Archean Eon Art

Demonic Divine Power

Demonic Divine Power

4The third Firmament demon monarchs were split into two groups. Only after both groups passed through the World Entrance would they attack.     

Boom! Boom! Boom!     

Six peak Great Solar Godfiends and 60 demon monarchs clashed. The demon monarchs instantly gained the upper hand.     

What? Liu Qiyue and Fan Cheng's hearts tightened when they saw the battle on the ice.     

Meng Chuan, Shi Xiu, and Mu Qing each fought 12 demon monarchs in close combat! Shi Xiu and Mu Qing were facing ordinary third Firmament demon monarchs, but they were pressured by the 12 demon monarchs they each faced.     

Meng Chuan was attacked by six elite demon monarchs and six ordinary demon monarchs. Every elite demon monarch had similar strength to Shi Xiu and Mu Qing!     

"Damnit." Zhang Yunhu's nose flared. He held two blood-colored short spears in his hand and started helping Meng Chuan. "Previously, sending three elite demon monarchs to deal with you was crazy enough. But this time, they brought three more elite demon monarchs—all skilled at melee combat. Junior Brother Meng, they think very highly of you to send six elite demon monarchs towards you."     

"I'm a little flattered." Meng Chuan executed his saber art.     

Bam! Bam! Bam!     

Meng Chuan and Zhang Yunhu jointly defended.     

Zhang Yunhu's strength was extraordinary. He was able to match three elite demon monarchs alone. Currently, he was focused on defense and teamed up with Meng Chuan. They managed to withstand the six elite demon monarchs and six ordinary demon monarchs' attacks.     

"These demon monarchs have gone mad."     

"They actually sent so many elite demon monarchs here." Yang Xingwu and Yu Chiyan were somewhat nervous. One controlled their domain and the other cast illusions on demons to help Meng Chuan and Zhang Yunhu.     

Shi Xiu and Mu Qing barely managed to defend against the attacks. They also understood that the situation was rather dire.     

Meng Chuan remained very calm.     

When he first came to North River Pass, he was much weaker than Zhang Yunhu despite having a perfected transcendent-grade Godfiend Body. In the past year, he had mastered the Diamond body—which increased his strength greatly. Due to his powerful body, he could absorb even more baneful aura and lightning. He exchanged 390,000 credits for 78 gourds of Darknether baneful aura. Now, he was as strong as Zhang Yunhu. If he used the Power of Essence Soul, he would be even stronger!     

He was confident that he could face all kinds of dangerous situations.     

That lion demon monarch is hiding his strength deliberately. Meng Chuan could probe people's strength with his perception domain. The lion demon monarch's aura was much stronger than the elite demon monarchs'. Only the black-robed spider demoness could match him. However, the lion demon monarch only revealed an elite demon monarch's strength. He wasn't standing out among the six elite demon monarchs.     

"You have to find an opportunity and attack!"     

"Zhang Yunhu won't be able to save Meng Chuan in time." The lion demon monarch had only used 30 to 40 percent of his strength so far. If he were to unleash his full strength, Zhang Yunhu would probably be the first to resist.     

Demon Monarch Lion was confident in dealing with Meng Chuan. However, he wasn't confident in dealing with Zhang Yunhu—who had reached the Realm of Dao!     

Boom! Boom! Boom!     

Zhang Yunhu's blood-colored spears transformed into golden blurs. His body faintly glowed golden as he used all his strength to block the combined attacks of three elite demon monarchs.     

This is the moment! Demon Monarch Lion unleashed all his strength and attacked.     


His deep growl sounded like the raging wind. The moment the roar left his throat, Meng Chuan, Zhang Yunhu, Mu Qing, and company felt their hearts palpitate in fear. Even Liu Qiyue and Fan Cheng—who were on the city wall—were horrified when they heard the roar.     

They all looked at the source of the sound.     

Demon Monarch Lion opened his mouth, and a black vortex appeared behind him! An invisible suction force acted on Meng Chuan's body, causing him to fly towards the gaping mouth involuntarily.     

A demonic divine power. Zhang Yunhu, Mu Qing, and the others were alarmed.     

Divine powers originated from one's body. Demons mainly cultivated their bodies and demonic powers. One obtained all sorts of mysterious powers when their bodies had been cultivated to certain extents. Their bodies could match divine armaments. Some demons with special bodies had unimaginable powers. These unimaginable powers were also called divine powers!     

In fact, the body cultivation system Meng Chuan had acquired from Archean Eon Grotto-Heaven had divine powers as well! The cultivation system was purely for strengthening his body, which is why he would possess a divine power once he reached the Divine Power realm—the third realm of the body cultivation system. As his body cultivation progressed, he would gain more than one divine power.     

The demons were inferior in comparison. Only the super outstanding third Firmament demon monarchs had divine powers.     

Demon Monarch Lion had divine powers!     

This demon's divine power actually affects the void? Meng Chuan was alarmed. The void distorted, wrapping around his body as he was sucked towards the lion demon monarch.     

Break! Instantly, his Quintessential Essence erupted. His Quintessential Essence surged through his meridians. After attaining the Diamond Body, his meridians could withstand such bursts of Quintessential Essence easily.     

Tiger Roar Stance! Meng Chuan immediately slashed out.     

Boom! Boom! Boom!     

While being sucked in, he delivered a three-strike combo. It was his most violent attack—Tiger Roar Stance.     

In the face of divine powers, raw strength was the simplest method to break free. With sufficient strength, one could escape the danger.     

Oh? The terrifying saber beam caused the black vortex behind Demon Monarch Lion to tremble. When Meng Chuan delivered his third strike, the black vortex collapsed! The distorted void also returned to normal.     

He cracked it? Demon Monarch Lion was alarmed.     

He used a forbidden spell to crack Demon Monarch Lion's divine power? The other demon monarchs were alarmed.     

Great Solar Quintessential Essence was extremely destructive. Other Great Solar Godfiends were very careful when they circulated their Quintessential Essence. However, Meng Chuan's burst of Quintessential Essence was terrifying; his aura had been much stronger at that instant. Such strength was only seen when one used forbidden spells. Unbeknownst to them, Meng Chuan's meridians were extremely sturdy. His meridians could still handle such bursts of Great Solar Quintessential Essence.     

If I can't devour him, I'll slay him. Demon Monarch Lion charged forward with a large axe.     

Meng Chuan immediately used his saber art to parry the blow.     


The axe clashed with the saber beam, causing Meng Chuan to retreat three steps. Demon Monarch Lion's axe cleaved out again and again as he attacked Meng Chuan relentlessly.     

He's strong, but he has poor agility. Meng Chuan defended while gathering information on his opponent.     

"Sister Sijia, take three demon monarchs with you and do not hold back on Zhang Yunhu," said Demon Monarch Lion via voice transmission. "As long as you hold back Zhang Yunhu, Meng Chuan will definitely die!"     

When they saw hope of killing Meng Chuan, the demons went into a frenzy. To the demons, killing Meng Chuan with his perfected Lightning Devastator Fiend Body was ten times better than killing Zhang Yunhu!     

This spider demoness is also going all out now. Zhang Yunhu's expression changed. While he faced the three elite demon monarchs' relentless assault, seven ordinary demon monarchs and the black-robed demoness attacked with all their might. The black-robed demoness's Intrinsic Silk—which she had accumulated over the years—was unleashed.     

Blood-colored spider webs shot towards Zhang Yunhu!     

"Meng Chuan, how long can your forbidden spell last? I can crush your frail body with a slap." As Demon Monarch Lion spoke, he continued to lead two elite demon monarchs to attack Meng Chuan. Ordinary demon monarchs followed behind closely.     

Meng Chuan defended, continuing to learn more about his opponent. It's capable of demonic divine powers. Its axe art is powerful. It has extremely powerful strength, but poor agility. Its body is also quite strong. Meng Chuan hadn't used a forbidden spell; his body was completely fine.     

I'm 70 percent confident in killing him using the Power of Essence Soul. I need to make sure I can kill him for certain!     

With his perception domain, Meng Chuan was able to grasp the flow of the battle perfectly. He sought a chance to deliver the killing blow.     

To the demon monarchs, victory was right at hand.     

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