Zombie Sister Strategy

The Image In Her Head

The Image In Her Head

4As Lin Wenwen and her people arrived at the base, she realized that her memory about the attack became unclear when she relived the time that the attack happened. Before, it was very real, but over time, it became more and more blurry.     

She was confused. She didn't know if she had really experienced that or if that was just her illusion or a dream.     

Near the zombie wall, a figure was standing in the middle of the road, waiting for them to pass. The zombie crowd had already moved to both sides of the road and cleared the way for them.     

It was the zombie old man wearing a black, traditional Chinese styled robe, which had cloud patterns on it. His white hair were neatly brushed, hands held behind his body and back hunched slightly.     

Under his glasses were a pair of purely dark eyes that had silver pupils. If it weren't for those eyes, one would think that he was a real old man.     

"Eh? Grandpa Guo, are you here to pick us up? I didn't know that you're back too," Lin Feng and his people got off the car when they saw the old man.     

Earlier on, the old man followed Qiu Lili and Yun Meng out of the base to carry out missions. Him showing up in the base meant that Qiu Lili and Yun Meng were back home too.     

He glanced at the motorcade behind Lin Wenwen.     

"What's up, Grandpa Guo? Is there a problem?" Li Zheng stuck his head out of the car window and asked. He was trying to ask the old man if anyone in their team was infected.     

Old Guo shook his head and said, "Get in." His voice was as hoarse as that of the other zombies.     

Then, he stepped aside and watched Lin Wenwen walk to his side before asking her, "How's the harvest?"     

Lin Wenwen shook her head and responded, "Not much, but good."     

The old man nodded and said, "Chief isn't in the base these days."     

Lin Wenwen's heart missed a beat. Suddenly, she began thinking about what might have happened to her and her people if they were really attacked by that metal vine. Lin Qiao wasn't in the base, so the help might have never arrived.     

"Go," The old man pointed at Lin Wenwen's car and said to her.     

Lin Wenwen nodded, then turned and got inside the car. After that, the old man disappeared. As the motorcade entered the base, the zombie crowd moved back in position.     

The old man hopped on top of a building nearby and murmured, "Where's the bloody kid? He's neglecting his duty!"     

That area was supposed to under the guard of Four, the zombie boy. The old man came here to play with him and ended up pissing him off and driving him away. Then, the old man sensed the vibes of Lin Feng and his people, so he stayed to see if they needed any help.     

Back in the base, people headed back home or left to do their work. After sorting and counting the harvests and putting them inside the storage, Lin Wenwen headed back to where she lived to rest. But, she ran into someone in the lobby.     

"Ouch!" That person gave a shout. Lin Wenwen saw a person come right at her as she turned at a corner, so she quickly turned her body to dodge. That person gave a start and automatically leaned backward to avoid bumping into her. As a result, he slipped and fell to the ground.     

"Are you okay!" Lin Wenwen looked at the young man with concern. He was slim, good-looking, with a medium height and a little pale complexion.     

"I'm okay," Lu Tong struggled back up from the ground and dusted off his pants, then raised his head to see Lin Wenwen's pretty face.     

"As long as you're okay," Lin Wenwen looked at him and smiled as she nodded mildly, then turned and left.     

Looking at her back, Lu Tong blinked. A gleam of light flashed across his eyes.     

On the other side, Lin Wenwen slowed down her pace and knitted her brows deeply.     

Earlier on when she saw that young man, a blurry image flashed across her mind. She didn't pay much attention to it back then, but as he had walked away now, that image instantly grew clearer in her mind.     

When the young man had walked a distance away, Lin Wenwen turned to look at his back. At that very moment, the image in her head became even clearer than before.     

It was a dimly illuminated room, and she saw a man lying on his stomach on a bed. Half of his face was buried in the wrinkled quilt. Lin Wenwen focused on the exposed half of his face, which was so familiar to her. She had been looking at it, thinking about it for years.     

That was Yuan Tianxing's face!     

After recognizing that face, the image cleared even further, especially Yuan Tianxing's half-closed eyes and motionless body.     

What was that place? That wasn't Yuan Tianxing's room! Why was he lying there? The room looked small and strange. Whose room was it?     

Before Lin Wenwen figured out anything, she saw a person walk into the image from the bottom left. It was a young man. As he walked up to Yuan Tianxing and turned around, Lin Wenwen saw his face.     

It was the young man that she saw just now.     

What happened next made Lin Wenwen pop her eyes and breathe quickly as anger exploded in her mind.     

She saw the young man walk to Yuan Tianxing, bend over, and start taking off his clothes. He stripped Yuan Tianxing, then began taking off his own clothes, and then got into the bed.     

He lay on the bed beside Yuan Tianxing. While pulling the quilt, he dragged the naked Yuan Tianxing upon himself.     

Yuan Tianxing made no move the entire time. He had his eyes closed, as if he couldn't feel anything.     

The young man put Yuan Tianxing upon himself, then covered the two of them with the quilt.     

At that time, Lin Wenwen felt dizzy. She quivered slightly, then had her mind clear up. The image had faded from her mind. Her face turned red, then pale. She gasped quickly for air and her chest heaved restlessly. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't ease the anger in her heart.     

She forced herself to calm down, then raised her head and ran straight toward Yuan Tianxing's office. Meanwhile, she tried to figure out something about that image in her head.     

She ran to the door of Yuan Tianxing's office. The door was open, so she saw him sitting behind his table at first glance, focusing on work.     

Suddenly, she lost her courage of going in. She quickly turned and made a few steps backward. Lu Junjie, who was guarding by the door, opened his mouth and looked at her with confusion. He was going to greet her.     

Seeing Yuan Tianxing sitting in his office unharmed, she instantly felt much better. However, the image that had popped up in her mind was still torturing her. She needed to find out the truth about it!     

She calmed herself and glanced at the door. Then, she waved at Lu Junjie and signaled for him to come over before asking him a question.     

"Has Tianxing been doing something strange lately? Or, how is he feeling these days?"     

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