Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

The Storm Was About to Pass

The Storm Was About to Pass

3The gale in the Hidden Mist Domain lasted for three days and three nights.     1

For a total of seventy-two hours, sand and rocks flew everywhere, while the sun and moon dimmed. The strong wind, which contained spirit energy, could easily drag several hundred tons of construction machinery into the air and knead them into a pile of scrap metal with an invisible hand. Then, it would smash the heads of the fleeing human beings with great force.     

After the strong wind, the rainy season followed.     

The people of Dragon City hated and feared the rainy season the most.     

The torrential rain across Monster Mountain Range and the drizzling rain in the city were two completely different concepts.     

When the sky was torn apart, as if a flood from the other end of the universe was pouring out, and the torrential rain continued for ten days and ten nights, it seemed that it would continue for another ten days and ten nights, or even a year and a half, when the entire world had turned into a water country.     

The pavement that mankind had painstakingly built would be submerged by the flood and washed away by the debris flow.     

The jungle, which had no way to go to begin with, was even more muddy and difficult to move.     

Whether it was wheeled armored vehicles, tracked armored vehicles, or bionic thinking tanks that relied on crystal engines and runes to drive their joints to move forward, they were all stuck in the mud and could not move at all.     

Even if the UAV could barely fly, it would be riddled with holes in a very short period of time by the raindrops that contained a lot of acidic substances.     

As the spirit and magnetic environment became more and more chaotic, the wireless network would be seriously disrupted, blocking the "eyes" and "ears" of human beings.     

Even Heaven Realm experts who could fly high in the sky with the power of magnetic levitation would not dare to fly in such bad weather.     

Because the sky was full of invisible spirit magnetic turbulence, like fatal traps. If a superhuman accidentally entered it, it was very likely that he would temporarily lose the ability of magnetic levitation and fall from hundreds of meters in the sky.     

Therefore, in the past rainy season, Dragon City was on the defensive. Everyone stayed in the main city or the forward base.     

Of course, the attack of the monsters would be much weaker. Even the Apocalyptic Beasts were no different from humans, snakes, insects, rats, and ants in front of the power of Heaven and earth.     

The Hidden Mist Domain was originally the place where the most extreme weather occurred across the entire Monster Mountain Range.     

With the arrival of the rainy season, the activity of the spirit magnetic field in this place increased tenfold.     

Although human beings could temporarily control the climate of the place with the weather interference bombs, it was still not enough.     

However, as the saying went, it was better to ease the blockage than to suppress the violent spirit energy accumulated underground without giving it an outlet to vent. Something would happen sooner or later.     

Therefore, taking advantage of the frequent weird events in Ruins No. 2 and the mental disorder of the superhumans, the major forces of Dragon City simply announced that the entire Hidden Mist Domain would be sealed for a month.     

During this period, not only would they no longer suppress the violent spirit energy that was restless underground, they would instead bombard it with heavy cannons to speed up the release of violent spirit energy so that the extreme weather would become more intense.     

Such a concentrated release might usher in a longer period of stability in the Hidden Mist Domain after the rain had passed and the sky had cleared, making it easier for mankind to exploit and utilize it.     

It could also weaken the influence of the planet's magnetic field on the second ruin, thus reducing the probability of strange events happening.     

Of course, there was another reason that could not be made public.     

It was to chase away those undocumented superhumans who had not been approved.     

With such bad weather, the scattered soldiers who lacked organization, equipment, technology, and combat ability would not be able to persevere in the lightning, thunder, torrential rain, flash floods, and the swamp-covered Hidden Mist Domain.     

Most of the superhumans had retreated to the periphery of the Hidden Mist Domain, where the military base was originally built to attack the monsters' lair.     

Only a small number of superhumans remained in the sinkhole at the center of the Hidden Mist Domain.     

They were responsible for taking care of the construction machinery that was too large and heavy to be moved away.     

As well as the scientific research equipment that could not be stopped once it was activated.     

The more intense the extreme weather was, the more violent the spirit magnetic environment would be. For some cultivation maniacs, it would be more suitable for them to fight in the spirit magnetic environment and break through their limits.     

Meng Chao and Lu Siya were both such cultivation maniacs.     

They stayed together in the sky where thunder rumbled and golden snakes danced wildly. They were in the mountain crevices that were surging with mud and rocks. They were constantly tearing and closing the crevices on the ground. They were cultivating in the jungle that was growing crazily at a speed visible to the naked eye. Their vitality magnetic fields that were burning like flames stimulated each other and resonated with each other, chasing each other.     

Apart from that, they also worked with other cultivation maniacs to ensure the safety of construction machinery, scientific research instruments, and Ruins No. 2.     

Water flowed downward, and the depth of the sinkhole was nearly a thousand meters. As the flood spread, the flood water and mud from the entire Hidden Mist Domain poured into the sinkhole. On the rock wall at the edge of the sinkhole, it formed a magnificent scene of hundreds of waterfalls flowing.     

Fortunately, there were many caves and underground rivers in the depths of the sinkhole. Dozens of underground rivers were winding, leading straight to the Red Dragon River and the Raging Tiger River, the two great rivers that flowed endlessly.     

As a result, there was no serious accumulation of water or blockage at the bottom of the sinkhole. The water level in the deepest part of the sinkhole had just reached the human calves.     

Even so, one could see waterfalls that looked like flood dragons flying down from all directions, hitting the bottom of the sinkhole with a deafening roar.     

He could also hear the sound of tens of thousands of horses galloping through the underground river below his feet.     

The mighty force of nature was like the will of the entire planet. Neither monsters nor humans could withstand it.     

Speaking of which, the long and violent rainy season was not without benefits.     

Meng Chao found that in the face of extreme weather that even Deity Realm experts could not handle, the conflict between humans seemed to be much smaller.     

Once, because of the collapse of an underground river, there was no place to release the flood. A large amount of mud gushed out from the underground like a volcanic eruption. Everyone worked together to build a dam, transfer construction machinery, and blow up the blocked underground river.     

At this time, it did not matter whether it was a mega corporation or the Red Dragon Army, whether it was the offspring of a wealthy or humble family, or whether it was the Overkill Style or the Ultimate Style.     

In the face of lightning, thunder, and floods, everyone's mind was exceptionally clear. They understood that if they could not put aside their past grudges with the people around them, stand shoulder to shoulder, or even share life and death with each other, everyone would die.     

At this juncture, even the superhumans who had fought fiercely in the ten-thousand-filled cafeteria a few days ago could only tightly grasp each other's arms and burst out their strongest strength in the same direction.     

As the extreme weather continued, the superhumans who belonged to different interest groups had no choice but to work together again and again to save each other's lives.     

After all, the mudslide that was baring its fangs and brandishing its claws like a black flood dragon would not care about the names of humans, much less their origins, standpoints, conflicts of interests, and grudges.     

The battle to resist the extreme weather and the cultivation in the extremely complicated spirit magnetic environment consumed most of the superhumans' energy and also resolved most of their hostility.     

Gradually, the cultivation madmen who stayed in the sinkhole looked at each other in a calm manner.     

The bigwigs who were in charge of Dragon City also had a clear mind and sharp senses.     

The series of strange events that happened in Ruins No. 2, especially after the chaotic battle in the cafeteria with ten thousand people, alarmed them with the report submitted by the ancient ruins research center.     

It made them realize that the situation was getting out of control.     

From that day on, the various forces obviously accelerated the pace of the negotiations.     

The mining rights of many crystal ore veins, the tax rates of enterprises of different sizes, the franchises in various strategic areas... many issues that had been debated for months and seemed to be a mess were all resolved in just a few days.     

In response to Heaven Pharmaceuticals' scandal and the Land Enclosure Decree's suspension, the parties also changed their attitudes.     

Of course, the war of words in the news media and the Survival Committee were still as intense as ever.     

However, everyone came with the attitude of solving the problem. They came here to ask for a sky-high price, to pay back the money, and not to completely flip the table.     

As long as they were willing to offer a price, they could discuss anything, even if it was an exorbitant price.     

Soon, Meng Chao learned that all the Deity Realm experts in Dragon City were holding a Deity Realm Conference through various channels including the Blue Home, Battle God Palace, the Red Dragon Army, and Lu Siya.     

It was said that the three-day Deity Realm Conference would completely solve the problem of how to divide the heritage of the monster civilization, set the tone for the development of Dragon City in the future, and formulate a road map.     

Regardless of whether this road map was correct or not, at least, under the guidance of the road map, the internal disputes in Dragon City could finally come to an end, and everyone could unite as one again.     

This news made Meng Chao let out a long sigh of relief.     

And on the last day of the Deity Realm Conference, the closing ceremony would be held together with a grand victory parade.     

From this, it was announced to tens of millions of citizens that Dragon City's civilization had completely won the Monster War and obtained the most brilliant victory!     

Before this, although they had captured the monsters' lair, they had also snuffed out the mother's vitality.     

However, there were still some remnants of defeated soldiers hidden on Monster Mountain Range, threatening the safety of the pioneers.     

Whether it was the Red Dragon Army or the elite troops under the mega corporations, they all had to carry out a large number of military missions. The Flames of war were still raging around Dragon City. The majority of the citizens were also full of doubts about whether the monster civilization would make a comeback.     

Until now, although the sky above Dragon City was still stormy, the dawn of victory was already brewing on the horizon and was clearly seen by every citizen.     

It was time to announce the good news of victory to the transmigrators on Earth who had fought desperately for half a century!     

Apart from the spiritual encouragement, officially declaring victory would also mean the transformation of Dragon City from its "wartime economic state."     

Although there was still the possibility of a new war breaking out on the road to the depths of the Other World.     

But that would be expanding the territory instead of hiding and defending.     

The new economic state meant new jobs, new resources, new opportunities, and anything was possible.     

Everyone was rubbing their fists and looking forward to it.     

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