The Card Apprentice



1Aside from the leader of Team One who was gazing towards Chen Mu in a usual     

manner, the other four leaders' gazes were all scorching and unusual.     

Even though they did not witness the battle between the White Commander and     

Butchie, Dongrui City was abuzz with it. So how could they not know about it? Team     

Three's leader Qi Feng garnered the most attention among the five. He was the     

youngest, aged around 25 or 26. He was fair and handsome. However, there was a     

sense of arrogance on his face, making others uncomfortable.     

However, what made Chen Mu wary was the unobvious slight unfriendliness in Qi     

Feng's eyes, especially when he fleetingly glanced at the chain bracelet on Chen Mu's     

wrist. His face was so sullen it was as if water could be squeezed out of it.     

Chen Mu somehow understood and couldn't help but to decide to take off the chain     

bracelet after going back to prevent from causing any unnecessary misunderstanding in     

the future. He was not clear of what kind of person Tan Yumin was like, but he now had     

a sort of spectrum in his mind.     

This is not a kind act!     

A huge power shield rose when the crowd sat down. There were only two card artisans     

left inside it.     

Ji Zhihao smiled and introduced, "We at the Yuzi Military Force uses the selection     

system. After skill selection at the beginning, card artisans will face the second round of     

selections. What the White Commander is seeing right now is the second selection,     

selecting based on actual battles! This round of selection will immediately decide     

whether one can join the Yuzi Military Force. Opponents will be assigned randomly, and     

the defeated will have one chance to challenge any card artisan from the winning side.     

If the challenge succeeds, the winner's spot will be replaced. If defeated again, he will     

lose his qualification completely. If a winner is challenged for three times yet still stayed     

on the winning side, he will immediately qualify, and others will lose the chance to     

challenge him."     

"This method is not bad," Chen Mu nodded, his sternness getting heavier. Without a     

doubt, the selection system of the Yuzi Military Force would make it impossible for a     

card artisan without strength to join. Besides, it was also obvious how astounding was     

the attractiveness of Yuzi Military Force and Tan Yumin's appeal.     

Ji Zhihao smiled faintly, "I hope the White Commander will not make a laughingstock     

out of me."     

Few of the five team leaders' faces brightened up. The strength of the Yuzi Military     

Force was indeed powerful. Compared to larger Card Artisan Teams like Blood Tinge     

Card Artisan Team and Snowflake Card Artisan Team, they only lacked combined     

strength. They were not any weaker in terms of combat power. It wasn't easy to achieve     

this, especially for a team that had not been established for long.     

"Start the selection," Tan Yumin's crisp and bright voice jolted one's spirits.     

"Yes!" You Yin replied with a deep voice. Then he immediately rose and ordered, "Let     

the selections begin!"     

The two card artisans in the battle ring went into combat mode instantly. At the first     

instance, both moved away from each other for more distance. Based on this mere     

move, Chen Mu could determine that both the card artisans had ample combat     

experience. The recruitment of card artisans with combat experience requires a huge     

amount of expenditure and very high cost.     

Ji Zhihao asked You Yin half-heartedly, "Leader You Yin, what batch is this?" His voice     

wasn't loud, yet Chen Mu could hear it clearly.     

It was obvious that You Yin respected Ji Zhihao alot. He replied immediately, "Mr Ji, this     

is the 18th batch."     

Ji Zhihao said in a satisfied manner, "Not bad, these aspiring warriors will be our     

backbone in the future. Honestly, I did not expect so many people to participate. Indeed,     

justice naturally inhabits a man's heart!"     

You Yin agreed with a deep voice, "That is extremely true! They didn't come for the     

money, but purely for Miss's kindheartedness. For us, to be able to gather together     

under Miss Tan and do some meaningful things, we would have no regrets in life!"     

Tan Yumin said gently, "Yumin didn't do anything yet to receive so much love from     

everyone. I'm really ashamed!"     

"You're too kind, Miss. If you say that you didn't do anything, then others would be so     

much more ashamed," Qi Feng was the one speaking with a charming smile on his     

face. The gaze he had towards Tan Yumin was gentle as water.     

The other team leaders nodded in agreement.     

Chen Mu pretended not to have heard that. Looking at the match, he was thinking about     

the message given by Ji Zhihao on purpose. This is the 18th batch, there were 150     

people in a group, half would remain which is 75 people. Therefore, they should have     

already recruited 1,350 card artisans, not including the previous number. After these     

calculations, Yuzi Military Force's current size should be around 3,000 people.     

It would be too scary if 3,000 card artisans are of the same standard as these 150.     

This power can undoubtedly destroy the whole Dongrui City, and this doesn't even     

include the five team leaders, Meiji and the Bitter Solitude Temple and Star Court card     

artisans who were by her side.     

Another question in his mind was, what was the meaning behind the information     

disclosed to him by Ji Zhihao on purpose?     

The competition in the battle ring was remarkable as the two card artisans were having     

a real fight without holding anything back. However, Chen Mu's attention was not on     

these card artisans. He realised that he was gradually failing to understand a person     

such as Tan Yumin.     

The five team leaders were all men with extensive experience and definitely unlike     

those generation of fools. Yet they were all extremely loyal towards Tan Yumin, and this     

was something to ponder about. He could feel the sincere respect by the five team     

leaders towards Tan Yumin. Pushing other theories aside, the mere fact that Tan Yumin     

could subdue these five team leaders, meant that things weren't simple at all!     

However, the most troubling thing for Chen Mu was another question.     

There is always a motive regardless of what people do. He couldn't make clear of Tan     

Yumin's motive, or even what is it that she wants. This was a point which he could not     

understand previously, yet he still couldn't understand it even after Qiu Shanyu's     


Since he could not understand, Chen Mu decided to just not think about it, sit still and     

observe for changes.     

The battle went on quickly. The 150 card artisans were all experienced in battles and     

they knew the contrast between their strengths once they started the battle. However,     

towards the subsequent segment of challenge battles, they got more interesting. Some     

of the card artisan's strengths even caught Chen Mu's attention.     

Chen Mu finally made a judgment about the strength of Yuzi Military Force in his mind.     

They are very strong!     

It seemed like one of Tan Yumin's intention today was to show him their strength.     

Finally, 75 card artisans were left in the ring while others left dejectedly. They couldn't     

hide the joy in their faces, they were officially joining the Yuzi Military Force!     

The five team leaders left their seats suddenly and walked towards the ring.     

You Yin said deeply, "Now, all of you have one chance to challenge our five team     

leaders. Card artisans that defeat us will replace our position as team leaders     


The other four team leaders remained silent and stood there, calm and composed.     

The 75 card artisans in the ring instantly buzzed with noise. A lot of them had fighting     

spirits boiling on their faces. Most of these card artisans had their eyes set on a target     

above the prize, so this chance was exactly what they wanted.     

"I want to challenge Team Leader Qi Feng!" A card artisan spoke as others expressed     

excitement on their faces. Many among them had already disliked Qi Feng from before,     

especially with the way he looked at Miss Yumin, it really irritated them! Chen Mu had     

an impression of this card artisan. He uses a fusiform power-card with an incredible     

shooting speed. His previous opponent was so oppressed by him to the extent that they     

could not even lift their head before they were finally defeated!     

The shooting speed of this card was the fastest Chen Mu had ever seen. The fusiform     

power pouring down like a storm left a huge impression on him.     

Qi Feng showed a hint of a smile. Yet this faint smile caused others to feel a strong     

sense of danger. Chen Mu frowned. There was a powerful scent of cruelness in Qi     

Feng's smile.     

"Do you need to put up a power shield?" You Yin turned and asked Qi Feng.     

Qi Feng shook his head gently, smiled and said, "No." After that, he raised his right     

hand while facing the card artisan opposite him and gave a slight smile, "Are you ready?     

We're starting soon."     

With a whoosh, the other 74 card artisans dispersed, leaving that card artisan who was     

facing Qi Feng. There was no sign of fear on the card artisan's face. He raised his head     

and shouted, "Okay! Let's start!"     

Even before the reverb at the end of his sentence had yet to disperse, Qi Feng who was     

opposite him suddenly disappeared, as if he vanished into thin air. The card artisan's     

face changed completely. Just when his right arm was half-raised, his pupil suddenly     

dilated and his expression froze.     

In the ring, he maintained his earlier posture which was as rigid as a sculpture. Behind     

him, a slim and long finger touched his back lightly. There was a faint electric awn     

circulating the flawless finger. The electric awn's colour was very light, and if one did not     

look closely, it would be indistinguishable even by the naked eye.     

A faint smile outlined his lips. Then, he disappeared again with a slip and returned to the     

position where he stood before.     

Two seconds later, the card artisan collapsed to the ground and fainted. Well-prepared     

medical card artisans ran into the ring and carried that fainted card artisan out of the     

ring for medical treatment.     

There was total silence in the ring, and the remaining 74 card artisans were in shock.     

They didn't think that the battle would have ended so speedily. The previous card     

artisan's strength was obvious to the others and everyone thought that he could hang     

on for few minutes no matter what. Nobody would have thought that he would be     

defeated the first moment they met face-to-face. The other four team leaders did not     

show any hint of surprise, as if this was very common.     

Could it be that all the team leaders' strengths have already achieved to such an     


An unusual shock quivered Chen Mu's heart. That was such a high speed! Even he     

himself was shocked by Qi Feng's speed. Furthermore, Qi Feng's control over energy     

obviously achieved a high standard, for that one finger consisted high skill content!     

"Anyone else up for a challenge?" You Yin asked expressionlessly.     

There was still a complete silence in the ring. The crowd was still shocked by Qi Feng's     


After awhile, others mustered up courage for another challenge, but they only chose     

other team leaders. However, the difference between their strengths were still huge and     

almost all of them were defeated after meeting each other face-to-face. Seeing all the     

team leaders' strengths, these card artisans fell into silence.     

"Since no one is up for a challenge, the selection ends here," You Yin said     

expressionlessly, "You will all be divided under the five team leaders randomly."     

The crowd was convinced and submitted at the moment. Strength explained everything     

in this world.     

You Yin took a glance at Tan Yumin and saw that Tan Yumin had nodded gently. He     

turned around and said, "Right! Welcome to the Yuzi Military Force, everyone scatter off     


"Wait!" Qi Feng who had kept his calm composure suddenly spoke.     

You Yin frowned and turned to him, "Team Leader Qi, is there anything else?"     

Qi Feng's gaze turned towards Chen Mu and he asked with a forced smile, "It is such a     

rare chance to meet the disciple of Sir Caesar! What do you think? Wanna come down     

and play, White Commander?"     

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