Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Power Even More Terrifying Than the Apocalypse

Power Even More Terrifying Than the Apocalypse

2The wild boar warrior had gone mad.     

His eyes, which were covered in blood, prevented him from differentiating between Meng Chao, the four children, and the Turan warrior at all.     

He was like a burning chariot that had gone off the rails, crashing into the Turan warrior.     

Before the Turan warrior could react...     

Meng Chao had already charged forward like lightning.     

The distance between the two sides was only twenty to thirty arms.     

They were about to collide with each other.     

Meng Chao's body suddenly curled up like a spinning top. He drew an incredible arc and bypassed the wild boar warrior.     

The wild boar warrior continued to charge forward.     

His originally straight charging path seemed to be deflected by an invisible hand. His body, which weighed more than half a ton, unwittingly leaned to the right. He narrowly brushed past the four children and the Minotaur warrior.     

He wanted to stop and turn back to launch a new round of charge.     

However, his vital parts made cracking sounds.     

At that moment, more than ten Blood Flowers bloomed on his right arm and right leg.     

From his wrist to the ankle, the tendons that controlled the right side of his body were all accurately cut off by Meng Chao's sharp blade, which was as thin as a cicada's wing.     


The right side of the wild boar warrior's body was twisted into a ball, while the left side of his body still maintained a high-speed forward posture. He could not control his balance at all or brake. Affected by the huge inertia... he fell into the ruins of the roadside and crashed into the houses, causing smoke and dust to cover the ground.     

Although he had broken bones, as well as tendons, and his head was bleeding...     

The advanced orc's strong vitality still allowed him to struggle to get up.     

However, what awaited him was a swift and fierce figure that pounced on him.     

Meng Chao's right foot was like a whistling shuttle shell, ruthlessly hitting the wild boar warrior in the chin.     

The kick actually sent the wild boar warrior, which weighed more than half a ton, flying into the air.     

His chin was instantly shattered, and all the broken bones drilled into his skull like bullets.     

Before he landed on the ground, the wild boar warrior fainted.     

He was like a puddle of wet mud after he landed.     

The Minotaur warrior was dumbstruck.     

Meng Chao was wearing an ebony mask, and he had dyed his trademark black hair a visible gray color. The Minotaur warrior thought that he was one of his own and that he was a mercenary hired by his own clan, so he hurriedly stuttered and thanked him.     

Meng Chao nodded, took two steps forward, and said, "You're welcome."     

Wrapped in a scarlet flame like an iron fist that had just been taken out of a steel furnace, he whistled out his last words, "Thank you." Meng Chao then drilled deep into the joint between the Turan warrior's chest and abdomen.     

His power penetrated through the warrior's entire body of steel and iron bones, almost making his spine protrude high from the back.     

The Minotaur warrior was hit so hard by this punch that he could not even scream.     

His burly figure, which was akin to an iron tower, could only bow before Meng Chao.     

Meng Chao happened to grab his two ox horns and used all his strength to give a fierce knee strike. His iron knee smashed into the Minotaur warrior's face like a war hammer, almost flattening his entire face.     

He lifted the Minotaur's horns and dragged him to another pool of mud.     

He then turned around and carried the four dumbstruck rat children to a safe corner.     

He snapped his fingers in front of the children several times, summoning their souls back to their bodies.     

After that, he removed his ebony mask and revealed a modified but not very ferocious face. It was a very typical and ordinary rat face, indicating that he was one of the children's kind.     

Only then did he slightly appease their frightened and restless soul.     

"You're from Bright Shell Village?" Meng Chao pointed at the colorful conch pendant on the neck of the child in the lead.     

The child's mouth was half open. He was stunned for a long time before he realized what Meng Chao was referring to.     

He quickly shook his head and grabbed the pendant. "No-No, this is a gift from Fishbone," he stuttered.     

"Fishbone" was probably a child's name.     

In other words, there were indeed some children from Bright Shell village who lived in this slum.     

"Where's Fishbone? Isn't he with you?"     

Meng Chao relaxed his tone and tried to make himself look less fierce in the children's eyes.     

"It doesn't look like he-he's run out," the child said.     

"He ran out. I saw him run to the east," another child said.     

"There are a lot of old men fighting in the east. I saw him run to the west!" a third child said seriously.     

The fourth child was the youngest. He seemed to be scared silly and incapable of saying anything.     

However, looking at their temporary home that had been in a mess and now turned into ruins, she appeared to be reminded of her real home. It had been destroyed by the old samurai men not long ago.     

Her eyes turned increasingly red, and she finally could not help but cry out.     


She said, "Mommy's still inside. I want Mommy!"     

Meng Chao raised his eyebrows.     

"Her mommy's not inside."     

The eldest child, who was wearing the colored snail pendant, said, "Our Mommy and Daddy died a long time ago."     

Meng Chao sighed.     

Well, they were all children.     

Whether they came from Bright Shell Village or not, what difference did it make?     

"Go behind this wall and find a safe place to hide."     

Meng Chao broke a few pieces of golden fruit from his waist bag, mixed it with honey and cheese, and dried the solidified golden milk. He handed them to the eldest child, who looked smarter, and asked him to share the food with his companions.     

He stuffed the golden milk into his mouth, and a sweetness that he had never tasted before rushed into his brain like a flood. The youngest child widened his eyes, stopped crying, and began to burp.     

"How long are we going to hide?"     

Seeing that Meng Chao was different from the fierce-looking samurai lord, the cleverest and eldest child summoned up his courage to ask a question.     

"Hide until..."     

Meng Chao narrowed his eyes and spoke word by word. "...You can't hear half of the wild boar samurai and Minotaur samurai scream anymore. Until then, don't stop."     

The battlefield between the Minotaur samurai and the wild boar samurai gradually moved deeper into the slums.     

That made it convenient for Meng Chao to enter the abandoned sewage pipes on the edge of the slums.     

Meng Chao accurately scanned the positions of the thirty-six wild boar samurai and Minotaur samurai who were still fighting in the area, as well as the range of their vision. In his mind, they were recreated in the form of translucent three-dimensional light and shadow.     

Based on their combat postures, after predicting their positions and blind spots for three seconds, Meng Chao had a road map following the repeated deduction in his mind.     

Taking two deep breaths, he silently chanted, "Three, two, one" and rushed out like a transparent shadow.     

For the first twenty meters, Meng Chao crawled between the ruins on the ground. He tried his best not to move his limbs and only used the ripples of his muscles to move forward like a snake.     

Only when there were no more broken walls in front of him could he stop and take a breath. He silently waited until the two clan warriors who were close by hugged each other tightly. Their bodies weighed nearly half a ton, adding up to nearly a ton. He crashed into the ground with great force and dodged them as dust flew everywhere.     

The eyes of the two clan warriors were like two cannons without cannon barrels. They wanted to blast two bloody holes in each other's faces.     

Meng Chao restrained his breathing, heartbeat, and even his body temperature to the maximum.     

When he flashed past the two of them, he was actually not discovered by them.     

Next, he hid behind an unconscious meat mountain for three seconds until the two wild boar warriors in front of him and the three Minotaur warriors that rushed out from the side rammed into the depths of the ruins before them.     

Only then did he continue to move forward, and he finally found the entrance of the abandoned sewage pipe where he stored his totem battle armor.     

In fact, there were countless abandoned sewage pipes in the area.     

It was only because of the long period of disrepair that most of the sewage pipes had collapsed. They were severely blocked, hence losing their original functions.     

The deadly biogas and poisonous fog that accumulated in the depths of the pipes played a part as well. It was not something that ordinary rats could withstand.     

As such, very few people had the idea to abandon the sewage pipes.     

For Meng Chao, whose cell activity had greatly surpassed that of ordinary carbon-based intelligent creatures, mere poisonous fog and methane gas were naturally not a problem.     

After he swept his way to the top of the entrance of the abandoned sewage pipes, he discovered that part of the place had already collapsed.     

The air that was visible to the naked eye, along with the black sludge, was so pungent that even the samurai lords were deterred. No one was interested in fighting inside the sewage pipes.     

As a Ghost Assassin, Meng Chao was not so particular. His figure flashed by, and he entered the pipe. He also gave it a roundhouse kick and caused the entrance of the pipe to collapse completely, temporarily blocking the entire thing.     

The tribal warriors' fanatical cries of killing were temporarily isolated outside.     

Through the cracks of the ruins, the sounds of people entering the pipe were distorted and distant. They were like the most devout believers and the craziest prayers.     

Meng Chao was like a giant gecko, crawling nimbly on the four walls of the abandoned sewage pipes that were more than two meters in diameter. He advanced at high speed in a three-dimensional mobile mode.     

Very soon, he found the totem armor.     

In fact, he did not even need to be patient to find the mark that he had drawn on the pipe walls.     

The totem armor fragment, which was stimulated by the shouts and the intense smell of blood on the ground, had long resembled a living creature. It trembled slightly and emitted a "ding ding ding sang" sound. It was the weak but rapid sound of a collision.     

When Meng Chao appeared, the surface of the pieces of totem armor shone with a demonic light. Ripples that contained killing intent undulated out, allowing Meng Chao to clearly sense its existence.     

Meng Chao had once heard that the divine weapons on Earth would be kept in their scabbards for a long time after tasting the sweetness of human blood. When it was late at night, they would let out roars of tigers, dragons, and even ghosts.     

Thinking about it, the materials used to create those divine weapons were the same as the materials used to create the totem armor, right?     

"Do I really have to absorb such violent power into my body?"     

Before reaching out to the totem armor fragment, Meng Chao hesitated for a moment.     

But he soon laughed.     

"What other power would be more terrifying than the apocalypse?"     

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