Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Get Off the Horse

Get Off the Horse

2Turan metal was hard to come by. The armor and shields of the rat militia required a large amount of wood and stone materials to ensure their defense. At the same time, they were several times heavier than metal materials.      4

Even the rat soldiers who had received special training from Meng Chao stood there for a full hour. They were drenched in sweat and their legs were shaking. Many of them rolled their eyes and fell straight to the ground.     

It was not until the twenty to thirty rat soldiers fell to the ground, and some of them were so stifled by the thick and heavy armor that they began to twitch, that Brute Hammer finally arrived.     

This warrior, who had the bloodline of a barbarian elephant and was the largest of the Blood Skull Arena's four aces, had his hands behind his back, and his long nose, which was as swollen as a bone tumor at the end, slowly swung left and right. He swaggered to the front of the terrified rat militia.     

"I am Brute Hammer. Some of you have heard of my name. Some of you have just been released from the dungeon not long ago. Maybe you don't know me. It doesn't matter. In future training and battles, we will have plenty of opportunities to get to know each other well!"     

Brute Hammer shouted at the top of his voice, his face full of fury, "However, I know many of you. I know that you train in some unscrupulous and opportunistic ways. Under Ice Storm's leadership, you were lucky enough to win a few battles, yet you think that you are so great that you are the strongest servant in the Blood Skull Battle Group!     

"Of course, Ice Storm is a trump card of the Blood Skull Battle Group. However, the battles in the arena are completely different from the real battlefield. If you want to continue to gain victory and glory in the Tournament of the Five Clans or even the Battle of Honor, then forget everything that Ice Storm has taught you. I will not fall for it!     

"Next, I will let you know what real training is, and what kind of warriors are qualified to win glory for the ancestral spirits. They will even receive my blood and become official members of the Blood Hoof Clan!     

"I will crush your flesh into mud and grind your bones into powder. Then, I will mix the flesh and bone powder together and cast you into a brand-new, roaring iron man!     

"This is destined to be an exceptionally difficult path. If anyone cannot withstand such a recasting, you may speak now. I will immediately enlist you into the ranks of the slave soldiers. I guarantee that in the first battle, you will be riddled with holes by hundreds of arrows. Then, you will be crushed into pieces by your opponents' iron hooves. You will die a clean death. Then, you will no longer have to endure the pain that only a real tough man can endure.     

"Is there such a person? Is there such a person?"     

Brute Hammer widened his eyes, which were bigger than the fists of an ordinary Minotaur warrior, and stared at the rat militia fiercely.     

The rat militia all gritted their teeth and did not say a word.     

"Very good. It seems that you are not as weak as I imagined. I can't help but have a glimmer of hope that we will get along very well."     

Hammer nodded in satisfaction. "Do you understand what I just said?"     


Leaf led everyone, and they shouted in unison.     

Hammer frowned deeply and shook his head disapprovingly. "It seems that Ice Storm was too indulgent with you. You don't know the rules that the rat people should follow at all.     

"Remember, when a servant answers a warrior's question, he must add the warrior's noble name before and after. You must call me 'Lord Hammer.' Do you f *cking understand?"     

"Lord Hammer, understood, Lord Hammer!"     

"Speak louder. Look at how Ice Storm has trained all of you. You're so soft and listless. Are you not proud orcs but sneaky elves in the Twilight Forest? Speak louder!"     

"Lord Hammer, understood, Lord Hammer!"     

"Louder! I can't hear you! Your roars are not even as loud as the farts of the totem beasts! You are so listless! What right do you have to follow me to fight for glory?"     

"Lord Hammer, understood, Lord Hammer!"     

"Not enough! Not enough! Far from enough! Keep training! Keep roaring! Shout out all your anger and killing intent! Imagine that you are facing the d*mn Holy Light humans, dwarves, and elves! Those who want to help the evil god of twilight destroy the world, tear them apart with your roars! Plant the flag of the Turan warriors in every corner of the land of Holy Light! Let our world be filled with vitality forever!"     

"Lord Hammer, understood, Lord Hammer!"     

"Lord Hammer, understood, Lord Hammer!"     

"Lord Hammer, understood, Lord Hammer!"     

The rat militia shouted at the top of their lungs over and over again.     

No one dared to stop without Brute Hammer's permission.     

Brute Hammer's eyes were sharper than his fangs as he coldly swept his gaze over the faces of the rat militia.     

He paused for an exceptionally long time on the faces of the first batch of thirty rat militia that Meng Chao had personally selected.     

Finally, his footsteps came to a halt in front of Meng Chao.     

He looked down from above like a huge mountain with huge eyes, staring unblinkingly at Meng Chao.     

Meng Chao was the most standard standing posture of all the rat militia soldiers.     

He was like a straight mandrake tree, so standard that even Brute Hammer could not find a single flaw in it.     

Moreover, Meng Chao shouted repeatedly with full concentration.     

Even when Brute Hammer's huge figure completely blocked his breathing space, he did not stop or divert his attention. He continued to shout meticulously until he spat out blood.     

Brute Hammer did not comment on Meng Chao's performance.     

He stared at Meng Chao for a long time.     

Suddenly, the Blood Skull Arena's biggest trump card released a sharp killing intent. Like an invisible giant hammer, he tried to smash Meng Chao's head.     

Meng Chao finally could not hold on any longer, and he grunted, his face looking pale. He took half a step back and almost fell to the ground.     

Naturally, he lost the rhythm of his shouting.     

Brute Hammer grinned.     

He raised his iron fist and clenched it slightly, signaling the rat soldiers to stop shouting.     

"Lord Casanova said that you were special, so I have to be careful."     

Brute Hammer spoke to Meng Chao, who was almost half his height, with a contemptuous look on his face. "But, in my opinion, you are not special!"     

Meng Chao looked embarrassed as if he wanted to explain or refute.     

However, he had apparently been disturbed by Brute Hammer's killing intent, and it hurt his internal organs. He could not make a sound for a moment.     

In his desperation, he coughed again and spat out more blood.     

Brute Hammer's face was full of disgust. He turned to the side and let Meng Chao spit out more blood. Then, he poked Meng Chao's chest with his long nose and said, "Listen, you ugly black-haired ghost. I don't care where you came from, and I don't care whether the blood flowing in your body is the blood of the ogres, the hill giants, or the deformed monsters in the Abyss of Eternal Night. I don't care what relationship you have with Ice Storm.     

"After all, in my eyes, rats are rats. As long as you know how to obey the rules of the rats and obey the orders of your master, you will be a good rat. You will have a chance to survive. At the very least, you won't have to taste the whip or the iron.     

"However, if you are still concerned about Ice Storm and dare to think that you are smart enough to play tricks right under my nose, I will be very interested to know what kind of screams a special person like you will make when the red-hot iron rod lashes you hard. Do you understand?"     

Brute Hammer once again released a ferocious murderous intent.     

It really felt like a Tyrant Mammoth had been condensed from his totem power. It gushed out of his body and launched a War Trample at Meng Chao.     

Even the more than ten rat civil servants around Meng Chao were affected, and they started to groan.     

Meng Chao's face was haggard. His lips trembled for a long time before he said in a hoarse voice, "Listen, I understand."     


Brute Hammer raised his eyebrows and nose.     

"Lord Hammer, understood, Lord Hammer."     

Brute Hammer had seemingly scared Meng Chao out of his wits. Meng Chao lowered his head and said in a trembling voice, "I understand.".     

Brute Hammer was satisfied.     

However, he was not going to let Meng Chao and all the rat soldiers off just like that.     

"Very good. Now, let me see how Ice Storm has trained all of you!"     

"Run!" Brute Hammer roared. "Carry all your equipment and run around the training camp. Don't stop until your legs are broken and your heart and lungs are blown up, or until I tell you to stop. Run hard!"     

Under the supervision of Brute Hammer's domestic rat soldiers, hundreds of rat soldiers who were originally part of Ice Storm's team started to run unsteadily.     

Since they had just been fully armed for more than a quarter of an hour, they had used up too much of their heart and lung capacity during their hysterical shouts.     

As soon as they stepped onto the bumpy track, which was filled with gravel, mud, pits, and even iron caltrops, someone immediately let out a muffled groan.     

The leather ropes that tightened the armor and weapons were deeply embedded in the rat soldiers' flesh and blood. They swayed with every step, almost tearing apart their joints.     

Leaf gritted his teeth and endured the intense pain as he caught up to Meng Chao.     

"Reaper, are you alright?" he asked anxiously.     

"Of course not."     

Meng Chao's face was still pale, and his breathing was rapid. His footsteps were messy like the stitching of a Minotaur warrior, swaying like a withered leaf in a violent wind.     

However, when he saw the rat youth catching up, he secretly winked from an angle that Brute Hammer could not see. "You are right. This stupid elephant is indeed much worse than Ice Storm. You have no idea how much effort I put in to resist the urge to beat him up earlier. I'm suffering from internal injuries!"     


Leaf was dumbfounded again.     

He observed Meng Chao's face carefully. There did not seem to be pain, frustration, or dejection on his face at all?     

The rat teenager suddenly realized something. "Reaper, you must have a comprehensive plan that can help us escape, right? What should we do next?"     

"Nonsense. Obviously, we should obey Lord Hammer's command and then run away. Do you want to fight your way out of the Blood Skull Arena and the entire Black-corner City alone?"     

"But, how long will this run last?"     

"Don't worry. Hammer is just giving us a scare. He won't really run us to death. After all, the expedition is tomorrow, and we have already shown our excellent combat ability. If we run away like weaklings, how can we help him get more battle merits?"     

"I see. Then what if we finish running? Will we have a chance to escape?"     

"No, after we finish running, we still have an important thing to do."     

"What is it?"     

"Eat, of course. We're going on an expedition tomorrow, and he'll definitely reward us today. It would be a waste not to eat. Later, everyone will open their bloody mouths and eat a big meal for me!"     

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