Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife is a Little Sweet

Twisting the facts

Twisting the facts

4Ye Wanwan protested, "Mengqi's my best friend! We all know that she's the honorable girlfriend of Song Zihang! I think you're the one spouting nonsense! Are you trying to accuse our Mengqi of being the third party here? You're too much!"     1

"You… What did you say… Zihang's girlfriend…" Mrs Song was shocked. As she looked at Jiang Yanran's red and swollen face, a sense of uneasiness arose in her heart.     

At this point, almost everybody understood what was going on.     

Ye Wanwan didn't have to continue anymore.     

A girl standing next to Mrs Song turned to her and asked, "You're Song Zihang's mom? Did you know that Song Zihang declared to the whole school that he doesn't have anything to do with Jiang Yanran and even said that the engagement didn't exist? He said it was just a joke between the two families and then he confessed his love to another girl on the spot!"     

Mrs Song came to her senses and replied angrily, "This… This can't be true! How could my son do something like that?! Stop attacking him!"     

Some people couldn't tolerate this any further and started talking all at once, "How are we attacking him? Everybody in school knows about this, we're all witnesses, okay?"     

"That's right! When Jiang Yanran found out that Song Zihang had a secret date with her best friend, Shen Mengqi, she had a fight with her. We were all initially helping Jiang Yanran scold Mengqi but in the end, Song Zihang slapped Jiang Yanran in front of everyone and announced on the school's forum that he didn't have an engagement with her! If you don't believe us, you can see it for yourself on the forum! Look for the 'video of Jiang Yanran Attacking the Third Party and Song Zihang Defending the Third Party', the announcement and everything else are on there!"     

"Song Zihang confessed to Shen Mengqi in a very grand way with candles and flowers and they've been together constantly these past few days. You're now saying that he and Jiang Yanran were engaged? Don't you think that's a bit contradictory?"     

At this time, the speculations were getting louder and everybody was shocked at this turn of events.     

"I didn't think that Song Zihang had been lying this whole time to protect the third party! Shen Mengqi really was the third party!"     

"I thought Song Zihang was quite manly at first, but who knew he was a scumbag who hooked up with his fiancee's best friend behind her back! His mom actually dared to say he was devoted to Jiang Yanran? Where did she find the guts to say that?"     

"What do you mean behind her back? He hooked up with that girl right under Jiang Yanran's nose!"     

"Tsk tsk, also, the big project that Song Zihang has been boasting about was busted already! Probably as revenge from the Jiang family! He deserves it!"     

"I thought the Song family was powerful but they only relied on help from the Jiang family!"     

"His mom actually came down to school to twist the facts and slap Jiang Yanran, putting the blame on the victim! Oh my god! This has me totally twisted! What kind of people are in this family?! They're just a pack of ungrateful wolves!"     

"They're shameless!"     


Mrs Song became paler and paler when she heard the overwhelming ridicule and insults circling around her.     

Her initial plan was to find Jiang Yanran to seek revenge and ruin her reputation, but instead, she learnt the truth and almost fainted on the spot.     

The reason why the Jiang family wanted to call off the engagement suddenly… was because of this!     

Zihang denied the engagement in front of everyone and hooked up with another girl in school immediately after?     

This… This is impossible! This is completely impossible!     

Ye Wanwan caught a glimpse of a figure trying to sneak off into the crowd and she rushed over nimbly, grabbed onto Shen Mengqi's elbow and said anxiously, "Mengqi! You're finally here! Hurry, explain things to everyone! They're too much; they actually said that you're a shameless third party! You're definitely not this kind of person, right?"     

Suddenly, everybody turned to Ye Wanwan and saw the flustered Shen Mengqi standing next to Song Zihang.     

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