Rise of Humanity

Fury of the Dharma King

Fury of the Dharma King

2"Prince Shi Yun is already dead?"     1

Bai Canghai lost his voice while Qiu Jin'er and Jun Sixie who were also caught by surprise quickly looked at Prince Shi Yun who remained standing with no wounds on him at all.     

Besides, the presence of Prince Shi Yun was still incredibly strong and the totem carvings of his formed by his powerful psyche and energy were still circling around his body.     

However, Qiu Jin'er and the other two quickly noticed something weird; though there was no wound, there was a tiny crack on the totem carvings that sliced them apart from top to bottom!     

"Why is there no wound?"     

Bai Canghai asked curiously, "So how is he killed?"     

With a regretted tone, Zhong Yue replied, "If he was not that arrogant, he could've put up a fight for me before getting killed by me but he insisted on allowing me to attack first. This created a situation where when I delivered my attack, he was still unprepared and when he wanted to act, everything was too late; in this four years where I dwelled into the swords art, I've reached a level where wherever the presence of my saber appear at, my attacks will appear at that same spot at the same time."     

"Then where are his injuries?" asked Bai Canghai.     

"In his Yuan Shen."     

Zhong Yue walked forward and the others quickly followed; they got to the back of Prince Shi Yun and Zhong Yue pointed the light wheels behind Prince Shi Yun's head and said, "Take a look."     

The three of them quickly looked towards the part Zhong Yue pointed at and they finally realized the crack in the five light wheels that would not be discovered without paying attention.     

They shivered as they knew how scary the crack was; it tore apart Prince Shi Yun's five great Yuan Shen secret realms and sliced them apart!     

And looked into the Yuan Shen, they also found out Prince Shi Yun's totem carvings were all sliced apart!     

As they continued to examine Prince Shi Yun's body, they horrifyingly discovered that his energy was also slashed apart by Zhong Yue and Jun Sixie also discovered that his psyche ocean was destroyed.     

On top of the psyche ocean was an Azure Dragon God who had a crack in the middle of his forehead, chest, back and bottom half of his body.     

The saber aura from Zhong Yue's attack invaded Prince Shi Yun's Yuan Shen before the Solar Divine Saber slashed him into half; while there was no injury on the outside, Prince Shi Yun's Yuan Shen was already decimated!     

"His inner core is also cut apart!" exclaimed Qiu Jin'er.     

"His True Spirit as well." said Jun Sixie next.     

The trio immediately shivered again as they thought of Zhong Yue's attack where the tip of the saber would appear at the same time with the presence of the saber. This meant that if someone felt the presence of the saber near him, the Solar Divine Saber would be nearby somewhere and when they realized this, everything would be too late!     

"Brother Zhong, what is the name of this first strike?" asked Bai Canghai.     

Zhong Yue replied, "[Sun Burst]."     

"When you see the [Sun Burst], the attack will already be there. What a nice skill, how nice! Prince Shi Yun was too arrogant to give such big words; he was not as strong as you and he still wanted to let you attack first. In the end, he accomplished nothing but threw his life away." said Bai Canghai.     

"One should try to gain the upper hand against the enemy; no one should ever give any chances to the opponent if their strength was on par."     

Zhong Yue laughed and said again, "Two equivalently strong Qi Practitioners would probably have the outcome of the battle decided in one strike so you must all always remember that you have to be alert, do not let your guard down or even let your opponent to act first."     

Jun Sixie then praised while Qiu Jin'er nodded, "Junior martial brother, your battle instinct is really godly now."     

The trio continued examining Prince Shi Yun's Yuan Shen and they tried their best to study and learn the knowledge, wisdom and intelligence Zhong Yue had used in this battle.     

They all let their psyche ran free and ran a simulation in their mind on how they should react against Zhong Yue's [Sun Burst].     

Besides, it was also very beneficial for them to learn more about Prince Shi Yun's Yuan Shen; though he was killed by Zhong Yue, the strength Prince Shi Yun possessed was far stronger than most, not to mention the unique racial innate totem carvings of the Azure Dragon Celestial Race.     

They proceeded to raid the treasures in Prince Shi Yun's secret realms, obtaining a huge variety of precious items which include herbs, godly materials and other rare items.     

This Prince Shi Yun must be from a great faction.     

Bai Canghai suddenly thought and he said, "He must be someone from a mighty clan or he wouldn't be so rich!"     

Zhong Yue too, realized this and he said as he frowned, "But I did not destroy his soul, I've left some room of survival for him."     

"But I am afraid that the one supporting him wouldn't let this slip easily." Jun Sixie shook her head and said, "If my disciplegot killed and even if he could reborn in the next life, I will still definitely had the murderer pay for what he did."     

To her surprise, Zhong Yue laughed and said, "Senior martial sister, since when did you start worrying so much?"     

Jun Sixie immediately realized something and she said with mixed emotion, "I've really been overthinking recently but I can't help it because it all started when I became the headmaster. At that time, I have been constantly thinking, afraid of making mistakes and trying my best not to bring Swords Gate into the abyss. No wonder I felt that my progress was not very smooth lately, I gave myself too much pressure and this pressure became an obstacle to me."     

They continued to study Prince Shi Yun's body and Yuan Shen and this time, Zhong Yue involved himself and he too, learnt something new from Prince Shi Yun.     

Zhong Yue opened up his celestial eyes and as he examined Prince Shi Yun's body, he realized that the root of the totem carvings was actually the Leizhe Clan's innate totem carvings.     

No wonder Prince Shi Yun Possessed strength far greater than the Kun Peng Celestial Race who was known for their condensed energy and blood essence capacity. The Azure Dragon Celestial Race managed to outperform them because of the Leizhe Clan's totem carving.     

The Leizhe innate totem carvings in Prince Shi Yun was even purer than the Ancestral Star's Eastern Sea's dragons and his bloodline was also purer as well, which made it very intriguing to be researched on.     

Upon encountering problems and questions beyond comprehension, Zhong Yue would instantly retrieve the answers he wanted through using the scale mirror he obtained.     

While they examined and studied Prince Shi Yun, the gods outside of the twin planets were all terrified and they did not have the slightest clue about what to do.     

Though Zhong Yue's attack that had slain Prince Shi Yun effortlessly in a blink of an eye amazed them and earned their appraisals in their heart but the person that got killed was Prince Shi Yun!     

Prince Shi Yun was the son of Emerald Heaven Dharma King in the previous life! After he was reborn again, Emerald Heaven Dharma King went through a whole lot of troubles just to send him into the Myriad Realm to become one of the Azure Dragon Celestial Race, spent countless precious items and herbs just to cultivate Prince Shi Yun and to secure a bright future for him. Emerald Heaven Dharma King had spent way too much on Prince Shi Yun and had high hopes on Prince Shi Yun but now, Prince Shi Yun was killed by Zhong Yue in just one strike!     

Just imagine how furious the Emerald Heaven Dharma King would be once she got to know that her son was killed!     

Once the anger of Emerald Heaven Dharma King was brought up, the entire Left Fang Galaxy will tremble in fear!     

And that four culprits over there did not have the slightest idea on the trouble they got into! They were even still casually studying Prince Shi Yun's body and Yuan Shen, plundered his secret realms and took Prince Shi Yun as if he was one of their trophies!     

"Seize them!"     

Suddenly, an old demon god pointed at Shi Buyi and Old Man Six Paths and he shouted, "Do not let them away and await for further instructions from Emerald Heaven Dharma King!"     

Shi Buyi's expression changed tremendously, and while he felt bitter in his heart, he quickly started to figure a way to escape; Old Man Six Paths was also worried and he thought, This is bad there are so many gods here and I might not be able to fight my way out here.     

"Quickly, notify Emerald Heaven Dharma King and tell her about this tragic news!"     

After a few days later, Zhong Yue and the others completed their study on Prince Shi Yun and his secret realms also started to crumble; his Yuan Shen was cut into half by Zhong Yue and even if it was a quick one, his Yuan Shen was still destroyed by Zhong Yue.     

The four of them then left that place and continued to search around. By now, this event has been going on for three days, about 70% of the Qi Practitioners were already dead, leaving only the elites among the elites still standing on the battleground.     

Prince Shi Yun said he was going to challenge Bi and An, Li Tianxing, and Reverse Emperor after killing me, which means that these guys are people on par with Prince Shi Yun or even stronger than him.     

Zhong Yue then thought again, I hope that they won't disappoint me like how Prince Shi Yun and let me down.     

At the same time, news about Prince Shi Yun's death finally reached the Fang Star of the Left Fang Galaxy. The Fang Star looked just like a fang and the palace of Emerald Heaven Dharma King was built on this star.     

"My crown heir is dead."     

In the marvelous palace came a lady's voice and the sunny weather turned dark and lighting struck everywhere.     

"My heir lost to a young human that came from nowhere? And that human cut my son down with just one strike?"     

Emerald Heaven Dharma King looked at a mirror that displayed the scene sent to her by a demon god; it was the scene where Prince Shi Yun was struck down by Zhong Yue in one strike. Emerald Heaven Dharma King immediately laughed but there was no sign of happiness on this gorgeous lady's face and she said, "This idiot son of mine, he actually let out the first hand to his opponent? Who gave him to guts to do so? Did he not know that in a real battle, even a slightest mistake would cost someone his life? Good. Good! I suppose this will teach my stupid son a lesson. What a shame, I spent so much to lay down a good future for you but now, everything I did was all for nothing. Heed my orders, everyone in the event shall hunt down this young human! I want him dead for what he did!"     

The demon god that passed the news to Emerald Heaven Dharma King trembled and he quickly informed everyone about her order.     

Shi Buyi too, heard this order when the demon god told the others and the furious Shi Buyi shouted, "Did you all not say that Emerald Heaven Dharma King was someone that cherish every talented individuals in her land? Why is she doing this now!"     

The demon gods around him gave him a cold glance and they ignored him; they continued to notify each other and ordered their disciples that took part in the event to kill Zhong Yue at all cost.     

"If your disciples have killed the other Qi Practitioners, Emerald Heaven Dharma King would definitely protect your disciples at any cost but who do you your disciples have killed this time? That man your disciple cut down just now is the son of Emerald Heaven Dharma King!"     

Chan Dongyuan said coldly, "Did you know how much she had spent on her son? I'm afraid even with your lives and your lifelong treasures would not even come close to how much she spent!"     

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