Rise of Humanity

The Mating Bull of the Zhongshan Clan

The Mating Bull of the Zhongshan Clan


The three god-level slaughtering arrays trembled the whole of Great Wilderness, the quakes even extended beyond the region of the Great Wilderness, causing others to shudder in tandem. 3

All of Swords Gate Qi Practitioners stopped what they were doing and fixated their gazes right at Beast God Ridge. They could see the Xiang Dragon, black dragon and Sword Qi raging bestially all over the place. It lasted for quite some time before the three slaughtering arrays slowly dispersed, the Xiang Dragon, black dragon and Sword Qi then disappeared into thin air, the Beast God Ridge once again regained its peace.

But the impact brought by the three slaughtering arrays to the Qi Practitioners left an indelible impression on them and would never be forgotten as quickly as the tremors disappeared.

Furthermore, the three slaughtering arrays had slain over thousands of Xian Kong City Qi Practitioners, severely wounding the two island lords, heavily impairing the overall strength of Xian Kong City. The after effects of this matter would not be quickly resolved.

The two totem spirits of utmost importance to Xian Kong City's Sulphur Island and Jinxiu Island were destroyed in the Beast God Ridge, the losses were grievous, especially the dead monster Qi Practitioners; they were all elites of the Xian Kong City. It would be impossible for Xian Kong City to regain its strength in the near future!

Among the Swords Gate higher-ups, a storm brewed within. The elders were quarreling over whether if they should seize the chance to slay the Sulphur Island Lord Yan Yunsheng and Jinxiu Island Lord Xiutian Chen.

This was a golden opportunity, Xiutian Chen and Yan Yunsheng were two of the three magnates in the Xian Kong City, if they were to die, then the monster race would cease to be a source of consternation for the Swords Gate!

But some elders held concerns. If they failed to kill the two lords, it would destroy the tenuous stalemate between the two races. Besides, the third magnate, Lord of Xian Kong City, would definitely not fold his arms and watch as the two island lords were killed.

Moreover, although the two island lords were severely wounded, they were figures that held their position stalwartly for years, it would not be easy to actually kill them.

While the elders could not see eye to eye with each other, they argued among one another for the final decision.

"Fu Shan, let's go."

His white robe fluttered in the wind alongside the turtle sized like a mountain. The duo left the Swords Gate. Fang Jiange walked in the air as if he was walking on the ground while the giant turtle Fu Shan followed behind. The two of them followed the tracks and chased after Xiutian Chen and Yan Yunsheng.

"Fang Jiange, stand down!"

An elder rushed out from the Swords Gate and shouted, "The decision is yet to be made by the elders, you cannot act recklessly! Whether or not we will pursue the two island lords poses ramifications to the future of Swords Gate and Xian Kong City, it is not a matter you can unilaterally decide on!"

Fang Jiange did not even turn his head, his tone was calm and indifferent, "I will first kill them, and then you can inform me when you old geezers have finally made a decision."

The elder was enraged, he was about to speak, but another young man suddenly flew past him from the Swords Gate, the young man laughed and said, "Senior Martial Brother Fang is right, opportunities are fleeting—there one minute, and gone the next. The elders can continue to play their politics, but this opportunity must not be missed. Senior Martial Brother Fang, I will come with you!"

"Count me in."

Another young lady flew out from Swords Gate, she smiled, "To pursue and slay two magnates of the headmaster's level, how can I miss such an interesting event?"

"Hahahaha, three senior martial siblings, wait for me!"

Bolts of lightning flashed, another young man with lightning beneath him appeared, he laughed and said, "The heads of the Sulphur Island Lord and Jinxiu Island Lord, I will take them down myself!"

The elder was livid. He watched as the four youngsters disappeared in his sights, his voice was quivering in extreme anger, "Presumptuous, presumptuous…"

"Let them be. The four young successors of Swords Gate need competition to determine the next in line to for headmaster's position. To be the Swords Gate headmaster, one has to be strong enough to trample the world beneath their feet."

The You Yu Clan grand elder came to his side and whispered, "Moreover, this is also the headmaster's is ok with this. Let's head back. We will continue the discussions."

That day, the four young successor candidates of Swords Gate embarked on a pursuit of the Sulphur Island Lord Yan Yunsheng and Jinxiu Island Lord Xiutian Chen. In the land between the Great Wilderness and the Sulphur Island, were millions of miles of buffer zones, where they would fight with the island lords on numerous occasions!

The two magnates of the monster race and the four young successor candidates of the Swords Gate… between them, there would take place an astonishing and exceptional battle!

But these events were all no longer related to Zhong Yue.

Zhong Yue increased his speed and rushed back to Swords Gate, but it still took him half a day until he finally reached back. He did not have the extra energy even to inform the others that he was back and he went straight to bed.

These tens of days he had lived in torment, his body was exhausted, and his mind suffered excruciating agony. He could only let his guard down once he reached Swords Gate.

Encountering the monster race disciples in the Beast God Ridge, acquiring the Beast God Inner Core, transforming into the Xiang Dragon, completing the three God-level slaughtering arrays, and then surviving the pursuit of the Shui Tu Clan Qi Practitioners … all of these were things no upper house disciple would experience. Yet, he had just experienced all of it. He had escaped death on numerous occasions by only a hair's margin; the pressure and dangers he faced were far beyond any other upper house disciple.

Only when he arrived back at the guardian sect of the Great Wilderness—the Swords Gate—was the pressure that was weighing on him finally alleviated, finally giving him a chance take a breather.

After taking a short nap, Zhong Yue woke up yawning, but the only sound that came out from his mouth were the whistles that belonged to a dragon. He was shocked and quickly looked at himself, he had turned back into the form of a Xiang Dragon lying on his bed!

Oh no, I've slept too hard and forgot to visualize the Sui Sovereign in my sleep. Now the beast god essence is taking over my body again! Weird, why didn't Xin Huo wake me up to remind me?

Zhong Yue regained his composure, he could see in his inner mind on the shoulder of his soul body, a little flame was glowing serenely—Xin Huo was also asleep.

So Xin Huo is also sleeping.

Zhong Yue did not wake him up, he thought, These few days Xin Huo helped me escaped from death countless times, if it weren't for him I would be dead already, it's best to let him sleep and have some rest. Thankfully my strength has increased a lot, the amount of beast god essence leaked in a single night is insufficient for an irreversible transformation into a Xiang Dragon. 

His strength increased by leaps and bounds from the time he first entered the Beast God Ridge. His psyche ocean had expanded to the size of two square kilometers, and his speed at refining the beast god essence increased. Although he was now in the form of Xiang Dragon, as long as he continued visualizing, it would be easy to revert to his human form.

Not long later, Zhong Yue was able to suppress the beast god essence and revert to his normal human form.

"Junior Martial Brother Zhong, Junior Martial Brother Zhong!"

There were sounds of young ladies calling for him, Zhong Yue was puzzled, he opened the door and saw tens of young ladies gathering outside of his courtyard again, they were all surprised and overjoyed to see him alive, they came forward and said, "Junior Martial Brother Zhong is really alive!"

"I already said that he wouldn't die right?"

"Someone said they saw you came back yesterday, we came once but you were resting and did not answer the door, so we left. Early in the morning we sisters all came to check again, you are really back safely!"

"Junior Martial Brother Zhong, did you really kill that buck? Have you met with the monster Qi Practitioner?"

"You didn't know, something big happened in the Beast God Ridge! Hong, a loud sound then a colossal Xiang Dragon appeared out of nowhere!"

"I hear that the Shui Tu Clan Qi Practitioners saw a Xiang Dragon cub, they came back and asked all their Qi Practitioners over to capture it. That Xiang Dragon is so cute, I want to bring it back and raise it…"

Ting Lanyue, Tao Daier and the other young ladies along with the female disciples of the Li Shan Clan, a total of 30-50 people were chatting non-stop. Zhong Yue did not even know who he should answer first, but after a while, Zhong Yue smiled and said, "Senior martial sisters, why don't we go in and talk?"

The young ladies then swarmed into his courtyard, Li Xiuniang and Yu Feiyan also walked in, with all the young ladies in his courtyard, Zhong Yue suddenly felt that his courtyard was getting small.

"The mating bull of Zhong Shan Clan is back, so many martial sisters came to him, doesn't he feel tired at all?"

Someone said resentfully, "What did he do to deserve such nice things?"

The girls spent quite some time in his courtyard before they all dispersed, Zhong Yue watched as the young ladies left from the male house, Li Xiuniang smiled and said, "Junior Martial Brother Zhong, we will look for you the next time if we have any events. Also, I would like to have a battle between you and me, we will see who is the strongest of the upper house!"

Yu Feiyan said indifferently from the side, "Junior Martial Sister Li, Junior Martial Brother Zhong is now the strongest of the male house, but you are not the strongest of the female house yet. If you want to fight with him, you will have to go through me first!"

Li Xiuniang chuckled and answered, "Alright, alright, since Junior Martial Sister Yu wants to handover your title, senior martial sister I will fulfill your request."

The two ladies were fired up while the other male disciples were dumbstruck by their conversations, they mumbled, "Sure enough, the two senior martial sisters of female house is fighting over the mating bull of Zhong Shan Clan, what exactly is so special about that bastard?"

"How did he deserve such nice stuff?"

Zhong Yue went back into his little courtyard, he cast away the irrelevant thoughts and said to himself, Xin Huo is still resting, I suppose he won't be waking up in a day or two's time, but my training cannot stop here. There is beast god essence now. I can continue refining my soul with the lightning! But I wonder if I can directly refine my soul without using the Dragon Scale Sword as a medium?

The tantalizing prospect moved him, but moments later he shook his head and decided to be on the safe side by using Dragon Scale Sword as the medium.

The Dragon Blood Sword Scabbard opened, and a sword ray pierced through the clouds, in a split second it reached the high altitude lightning zone.

"Senior Martial Brother Zhong, you are here!"

In the high altitude lightning zone, Qiu Jin'er was surprised to see him. Her soul flew over joyfully, and she smiled and said, "It was quite some time before I managed to see you again, did senior martial brother go on a training trip?"

Being addressed as senior martial brother by a young maiden Qi Practitioner left Zhong Yue a little embarrassed. He smiled and replied, "Junior Martial Sister Jin'er is right, I was out on a trip these past few days. It was quite dangerous I almost couldn't make it back."

The young maiden said in concern, "It is dangerous to leave the Swords Gate mountain. My mother always asked me not to leave the mountain. Senior martial brother was not here for days, I was worried."

The duo continued their training in the midst of the lightning. They were unaware of how quickly the time had elapsed. During these tens of days, Qiu Jin'er was progressing swiftly. She no doubt had an innate spirit body; she was someone who was born with their spirits manifested. Her strength continued to increase significantly as her soul was enveloped in lightning.

"Senior Martial Brother Zhong seemed to have improved a lot after coming back from the training trip."

Qiu Jin'er gazed at the Dragon Scale Sword, and she could see Zhong Yue's soul peeking out from the Dragon Scale Sword. His soul was initially the size of a bean but was now an inch tall. He stood on the Dragon Scale Sword and embraced the lightning while he visualized the Sui Sovereign and turned himself into the form of a dragon-headed human.

Qiu Jin'er's soul was not too big either but still far bigger than Zhong Yue's. She was half a feet tall, clearly stronger and more profound in the art of soul compared to Zhong Yue.

It was not a surprise at all as she was an innate spirit body, her soul was naturally much stronger than the others.

The duo trained until they couldn't sustain anymore, they kept their soul and tacitly promised to continue their training again tomorrow.

"Mother, the senior martial brother is back."

Qiu Jin'er's soul returned to her body, and she said to the beautiful woman, "His strength increases so quickly, he can now directly refine his soul without the soul weapon already!"


The beautiful woman was clearly perfunctory in her answer as she continued to mumble to herself, "The [Great Boundless Sword Qi] of the headmaster… it's not easy to get my hands on it. Just these few days and I'm already at my wit's end… It is the greatest secret art of the Swords gate, the headmaster would definitely leave a written record somewhere, but where could he have hidden it?"

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