Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Power Beyond the Deity Realm!

Power Beyond the Deity Realm!

0When superhuman individuals reached the Deity Realm, they were no longer restricted to specific moves.     

Instead, they could use the attraction, repulsion, and friction between the vitality magnetic field and the planet's magnetic field to mobilize the power of heaven and earth for their own use.     

When it came to the visual aspect, the surging spirit flames that the Deity Realm experts surged out and the spirit energy that floated in the heaven and earth had a strong reaction. They rippled out rings of sound, light, and electricity that looked like fireworks, auroras, tornadoes, and stormy waves.     

It was as if their souls were projected into the sky with the expansion of the vitality magnetic field.     

A few Deity Realm experts had spirit flames that were hundreds of meters high around them, making their auras more ostentatious than those of the Apocalyptic Beasts.     

There were also a few Deity Realm experts whose spirit flames condensed into complicated three-dimensional geometric patterns, showing that their control over the spirit magnetic field had reached an exquisite level.     

There were even some Deity Realm experts whose spirit flames were like crystal-clear monsters that bared their fangs and brandished their claws.     

That was because they had fought countless fierce battles in their lives, killed thousands of monsters, and had their fierce souls lingering on the edge of their fists!     

Dragon City only had a total of two-digit Deity Realm experts.     

Every Deity Realm expert had a distinctive and authentic signature type of vitality magnetic field.     

Therefore, Meng Chao and the others recognized him at a glance:     

"The one at the front is Shao Zhengyang, the best expert of the Red Dragon Army known as 'Thunder God'. His warhammer really has the unparalleled power of thunder and lightning. No wonder the shell of the nearly hundred-meter-long snapping turtle was blown to pieces with a single blow. Its juice splashed everywhere, and it fell back into the crater     

"There is also Lu Zhongqi, the elder of the Lu family, one of the nine mega corporations and the leader of Sky Pillar Corporation, which made its fortune in mining. In the past, Lu Zhongqi was even one of the best prospectors in Dragon City. It was said that his talent was extraordinary. For ordinary people, the super radiation, which was enough to break the gene chain, invaded the depths of his cells like charging a solar battery.     

"With his amazing talent, he had many fortuitous encounters during his long career in exploration. He was the best expert in Dragon City who had the most abundant spirit energy. Every organ on his body was crystal clear, with the characteristics of 'crystallization.' He was practically a Nine-headed Dragon in the shape of a human diamond.     

"Look. The man whose body was glittering with countless three-dimensional geometric patterns and who beat the gigantic two-headed ape until he was dizzy, Xie Jiuyin, the dean of Dragon City University's Department of Martial Arts and the strongest expert of the Overkill Style.     

"He is a master of the spirit energy training system. He is proficient in the construction of thousands of spirit magnetic fields and has refined hundreds of powerful mysteries. To a certain extent, he is standing on the shoulders of Lei Zongchao, the martial arts legend of the past     

"There is also Han Yiming of the Heavenly Eye Group, the monster who claimed to be the ultimate hunter and ranked first on the Monster Hunting List for five years in a row. It is said that the reason why he retired from the hunter's circle and invested in the entertainment industry and created the Heavenly Eye Livebroadcast Station, the largest livestream platform in Dragon City, was because he felt that he was too lonely and undefeatable at the top. He wanted to train more new blood for the Hunter's Association and break his own record by means of the 'slaughter livestream.'     

"However, ten years have passed. Not to mention breaking the record, there are only a handful of new blood who are close to the terrifying records that he set!"     

Meng Chao and the others were both surprised and delighted to find that, in order to accomplish their mission, many 'ancestors' and 'old monsters' that had not made a move for many years appeared in the sky above the Hidden Mist Domain.     

Moreover, the moment they took action, they would be like the peak of their era. They would chase the clouds and fight the lightning     

The spirit energy of dozens of Heaven Realm experts burst out. They were not stingy with the serial detonations of dozens of tactical nuclear weapons.     

Not only did the ordinary soldiers have to retreat as fast as they could, even the superhuman individuals above Meng Chao's level felt that they were in a burning storm. After observing for a few minutes at close range, they shouted that they could not take it anymore and had no choice but to retreat while grimacing.     

Meanwhile, the smoke, debris, flames, and lightning that the Deity Realm experts stirred up gradually gathered into tornadoes that connected the heaven and earth, covering the entire battlefield.     

No matter how Meng Chao and the other Heaven Realm experts activated their super vision, they could not see the slightest detail. They could only see the tornadoes spewing out large clouds, and tens of thousands of bolts of lightning spewed out from the dark clouds. The lightning brought about a torrential rain, and before the raindrops fell to the ground... they were frozen into hailstones. The hailstones rubbed against each other at an extremely high speed, and they actually blossomed into colorful flames.     

Under the interference of the vitality magnetic field of the Deity Realm experts, the underground spirit meridians that had just stabilized were like flood dragons that had just awoken from hibernation. They became restless and even began to bawl their fangs and brandish their claws.     

The extremely high-compressed spirit energy shot out from the cracks in the ground, colliding with each other and reacting violently, forming an extreme weather that was constantly changing. Only then did Meng Chao and the others see that the raindrops had not even landed on the ground, but had already turned into a strange phenomenon of hailstones burning fiercely.     

The scene of the Deity Realm expert unleashing his full power and shaking the world fell into Meng Chao's eyes. It was like a railway gun pressing against his glabella and blasting fiercely.     

He felt that every single brain cell of his exploded like a crystal bomb. The trembling of countless cells turned into the same cry.     

"Is this the legendary Deity Realm?     

"Is this the pinnacle of human evolution?     

"I want to break through to the Deity Realm as well. I want to have the power to summon the wind and summon the rain, move mountains and overturn seas, absorb thousands of lightning bolts into my body, and then burst out in an instant!"     

The flame named 'ambition' blossomed in the depths of his eyes.     

However, in the next second, for some reason, the Tree of Wisdom's appearance that was disguised as Jin Qianxi appeared in his mind again.     

"According to Battle God Lei Zongchao, the divine realm is definitely not the end of human evolution.     

"Beyond Heaven Realm, there are even more vast and exciting worlds.     

"The prehistoric relics that I saw in the ancient ruins also confirmed this point—the ancient civilization that created the 'transmigration engine' and the ancient intelligent beings that predicted that the people of Earth would transmigrate to the other world. It is obvious that they once held a power far stronger than Heaven Realm.     

"If the Earthlings and these mysterious ancient intelligent beings are inextricably linked, does it mean that we can also surpass Heaven Realm?     

"The divine realm is already so terrifying. What kind of terrifying power will the humans who surpass the divine realm possess?     

"And the humans who control the 'power of the supergods', are they still considered human beings? Can they still be bound by the morals and laws of the human world? Are they still willing to fight for the human civilization?     

"Just as the Tree of Wisdom once told me, when Peach Blossom Town was about to be destroyed, the most powerful people in the town did not want to devote all their resources to the battle to save the civilization. Instead, they wanted to plunder more resources and strengthen themselves, hoping to survive in the cruel jungle by themselves after Peach Blossom Town was destroyed.     

"If, one day, a man from Dragon City really controls the power that surpasses the Deity Realm, and he can live in other places and civilizations in the Other World even if Dragon City is destroyed, or even better than now, will he still regard 'saving Dragon City' as his only mission?     

"If this person were me, what would I choose..."     

For some reason, Meng Chao suddenly felt a headache.     

It was not a sharp pain like a splitting headache.     

Instead, it was like a small snake slithering in the gully of his brain. It was a dull, numb, and itchy pain.     

Heaven and Hell appeared in front of his eyes once again.     

The burning scene gradually merged with the apocalyptic Dragon City and turned into an indelible mark deep in his brain.     

"Meng Chao? Meng Chao!"     

While he was lost and confused, a pair of rough but soft hands patted his shoulder and pulled him back. "What are you standing here for? Retreat! Don't stop a Deity Realm expert from using his ultimate move!"     


Meng Chao blinked his eyes hard and looked at Lu Siya. It took him quite a while to wake up.     

He wanted to search for the source of the dull pain in the depths of his brain again, but he could not find anything.     

"Of course. You can't be addicted to being a lone hero and think that you have to fight every life-and-death battle in Dragon City from the beginning to the end, right?"     

Seeing that he was still a little confused, Lu Siya thought that it was the first time that he had seen so many Deity Realm experts attack at the same time. Either stunned or shocked by the spirit energy ripples, she simply put her arms under his armpits and dragged him backward.     

"The Red Dragon Army's best expert is here. The strongest expert of the Overkill Style is here. The Ultimate Hunter is here. Even the old master of our family, who hasn't fought for ten years, is here!" Lu Siya said.     

"Yes," Lu Siya said, "with so many super-first-rate experts here, why don't we retreat and heal our wounds? What are we doing here?"     

She was right.     

In the beginning, a large number of heavy cannons, artillery, mechanized troops, and low-and middle-level superhumans were deployed at the edge of the sinkhole.     

The Deity Realm experts had some misgivings and could not go all out. They only drove the underdeveloped Apocalyptic Beasts toward the center of the sinkhole.     

As the battlefield gradually moved toward the center of the sinkhole, the troops at the edge of the sinkhole also retreated to a safe area and hid behind the steel defense line that had just been constructed by the construction machinery. The Deity Realm experts no longer had any restraints, so they could go all out as they pleased.     

Unknowingly, the rhythm and intensity of the attack and defense had increased by several levels.     

The edges of the sinkhole where Meng Chao and the others had just been were pushed out by the flames, lightning, and shock waves, creating layers of folds.     

Inside the sinkhole, sand and stones were flying, the earth was shaking, and the moon and sun were dim.     

The shocking movements didn't seem like a war between humans and monsters.     

Instead, it seemed like dozens of Apocalyptic Beasts were fighting each other for the title of "King of Monsters."     

Meng Chao's heart was still high after being dragged hundreds of meters away by Lu Siya.     

In his previous life, many of the most powerful Deity Realm experts in Dragon City had fallen at the end of the Monster War, under the claws and teeth of these monsters.     

Although his rebirth had triggered the butterfly effect...     

Could the faint ripples created by the flapping wings of the butterfly really shatter all predestinies?     

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