Elite Doting Marriage: Crafty Husband, Aloof Cute Wife

I'll Try My Best To Atone For My Sin

I'll Try My Best To Atone For My Sin

4She was having lewd thoughts about his body when he wasn't looking?     2

Hearing his accusation, Xuxu almost vomited blood out of exasperation. Wasn't she the one who fell asleep first?     

She knew nothing about what happened afterward.     

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in your body at all."     

Sweeping her eyes scornfully across Young Master Yan's chest, she stood up, adjusted her clothes and then strode towards the exit.     

Yan Rusheng turned cold from Xuxu's words. "Then whose body are you interested in?"     

He got up, and with the advantage of a pair of lean legs, caught up to her in no time. He grabbed her arm and warned her, "You have to keep in mind that you're my wife now. You can only think of me."     

Xuxu paused and turned around. She lifted her head and looked at him with flashing eyes. "How about you?"     

She had overlooked his feelings and who he loved, trying her best to fit into her role in this marriage.     

So why should he care about her feelings and who she loved?     

Recently, they were both starting to get immersed in their roles. Shouldn't they continue this act to sustain this marriage?     

He had suddenly customized couple outfits, brought her out for lunch and a movie, and even clarified his rumors with another woman…     

All these actions had left her overjoyed and had given her hope and expectations.     

But she didn't dare to harbor these hopes so easily. To expect him to forget Fang Jiayin whom he had yearned for all these years.     

She didn't dare to hope that he would forgive her for causing Grandmother's death. Or to hope that he would lessen his hatred towards her within these few months.     

After all, he had once promised her that they would never be apart.     

But at the next moment, he appeared hand-in-hand with another woman in front of her.     

She had chased him relentlessly all these years, and it had only proved that he'd made the promise to the wrong person that night. She was merely a substitute for another woman.     

She took a deep breath but spoke her words lightly. "Yes, without Grandmother, I wouldn't be here today. But I've caused her death, and this is what I owe her and the Yan family. I'll try my best to atone for my sin."     

She flung his hand away as she said, "Sorry, but my heart is in my body. It's mine."     

And with that, she quickly turned and walked away.     

She loved him, but he wasn't everything in her world.     

Yan Rusheng's hand hovered in mid-air, and he watched Xuxu vanish from his sight. She was prideful, cold, and unyielding. She had instantly and callously extinguished his determination and passion to court her.     

He thought that her behavior last night meant that she had accepted him.     

That's why he mustered up his courage to explain the truth to her and went as far as to ask someone for movie tickets.     

To his surprise, she only wanted to make amends and even asked him not to get his feelings involved.     

He wanted to chase after her and say, 'Wen Xuxu, I'm the one who caused Grandmother's death. You don't owe us anything, and you don't need to atone for anything. You can leave now."     

But he remained rooted to the ground; he was afraid that she might really heed his words and never return.     


His car made a turn and entered the courtyard. In a split second, he stopped the car outside the main doors.     

The car owner got down and slammed the door behind him.     

"Wen Xuxu isn't back yet?" Yan Rusheng asked the butler the moment he entered the house.     

He was exuding an eerie and chilly aura, and his expression was gloomy and dark. The butler shivered a little before answering politely, "Young Madam isn't back yet."     

Then a look of doubt shot across the butler's face. Didn't you go out with Young Madam this morning?     

Yan Rusheng remained silent and changed into his house slippers before striding over to the living room.     

He was about to ascend the stairs when a servant called out to him. "Third Young Master."     

He paused his steps as his gaze slowly turned towards the servant.     

"A package came for the young madam this afternoon." She held a small box as she walked towards him.     

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