Rise of Humanity

Fabricating In The Book of Life and Death

Fabricating In The Book of Life and Death

2Hell has 18 cities with eighteen mansions, each mansion accommodated a judge and each judge dictates a city. The Serene Darkness City, Serene Shadow City, and Serene Soul City were in charge of the Prison Realm affairs; while the cities to the more important realms were placed deeper and further in the heart of Hell.     4

However, the Book of Life and Death was the same for all realms in the Six Paths World, all datas can be accessed from any halls.     

"The Book of Life and Death is kept in the Six Paths Paragon in the Serene Darkness Mansion." Lan Si God lead Zhong Yue and Qiu Jin'er and he said, "Emissaries, please bear with me for some time, I need to contact my connections in the Serene Darkness Mansion to get us into the paragon."     

The three of them reached to the front of the Serene Darkness Paragon, the mansion was heavily guarded, armed guardians stood guard and patrolled around the mansion, making it nearly impossible for anyone to sneak in.     

Lan Si God stepped forward, he whispered with one of the officers while furtively placing a godly pearl in the officer's hand. The officer glanced around before quietly keeping the godly pearls and nodded at the other guards.     

Lan Si God gestured at Zhong Yue and Qiu Jin'er, and they walked into the mansion.     

Behind them, the guards around Serene Darkness Mansion laughed and said, "Officer Zuo, that godly pearl is a precious treasure, you've earned big time from that alone! We demand a feast to celebrate it!"     

"Of course, of course."     

Zhong Yue heard them and he shook his head as he thought, This Hell is really rotten to the bones.     

The three of them walked deeper into the mansion and finally reached to the Six Paths Paragon. Although named as a paragon, the Six Paths Paragon was actually a stage shaped like a paragon. It was carved from a pure jade star, and had eighteen levels.     

Even Zhong Yue's 30,000 feet tall Avatar would appear to be incredibly small when compared to the Six Paths Paragon.     

However, this was Hell they were in now. Here, without the constraints of his mortal body, Zhong Yue's Yuan Shen could grow as enormous as a planet; thus, the paragon didn't appear as stunning as it would usually.     

Size is relative—to an ant, the ordinary humans are enormously huge; to the ordinary humans, the Qi Practitioners' Avatar appears like gods to them; whereas to the Qi Practitioners, the gods' Avatar were beyond their imagination.     

Two gods were standing guard in front of the Six Paths Paragon, their grotesque appearance suggested them to be from the Wei Shen Celestial Race, and they stood side by side with their weapons crossed together.     

Lan Si God whispered, "Emissaries, this is as far as I can get. The guardians in here are the gods from the Wei Shen Celestial Race. They are both as strong as the Deity Overlords, and are only a status below to the judges. Figures like me can no longer affect their decisions."     

Zhong Yue nodded, he walked toward the Six Paths Paragon with Qiu Jin'er, and raised the tablet at the guardians.     

The Wei Shen gods glared their eyes wide to the front while they ignored the two, allowing Zhong Yue and Qiu Jin'er to walk past their weapons. All of a sudden, Zhong Yue stopped and waved his hand in front of one of the Wei Shen god.     

Qiu Jin'er's heart skipped a beat and nearly exclaimed out of shock, while Zhong Yue returned his hand and mumbled puzzlingly, "The guardians… they seemed to be… stunned?"     

Lan Si shouted out of shock, he quickly moved forward to take a clearer look, and indeed, the two Wei Shen gods were stunned like two statues on the ground.     

"Yes, they are stunned! Even their arcane energy, psyche and totem patterns are all stunned!"     

Cold sweat burst out of Lan Si God's forehead, he then looked at the Six Paths Paragon in fear, "The intruder, he must be here… Quick, quick, we need to alert the judges!"     

"No." Zhong Yue cleared his throat and said, "Not yet, not before I check the Book of Life and Death. What's the big deal even if the intruder is in the paragon? Do you think he can stir any trouble right in front of me? In turn, if the judges are alerted, not only that I will be exposed, I will not be able to check the Book of Life and Death and fail the mission tasked to me by the higher-ups!"     

Then, he lead Qiu Jin'er into the paragon, leaving Lan Si trembling in fear behind.     

Qiu Jin'er was also feeling uneasy, she whispered, "Senior martial brother…"     

"Don't talk." Zhong Yue whispered back, "We just need to get to the Book of Life and Death for the Prison Realm which are located in the first three levels. Whoever the intruder is, he is definitely from a higher realm and will be in the higher levels, we won't bump into him."     

Upon hearing, Qiu Jin'er was eased a little.     

One who dares to invade hell, capable of escaping from the hands of the 18 judges, and completely stun two gods that easily would have been a great cultivator. Although Zhong Yue seemed to be confident, he had no idea if he would be able to fight back such a cultivator.     

The two of them walked into the first level of the Six Paths Paragon, they looked up and was astonished.     

Looking around, the first level of the paragon was seemingly boundless, there were countless golden books hovering in mid-air with godly rays around them. The books were flipped continuously as the godly words were written into them at an incredible speed.     

The books recorded every details of the living beings; their past, current, and future lives, everything were calculated through profound equations and predestined before they even happen!     

The books were collectively known as the Book of Life and Death, and it was the one and only treasure that dictated the lives of all in this Six Paths World!     

The books were much bigger and complex than the Ancestral Star Zhong Li Celestial Race's Lang Ya Board. Every race has a book of their own, and it recorded every members of the race!     

No wonder there are some that disobeyed the rules. After all, no one would like to have their future destined, not even I am willing to, let alone the stronger gods! Zhong Yue thought, However, I have to write my name in the book, or otherwise, I will be exposed if there are any inspections on our identities. Even so, I shall define my own destiny, and write a legacy of my own in the Book of Life and Death!     

He and Qiu Jin'er gave a stern yell, and the two grew like giants. They sat back to back and started searching for the Book of Life and Death for the human race, monster race and Bai Zhe Clan.     

"I found the human race's Book of Life and Death!" Qiu Jin'er exclaimed, she dipped her finger on the book and the pages were flipped. Countless names flashed past their eyes, but most of the humans were destined to be only slaves and livestock to the other races.     

Only a handful were destined to be gods, but even they couldn't have regain their memories in their next life, and would only reincarnate like the others until the end of their souls.     

As Zhong Yue and Qiu Jin'er read the book, they locked their brows deeper—there weren't even a human Heavenly Deity in the Prison Realm.     

"Quickly, add in our names and fabricate our lives. We don't have much time!" Zhong Yue said.     

The two of them surged their psyche and started fabricating their details along with Jun Sixie's into the book. Zhong Yue fabricated their destinies saying that they would become gods in this life, then killed by their enemies not long after.     

Then, they fabricated their destinies for the next hundred lives before ending with the end of their souls' longevity.     

Right after, the two of them found the Book of Life and Death for the monster race and did the same for Shi Buyi and Old Man Six Paths.     

"Senior martial brother, there Book of Life and Death for the Bai Zhe Clan is not in here!" Qiu Jin'er whispered.     

Zhong Yue frowned, the Prison Realm would only have the humble races in it while the Bai Zhe Celestial Race was a high-class celestial race, it was impossible for one to be reincarnated into the Prison Realm.     

"Jin'er, leave now. I will check it out in the higher levels!" Zhong Yue said quickly, "Don't worry, I will take down the mask and leave Hell immediately as I encounter any danger. If you don't see me in a short while, leave as well!"     

Qiu Jin'er nodded and left.     

Zhong Yue calmed himself and mumbled, "Brother Bai, Brother Bai, let's hope everything goes well…"     

He then proceeded to the second level, then the third, and so on in seek for the Bai Zhe Clan's Book of Life and Death.     

Not in the third level… not in the fourth as well…     

He went up the floors until the sixth level, but still couldn't find the book. Fortunately, he didn't meet with the intruder still.     

Seems like the intruder comes from a strong race in the high realm, he would be in the higher levels, Zhong Yue thought as he left for the seventh level where he eventually found the Bai Zhe Clan's Book of Life and Death.     

Rays flashed across Zhong Yue's eyes, and he instantly fabricated Bai Canghai's identity in the book. As soon as he finished, he suddenly frowned as he noticed a flaw that would expose Bai Canghai.     

If Brother Bai's name appears in the Myriad Realm's Book of Life and Death, doesn't that proves that he is not from the Prison Realm? It's a flaw that can't be neglected… I wonder if I can tear down this page and bring it down to the Prison Realm's Book of Life and Death?     

Then, Zhong Yue clenched on the page and tried to tear it down. Immediately, the book flared out in blinding lights and resisted his strength.     

Zhong Yue frowned, he cast out the divine sabers as [Dragon Shear] at the Book of Life and Death.     


That one page he needed was partially tore off from the book, and Zhong Yue exclaimed jubilantly in his heart, Senior Martial Brother Feng Xiaozhong, you are really a great helper!     

He quickly cast the [Dragon Shear] again, and just right before the paper was about to be torn away, a living being walked down from the eighth level with the same white mask and white cloak, dressed as a white Wu Chang just like Zhong Yue!     

"You…?" The puzzled duo both exclaimed in shock.     

"I am the Hell Overseer!" They answered in unison, "I am auditing the Book of Life and Death to assess the judges' rightness in exercising their rights and carrying out their duties!"     

The ambiance turned grotesquely silent, but was quickly broken a few seconds later when Zhong Yue exerted a little force and pulled the paper down from the book.     

The newcomer's eyes brightened up, a smile suddenly spread behind the white mask concomitant with a laugh, "Brother, can you help me cut out a page as well?"     

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