Elite Doting Marriage: Crafty Husband, Aloof Cute Wife

Just Couldn't Bear To Let Go

Just Couldn't Bear To Let Go

0"Goodbye." Xuxu waved at her and headed towards the carpark.     

After walking for a short distance, she heard Fang Jiayin's voice calling out again. "Xuxu, don't be so sensitive. I've always felt that you and Ah Sheng are the most suited for each other. I've never once thought of turning back when I chose to let him go."     

Xuxu stopped in her steps. Since she had no intention of turning back, why did she feel the need to tell her?     

There seemed to be some hidden meaning in her words.     

Xuxu turned her head as she mulled over this and smiled genuinely at Fang Jiayin. "Don't think too much. I'm not being over-sensitive."     

Having said that, she turned back and continued walking ahead.     

She was driving Yan Rusheng's car that day. When she got into the car, she turned on the radio to a random channel and quickly drove off.     

"On October 11, there will be a charity musical performance at Capital City Musical Theatre hosted by musician Fang Jiayin, who has just returned from abroad. Tickets on sale now. Log on to the organizer's website to snatch your tickets now…"     

Xuxu turned on the radio to mask the feeling of emptiness in the car. At the end of a song, there was a radio advertisement promoting Fang Jiayin's charity musical performance.     

Surprise flashed past her eyes, and she curled her lips coldly.     

When you're a gem, your life will forever have a positive glow. Be it during their university days or after graduation, Fang Jiayin was always noticeably outstanding.     

After two hours on the road, Xuxu realized that she was incredibly exhausted the moment the car finally pulled to a stop.     

She felt completely drained of energy, and her body felt so limp and painful that she found it tedious to even open the car door.     

Damn it. It's all Yan Rusheng's fault for tormenting me so early in the morning.     

She cursed him in her heart and vented her frustration by slamming the car door.     

Dry and withered leaves fell continuously from two huge trees outside the dilapidated old metal gate. As she approached the gate, she caught sight of cartoon drawings on the walls of the two-story building. A heartwarming smile filled her face.     

She wasn't in a hurry to go in as the children were having their afternoon nap at this time. She stood outside the gate for a while before turning around and walking aimlessly along the high walls of the orphanage.     

She felt that she wasn't someone who was full of love and compassion for people, but towards these children, she just couldn't bear to give up.     

She hoped that they could have a home filled with warmth, to have a good future, and to have a life worth living.     

The size of the orphanage was about five to six hundred square meters which wasn't considered big. She walked to a rustic looking cemented road at the back of the orphanage. White poplars lined both sides of the road which faced a stretch of farmland filled with newly sprouted green wheat plants.     

The area shared the borderline of three cities, and their suburbs were also well developed. As a result, this piece of land was a gem.     

Once the government relaxed their regulations, there were bound to be many investors eager to bid for this area.     


Xuxu took a walk for a while. When she returned to the orphanage, the children were already awake.     

Each time she came to visit, the children would cling to her persistently. Everyone couldn't wait to share their daily routines and happenings with her.     

She would listen to them patiently. It was these moments with the children that made her feel the most relaxed, lifting all her burdens off her shoulders.     

The weather had turned chilly, and the children all donned long sleeves clothes. Being the youngest, Little Huanhuan would always get the privilege to sit on Xuxu's lap and act cute.     

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