The Record of Unusual Creatures

It Was Really Stressful

It Was Really Stressful

1Seeing the enemy blown away like a leaf, Lily was not paying attention to what Hao Ren was saying. Lily looked on like her eyes were about to pop out before she jumped up with joy. "Whoa, Landlord, you're awesome!"     4

Her excitement made it sound as if she was the one who did it.     

Deep down, Hao Ren wished he was what Lily said but, looking at her broad smile he could not allow himself to act like a jerk. He smiled back awkwardly. "Well... If I'm not mistaken, that guy was probably already injured from Vivian's Split-Shadows earlier. I was adding another nail in the coffin."     

Lily replied with a nod, but her eyes looked in the direction where the scrawny werewolf fell. "Is...he dead?"     

"I'm sure he's not." Noticing the dilemma on Lily's face, Hao Ren knew she was worried about her fellow werewolf. So, he quickly shook his head. "I used restraint. Besides, I couldn't possibly have the ability to kill a werewolf with just one punch."     

"I was surprised that they were werewolves too," said Lily as she stuck her tongue out in astonishment. "They took me in without saying a word. It was when I called you in the afternoon did they start to explain it to me."     

Hao Ren glanced at Lily. "So, what's on your mind exactly?"     

"This is the first time I'm meeting my fellow werewolves, and I'm excited!" Lily's eyes glowed in the dark.     

"Are you going to follow them home?" Hao Ren's eyebrows arched and realized that this was a delicate question. She called him for help because she was unsure who the two psychos were. But now, she knew they were fellow werewolves. What was in the mind of this innocent girl that made her have a soft spot for the werewolf?     

"No, I'm not. I don't even know them." Hao Ren did not expect Lily would deny with no hesitation.     

Hao Ren froze for a second and then, nodded with a weird expression on his face. "That's who you are."     

It was just Lily's efficient simple-mindedness—if she did not know a person, it meant that the person was a stranger and she should not follow a stranger. Her whole thought process was just as simple as that. Things like dignity, racial sense of belonging and the revival of the werewolf race were just too complicated for her to grasp. The concept of the so-called 'racial sense of belonging' was not part of her vocabulary. The one thing that was surely on her mind was the call to finish her meaty-bone lunch back home.     

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard coming from outside the warehouse. The force blasted through the steel door, engulfing the whole place in smoke and dust. Then, Vivian's voice came from afar. "Well, well, well, I thought I'd have to lend a hand here. It looks like everything on your side is done and dusted."     

A gust of strong wind came through and carried the smoke as well as dust away. Hao Ren then took a gander at the situation outside: the vampire maiden was completely unharmed. Only her hair was a little messy while her face was covered in dirt. Her face showed some fatigue after she had won the fight hands down. Casar Ebben who lied under her feet unconscious was not in particularly good shape though.     

Bruises were on the once cocky and mighty werewolf, which had passed out. Color had drained from the werewolf's face; he now looked half-werewolf and half-human.     

"I couldn't help it. This werewolf was nasty and full of fighting spirit. I had to bleed the pressure out of his blood a bit to make sure he stayed calm," said Vivian as she shook her head. "But no worries, it's non-lethal. Thanks also to Mr. Landlord. If not for your actions, this guy wouldn't have gotten distracted, and dragged us into a long fight."     

They moved the two werewolves out to the open area outside the warehouse. Hao Ren and his mates did not know what to do with the two unconscious members of the 'enemy.' In the past, Vivian would celebrate her victory by treating herself to a nice dinner or even perhaps helping herself with the werewolves. However, that was not going to happen in the presence of Lily.     

After wrestling with his mind, Hao Ren decided to report to Raven 12345. But, just as he was about to yank the MDT out of his pocket, the two werewolves suddenly moaned in pain. They had started to come back online.     

"That's why I hate such tough guys," Vivian sounded her disgust. "Look, just five minutes earlier they were half-dead, but now, even the wounds on this little one are starting to heal..."     

Vivian was right. Werewolves have nine lives, sort of. Casar Ebben and the little guy were on their way to meet their maker. However, within the time they were being carried out from the warehouse to the open space outside, they had recovered with such spectacular speed. You could observe with your naked eye the healing process itself. Given a few more minutes, they would be alive and kicking again, literally.     

"You guys..." Casar Ebben was the first to wake up. When he opened his eyes, he jumped to his feet and stared in shock at Lily who stood together with Vivian. "Why are you with the vampire?"     

"I want to go home," Lily said matter-of-factly. "We've been living together."     

"She isn't mentally retarded." Now the skinny werewolf got up. He knew resistance was futile at that point so; he thought it better to be pragmatic and sit on the ground. "She must be under the vampire's control and is unable to get out of it."     

"I think your imagination is a little over the top." Hao Ren felt that he now had a deeper understanding of the werewolf's simple-minded nature. Though, he could neither cry nor laugh about it. "We're more or less having some misunderstanding here..."     

Hao Ren took the opportunity to explain about Lily's unusual background to them but, he did not tell them about the werehusky story considering their level of EQ. What he told them was sufficient considering that 'vampire-werewolf love' was already too much for the two pure-blood werewolves to handle.     

"That's how things are. Lily won't follow you guys home." Hao Ren spread his hands as he finished. "What you guys did was kidnapping. So, you deserved the beating..."     

"They can live with each other?" Casar Ebben looked at Lily and Vivian sarcastically. "Do you think I'm going to believe that?"     

It was no surprise that the pure-blood werewolves refused to believe in this ridiculous thing. The strange happenings in Hao Ren's house were not something that could be explained away in a few sentences. It would have probably taken a few rounds of mental breakdown and reconstruction to come to grips with the bizarre vampire x werewolf thingy.     

"The two maidens have no equal." Hao Ren sighed and stared into Casar Ebben's eyes. "Look into my eyes. Arrgh, forget it, you wouldn't believe me anyway. I don't want any more trouble, and you may have taken Lily because of some misunderstanding, but we'll let bygones be bygones. If Lily and Vivian agree, I'll let you guys go."     

Of course, Lily did not have any objection. She was a dumbbell after all. As for Vivian, although she was a little displeased, she too did not raise any objection.     

The two werewolves looked at each other before saying spontaneously, "Are we the ones at fault now?"     

"Of course you are. You kidnapped my tenant. Wasn't that your fault?"     

The little werewolf was almost tearful. "Yes, I admit that the way we did things were a little rough but, we didn't do anything untoward to this young girl. We even bought food for her—I don't know how but her appetite is surely a lot bigger than Casar's and mine combined. We had to run all the way to the city to buy four packs of lunch for her, and in the end, we even had to turn over ours. Also, she may have a screw loose—she kept demanding to go home with the vampire, and we thought we bumped into some mentally retarded junior. It took us the whole morning to figure out whether we should forget about her, as we would be the laughing stock once we bring her back to the pack. That is not all; she even demanded to watch movies, listen to music, play games; she started nagging us when her phone ran out of juice; she even demanded Pushkin poems during her afternoon nap. She went nuts when we didn't give in. If not for the f*cking fact that she also has a pair of wolf ears, we might have concluded that she's an entirely new line of species. Tell me, what sin have Casar, and I committed? After taking in this nagging and hungry brat here, we had planned to send her back for good; while we were at it, you guys showed up and the next thing we knew, we were beaten black and blue. What wrong have we done?"     

Hao Ren was at a lost for words.     

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