The Most Loving Marriage In History: Master Mu’s Pampered Wife

Wedding (5)

Wedding (5)

1Because the wedding was done in a very low-profile, Gu Qiwu received the news the morning of the wedding. This was also when Ah Yong and the rest accidentally mentioned it.     

"Boss, I'm sure there'll be a lot of people there today. Do we want to go?" Ah Yong asked for instructions from Gu Qiwu on the phone.     

At this moment, Gu Qiwu was having breakfast at the dining table. When he heard Ah Yong, he stopped what he was doing as his gaze darkened. After a while, he asked, "Can you check on the person that Mu Lingshi's getting married to?"     

Gu Qiwu's deep voice contained unseen stress to it as his hand that held onto the newspaper suddenly tightened.     

"Yes, Boss, I checked on that too. The groom is Mu Lingmo. He's someone who grew up with Mu Lingshi. His parents have both passed away. When he was very young, Mu Yinan adopted him from an orphanage under Mu Tangchuan's name. He's always been very close to Mu Lingshi ever since they were young. Mu Yinan and Wang Hui have tacitly approved of their relationship. In fact, since a very long time ago, the two of them had already gotten together, so this is just a simple ceremony. They only invited some close friends and family, so no one else knows," Ah Yong reported his investigation to Gu Qiwu in detail.     

Gu Qiwu's stern face became hard. "That means Mu Yinan's marrying Mu Lingshi off to an orphan that has nothing?"     

"I guess you can say that, but, Boss, Mu Lingmo isn't a nobody. He's a competent assistant to Mu Yuchen. All these years, whenever Mu Yuchen couldn't make it, he'd come forth in his place. In fact, his background on the streets is probably no less than mine. When I was in City B, I heard his name from many people. They all call him Bro Mo. He's one of Mu Yuchen's most capable henchmen." Ah Mo dared not hide anything from him. He silently revealed all that he knew honestly to Gu Qiwu.     

"Even so, you can't change the fact that he's an orphan, can you?"     

Ah Yong could hear a hint of hostility from Gu Qiwu, but he did not understand why Gu Qiwu was angry. In fact, he seemed to pay so much attention to Mu Lingshi. It was Mu Lingshi's freedom to marry Mu Lingmo, so why did the boss not seem too pleased about this?     

Nevertheless, Ah Yong dared not ask his doubts aloud. He only silently waited for Gu Qiwu's next instructions.     

Gu Qiwu fell silent for a long time before he suppressed the coldness in his voice and asked in a deep tone, "Has there been anything from Missus' end these past two days?"      

"Still the same as before. She's not doing anything, but yesterday she gave Miss Lingsha a call. After that, I don't know what they spoke about, but Missus was very angry. I heard from the butler that Missus just threw her phone to the ground. I think Missus was asking Miss Lingsha why she wasn't going home to visit her." Ah Yong made a bold guess.     

Gu Qiwu's eyes darkened, and he hesitated before asking, "Qi Feng's probably landing soon, isn't he?"     

"Yes, Boss, he should be reaching City Z tonight. They left home yesterday. Qi Qiming delegated many people to escort them along the way."     

"Hmm, Wang Qin's dead, so what is he worried about? Qi Feng's much luckier than Qi Lei. Arrange for a few smart people to watch them from the side, but don't let anyone notice them," Gu Qiwu said before he hung up.     


After he hung up, Gu Qiwu casually tossed his phone to the side. His expression was a little gloomy as he took a tissue to wipe his hand. When Butler Fang who was serving him saw that he was irate, he quickly went up to him. "Boss, was the breakfast not suitable this morning?"     

"Get a car for me!" Gu Qiwu ordered coldly, then went upstairs.     

The weather today was not as blistering hot as the days before. Instead, now it was surprisingly gloomy.     

Early in the morning, Ah Mo and Mu Lingsha's villa was already bustling with activity. Their wedding ceremony was going to be held on the huge lawn at the villa. It was a very simple manor wedding.     

They did not invite many people. They just had all their closest friends over. Zhou Zimo was the best man while the bridesmaid was one of Mu Lingshi's former classmates whom Xi Xiaye did not know.     

At this moment, the crowd that sat in a circle on the grass area had quieted down. The priest stood in front, waiting for the new couple to enter.     

Wearing a perfectly straight black tux, Ah Mo stood on one side of the red carpet and was looking ahead. His handsome face had a soft smile as his eyes were filled with anticipation.     

"The bride is here!" The emcee's excited voice boomed as the familiar notes of the wedding march were played. The crowd quickly turned to look behind. Indeed, not too far away from the red carpet, Mu Lingshi was dressed in a beautiful white wedding dress, and with Mu Tangchuan's lead, she slowly stepped on the red carpet.     

The crowd stood up in unison and smiled at the bride that walked over.     

Mu Yuchen and Xi Xiaye were standing by Ah Mo's side. The husband and wife exchanged a glance and smiled at each other before continuing to look with anticipation at Mu Lingshi.     

Zhou Zimo nudged Ah Mo before the latter blankly took the bouquet from the tray beside him and walked ahead.     

"Father!" Ah Mo respectfully and gratefully looked at Mu Tangchuan before his faze shifted towards Mu Lingshi who was under the veil.     

Mu Tangchuan smiled and nodded before he held Ah Mo's hand and put Mu Lingshi's hand into his. He gently patted them before moving aside.     

When Ah Mo lifted Mu Lingshi's veil, her eyes were already tearing up.     

She blinked away the tears and looked Ah Mo who looked down at her. When he lowered his head to plant a kiss on the back of her hand, she sniffled emotionally and went up to hug him tightly.     

"Let's go!" Ah Mo smiled gently and studied her before holding her hand to walk towards the priest who was already smiling while waiting for them for quite a while. When they stopped in front of him, he read them a paragraph of well wishes before letting them say their vows.     

When Mu Lingshi said "I do", there was a round of joyful applause.     

Mu Yuchen locked his fingers tightly with Xi Xiaye's, and when he saw Ah Mo and Lingshi engulfed in fresh flowers and glittering confetti, a faint joy flashed on his handsome face. In the depths of his eyes, it seemed as if something had been relieved.     

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