The Record of Unusual Creatures

The Void Node

The Void Node

1Hao Ren separated the lifeblood sample into several packs, encapsulating them in a metal phial that could hold live specimens for a long time. When one opened the shell of the metal phial, one could see the bright red liquid that was sealed in a transparent crystal phial. The strange, life-like red liquid was moving slowly. It felt quite similar to the blood diffusing from the previous First Born, but the difference was, the lifeblood showed a more gentle character. It was not as violent as the First Born's blood.     

If you touched the lifeblood directly with your skin, you could even feel a sense of comforting warmth permeating you, like it was the mother of life.     

Raven 12345 looked at the liquid in the crystal phial with interest and asked, "Living samples? Where did you get them?"     

"From the Disciples of Glory. It's said that their first pope collected it from the First Born's sleeping place. It's the residual liquid of the Seed of Origin, so theoretically it's the closest thing to the goddess in the Plane of Dreams. Also, the Disciples of Glory blessed their new priests with this. After inoculation with the lifeblood, ordinary people can get various strange abilities, and they are said to be able to communicate with the goddess."     

"They can communicate with the goddess?" Raven 12345 raised her eyebrow and said, "But according to the information I got... The information response of that goddess of greation has been collapsed. There's a very high likelihood that she's fallen into some kind of broken state, sleeping in the depths of the universe. Who are they communicating with?"     

"Who knows?" Hao Ren shrugged and said, "Anyway, according to Big Beardy, devout believers will hear the goddess's voice in their mind after the inoculation. They may even gain knowledge from the goddess in prayer—one-third of the Disciples of Glory's divine system is said to have been created out of thin air in this almost 'tacit divine revelation' state."     

"Interesting," said Raven 12345 while she fiddled with the crystal phial. Then, she placed her ,other hand over it, and some pale blue sparks leaped between her fingers. "However, I can't feel anything... There must be something missing, or the information it contains is too weak to be covered by my power. I may need to do some research."     

Hao Ren then handed over a sample of the Progenitor of Life to Raven 12345. He would also be responsible for its research, but he gave some samples to Raven for filing purposes. After that, Hao Ren suddenly remembered another thing. "Oh, one more thing…"     

He removed a metal safe from his Dimensional Pocket. A line of words was floating above the metal safe: "Civilization of Tannagost, all data, yet to be encoded".     

"We've found out the truth of one of the unusual creatures, the Vengeful Spirit," Hao Ren said while he handed the safe to Raven 12345. "They come from a planet called Tannagost, which has already perished. It was destroyed by the First Born. This is all their data."     

"Tombstone…" Raven 12345 looked at the silvery-white metal safe and became serious. For the first time there was an inexplicable sense of divine sympathy coming from her like a true goddess. She stooped and touched the cold metal safe, and said in a way that sounded like she was talking to both herself and Hao Ren, "You've finally come into contact with this."     

"This is the last thing that needs to be handed over to you," Hao Ren said as he put the strange feeling aside. Looking at the metal safe, which kept all the data of the Tannagost Civilization, he asked, "Where will this be sent?"     

"There's a place dedicated to storing such relics," said Raven 12345 "It will be treated properly and the data will be transferred to an infinitely large database. This civilization will not be forgotten, since it left a little trace. The Empire is responsible for keeping it."     

Hao Ren nodded and left the wonderful peaks that were floating in the universe, along with Nangong Sanba and Rollie.     

Raven 12345 paused for a moment before she turned and continued to look at the splendid starlight she had been gazing at.     

The distant and magnificent starry sky was still shining bright, seemingly trying to show its most beautiful side to the goddess, who was standing on the top of the stars. The twinkling starlight sketched all kinds of wonderful pictures. They looked splendid, and revealed the mysterious as well as magnificent scenery of the universe.     

However, the reflection in Raven's eyes showed those bright stars being broken apart little by little, revealing the deep truth hidden beneath their surface. The power of the goddess allowed her to directly observe the unknown part of the universe. Dimensions beyond mortal understanding and structures that only mathematical formulae could explain unfolded within her eyes, revealing all secrets. Under the starlight, fine cracks were spreading.     

It was rippling near the boundary of the universe. In some very remote areas where most mortals would probably never be able to reach, the physical law of the real world was fighting against some kind of erosion from another world. An awful giant hidden beneath the real world was trying to break free and had achieved initial success. If there were intelligent creatures living in the remote and ice-cold regions, perhaps they would see the unbelievable strange phenomenon in the starry sky above them. The cosmic background radiation they could observe was showing two distinctly different forms.     

It was as if there were two universes superimposed on their heads at the same time.     

Raven 12345's eyes reflected the strange dark shadows at the edge of the universe. Certain phenomena took tens of billions of years to be transmitted to this place through conventional light speed, but she could see everything now.     

"The border area is starting to get tangled." Raven 12345 sighed and narrowed her eyes slightly. The chaotic 'real starlight' and the bizarre cracks quickly returned to their original position, and the small chaos that took place on the cosmic border was quickly calm down. "Tsk, the cycle is getting shorter," she said.     

Then she snapped her finger and opened a small World Gate beside her. Meanwhile, a blue arcane servant emerged from the air.     

Raven 12345 pointed to the silver box and said, "Take it."     

The arcane servant carried the box without saying a word and walked behind Raven 12345 into the World Gate.     

Raven 12345 came to a special place. This was the void node that lying outside of many universes. It did not belong to any world but an eternal space created by the Xi Ling Celestials. Each node shone like a lighthouse in the void, like a server on a network.     

Because of the different models, the void nodes also had various forms. Raven 12345's void node was a continent that floated in the dark. There was a huge central management center in the center of the continent, while in other parts there were mountains and rivers and magnificent silvery-white towers. The whole continent had lush jungles and snowy plains, which was built like a complete world. If no one jumped out of this land, probably no one would ever think of that outside of this "world" was a void.     

Raven 12345 and the arcane servant stood on the tower of central management center. There was a series of observation platforms to see the whole space. She looked to the East and saw several small black spots cruising in the air. They were simple spacecraft driven by steel and magic power, and they were clearly not something that the Xi Ling Celestials had made.     

This model of the void node was so vast and the habitable area was even as big as a planet, so the administrators here created a group of residents on the continent. After years of development, these residents had established their own country and civilization in corner of the lighthouse of the Xi Ling Celestials.     

A young lady in a white dress appeared on the observation platform and said to Raven 12345, "Nimlotte is challenging the sky again. They are interested in the scenery outside the 'world'. Several tribal states on the northern snowy plains have just completed an integration war. They seem to be suddenly enlightened and are learning Nimlotte's magic technology."     

"Are they developing a little too fast?" Raven 12345 said and blinked, "They're created just to make the nodal continent livelier, didn't expect that they are so gifted."     

"Don't underestimate their potential, after all, it was made by the Empire," the lady in the white dress said with a smile, "and there's good news. The Principality of Sanglan sent an expedition to the 'Celestial Tower' a few days ago. They seem to have an interest in the nature of the world. A bunch of inquisitive guys, maybe they'll find the entrance here soon."     

"Fayna, when are you going to tell them about the situation of this world and what's happening outside the world?" asked Raven 12345, "They need to grow up. You can't always treat them as children."     

"Let's wait until any one of them figure out the equation of mass-energy," Fayna waved her hand and said, "but why do you have time to come here? Isn't it nice to be a goddess?"     

"I also have to work," Raven 12345 said and patted the safe in the hands of an arcane servant, "This is for the third sample library."     

Fayna frowned and asked, "Is it a 'tombstone'?"     

"Unfortunately, yes, it is. Another civilization has died."     

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