Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Mental Virus

Mental Virus

2The Other World's spirit magnetic environment was a hundred times more complicated than Earth's.     

Its cosmic radiation, planet magnetic field, and even the vitality magnetic field of carbon-based organisms, including the brainwaves of intelligent life, were a hundred times stronger than Earth's.     

Whether it was superhuman individuals or monsters with special brain tissues, they were more likely to excite their own brainwaves and form a "mental attack."     

However, the "mental attack" was a double-edged sword.     

A superhuman who gazed at the abyss for a long time would also be gazed at by the abyss in return.     

A superhuman who was good at using mental attacks was also an easy target for the enemy to lock onto, crack, and hack into their own brain ports to implant all kinds of information.     

It was the same as how fear was contagious.     

When the brainwaves of countless people were triggered and resonated, specific information that were implanted could also spread like a viral video.     

To put it simply, let's say Lu Siya was the first to be attacked by the enemy's mind, information about Peach Blossom Town would be implanted in her brain. Then, she would use her own memory to enrich the information.     

After that, the brainwaves she sent out would most likely help the enemy and implant the information about Peach Blossom Town into the minds of the exploration team's other members.     

The exploration team members often believed each other without a doubt.     

Such indirect communication made it much easier to break through the human brain's defenses than a direct mental attack, resulting in an upgraded version of mass hysteria.     

Therefore, all the survivors of the exploration teams were most likely trapped in a corner of space, where they were faced with the primeval jungle, unable to extricate themselves from it.     

Meng Chao could not help but comment, "It's even possible that we are like the scholars in folk tales who, tempted by beautiful maidens, have come to a splendid mansion and seen the owner in luxurious clothes, tasted delicacies such as dragon liver and phoenix marrow, and had good sleep in a room with carved beams.     

"The next morning, when we wake up in the cold wind, we would find ourselves lying in a desolate grave with rotten bones under our heads and half a broken bowl beside us. In the bowl would be leftover centipedes and toads. Meanwhile, we wonder if the so-called fortuitous encounter was just a trick of the fox god?"     

"It is indeed possible."     

Lu Siya nodded. "It's not impossible to find a scientific and reasonable explanation for the absurd folktales. Just like the 'ghost hitting a wall' was actually lost in the folds of space, the legend of 'the scholar meeting the maidens' could also be a mental attack launched by a carbon-based creature.     

"Perhaps, there is indeed a Peach Blossom Town that crossed over to the Other World with Dragon City, but it is in ruins, full of devastation, covered in desolate graves, and full of suffering.     

"It's just that our retinas and central nerves have been disturbed, so we can't see the truth clearly     

"If that's true, what's its purpose?" Meng Chao asked.     

"If the monster mastermind's mental attack is so powerful that it can trap hundreds of human explorers in the same illusion at one time, why doesn't it just kill us directly but play such a boring... Harvest Ceremony trick?"     

"It can't kill us, otherwise."     

Over the past few days, Lu Siya had long considered such a problem.     

She immediately said, "Even if the monster mastermind has mastered the ability to create illusions at will, this ability must be limited by certain rules. It should also be very easy to find a way to crack it. Otherwise, during the Lair battle, the monster's mastermind could have followed the abnormal beast, the Vortex, and kill its way into Dragon City's center. Then it could have taken advantage of the chaos in the Lair to make hundreds of thousands of people fall into a nightmare.     

"I reckon that the monster mastermind's mind attack ability has its limits. It can't completely hijack our retinas and central nerves or completely control our free will. It has no choice but to use all kinds of hints and fake clues to make us imagine a paradise and deceive ourselves.     

"That's why the monster mastermind allowed the explorers of the man-eating pomfret team to spread the news that there's a city in the depths of the sinkhole to the outside world."     

Meng Chao seemed to be deep in thought as he added, "The human race is best at imagining things. When information about a city being in the depths of the sinkhole is implanted into our brains, our rich imagination will cause it to ferment on its own and gradually turn into the beautiful Peach Blossom Town. The monster mastermind only needs to add some details at critical points to push Peach Blossom Town in the direction it wants to develop."     

"Yes, that possibility is very high. After all, more than a dozen exploration teams have gathered hundreds of strong-willed experts. Among them, there are many senior superhuman teams in the Heaven Realm. Unless we lie to ourselves, the monster mainframe will never drag us into the illusion."     

Lu Siya said, "However, the biggest problem with lying is that we can't do things that go against our instincts in the illusion. For example, it could make us kill each other or even ourselves in the illusion."     

"That makes sense."     

Meng Chao's spirits were lifted. "In other words, we are the creators of the 'illusionary city' just like the monster mastermind. Although most of the rules of the game in the city have been set by it, we are not fish on the chopping board that can't fight back at all!     

"Nevertheless, is it possible that it can use the illusionary land to delay us and summon a large number of monsters to kill our bodies directly in the real world?"     

"I've thought about that too, but the possibility is not high."     

Lu Siya said, "When superhumans reach Heaven Realm, their bodies of flesh and blood are not only as tough as steel, but their subconsciousness is also extremely powerful. They can maintain a high level of vigilance even in their dreams.     

"Even if we are trapped in the illusion, if a monster approaches and releases its killing intent upon us, some of us with extremely sharp senses will definitely wake up from the illusion."     

"For example, a 'sensitive person' like you, Sister Ya," Meng Chao added.     

"That's right."     

Lu Siya nodded a little and confidently said, "Since I've seen through the flaws in this world and I have to go all out, I feel confident that I can wake up and break the illusion by force at any time.     

"However, there's no need for that at the moment. We might as well wait and see what the monster mastermind is up to.     

"Don't forget that the illusion in front of us is the product of everyone's brainwave resonance. As long as a few members of the exploration team wake up, there's a high possibility of triggering a chain reaction that will wake everyone up at the same time.     

"The monster mastermind has taken great pains to set up this trap. It was not easy to lure so many explorers into Peach Blossom Town. I think that unless it's absolutely necessary, it won't make such a move and try to eliminate us at the physical level.     

"After all, we are only the vanguard. Even if we kill all the exploration teams, it won't change the ending of the monster civilization!"     

That was true.     

More than 70% of the data on the Hidden Mist Domain's topography and crystal veins had been transmitted to the outside world.     

The decisive army, which gathered almost all the Deity Realm experts and the torrent of steel in Dragon City, was also gathering in the Hidden Mist Domain's periphery and taking shape day by day...     

It did not matter even if the vanguard troops were completely annihilated.     

Moreover, Peach Blossom town really existed, and the maniacal monster mastermind had used thirty to fifty thousand human beings as meat shields.     

It was impossible to delay the total attack time by even half a second.     

The doomsday bell for the monster civilization had already reached the last lap, and the countdown of the ticking clock had begun.     

If the monster mastermind really had intelligence that was superior to that of human beings, it should have been very clear and rational to realize one thing: Killing the exploration team would be meaningless except for making its own incompetence and fury manifest.     

"Therefore, the purpose of Peach Blossom Town is definitely not to kill us."     

Meng Chao mumbled, "I have a vague feeling that the monster mastermind probably wants us to live more than die. Of course, it wants us to live based on the information implanted in our brains through Peach Blossom Town, as well as transmit the information to more people, and eventually everyone, via brainwaves.     

"It's just like spreading the Blood Flower spores and the zombie virus."     

"The monster mastermind tried to use Peach Blossom Town to brainwash us," Lu Siya said coldly. "That's why it told us the news of 'Earth's destruction' first."     

The words 'Earth's destruction' made Meng Chao's pupils contract again.     

"Sister Ya, what did you say?" He still did not want to believe it.     

"Earth's destruction. Judging from your ugly expression, I can tell that the little girl named Gu Ling has already told you the shocking news."     

Lu Siya said, "If Peach Blossom Town is really a scheme meticulously arranged by the monster mastermind, each word spoken by everyone here would not be meaningless.     

"Even though they have transmigrated to another world for more than half a century, many people in Dragon City still consider themselves Earthlings. They believe that no matter what of our Dragon City civilization becomes, we will always be a part of the Earth civilization. Countless people are willing to fight for Earth, and they are even willing to pay any price to return to Earth.     

"It can be said that Earth is not only the homeland of many people, but also the belief of many!     

"However, the monster mastermind told them right away that Earth had been destroyed. Although the sea of stars was vast, they were no longer homeless, and lacking faith. It was worth it for them to fight and sacrifice everything.     

"Such explosive news would certainly make many determined experts of Dragon City panic. They would focus most of their attention on the 'Earth's destruction', but they would ignore the obvious details and flaws in front of them.     

"Also, if some of the explorers really believe the nonsense about Earth's destruction and their beliefs are shaken, it would be easier for their spirit defense line to collapse and for them to be completely controlled by the monster mastermind, wouldn't it?"     

"It makes sense!"     

Meng Chao's eyes lit up, and he excitedly said, "Sister Ya, are you saying that the monster mastermind has been talking nonsense? There is no thermonuclear war on Earth, and the civilization on Earth will never be destroyed? Is that right?"     

"I'm saying that it doesn't matter what that ghost girl, Gu Ling, says. Whether or not a thermonuclear war breaks out on Earth and whether or not Earth's civilization is destroyed has nothing to do with us."     

Lu Siya enunciated each word and coldly said, "Wake up, Meng Chao. From the moment we stepped out of Earth, we can only depend on ourselves for the journey ahead. Don't let the so-called survival of the mother planet affect your mind!"     

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