wondered what would happen if he could complete it.     


But before Miaomiao could browse his quest menu, Dian Wei rubbed her front belly against his, seducing him.     


"Ehehe. Is this what you call… reproduction? I can feel your fluid inside me. They are moving to my eggs behind my back."     




That was a bit too detailed. Miaomiao didn't want to know about a monster girl's anatomy.     


But Dian Wei wanted more, "Can you do it again?"     







<"Fuck that spider for a day, and I'll donate a 2nd-grade soul stone!">     





Miaomiao shrugged. Without being told, he was going to continue anyway.     


"Of course. I'll keep doing until your belly is filled to the brim."     


"Ahahaha! I like that. So is this how I can fertilize my eggs?"     


"Probably so. How many eggs you want me to inseminate?"     




"Fertilize your eggs."     


"Oh! Well, let's see. I have about 50 million incomplete eggs in my back belly. That juice just now only filled like… 100 of them. If my calculation is right, we need to do it 500,000 more times."     








Miaomiao's face went blank as he counted his hand. Even if he were to copulate with this monster all day, he might need to spend about two years to complete the quota.     

By then, wouldn't Siren City be destroyed!?     


Before Miaomiao could say anything, the spider girl's piston squatting began. Again, her inside twisted like a grinder while her cervix latched onto his manhood's tip, sucking it nonstop.     


"Oh, god."     


Mating with powerful girls was tiring, but he couldn't complain. After all, he did it to survive.     


The apology to the wives could wait. For now, he needed to satisfy this thirsty monster girl first.     


Unfortunately, Dian Wei leaned closer to his left shoulder and bared her fangs.     






Suddenly, Dian Wei tore a chunk of flesh from Miaomiao's shoulder! As she continued humping him, she also chewed his meat and drank his blood!     


"O-Oi!!" Miaomiao was shocked. He yelled and warned Dian Wei about her behavior, but she didn't stop.     


The next bite arrived.     






This time, she tore enough flesh to the point that she could see Miaomiao's white collar bones.     

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