My MCV and Doomsday

Abnormal Phenomena of Jiang Liushi

Abnormal Phenomena of Jiang Liushi

0It was not weird for Jiang Liushi to feel surprised.     

In such a cold and dark night, Hou Dingkun couldn't possibly lead so many members and drive their heavy trucks all the way to this place, if nothing terrible had happened. As a result, everyone thought that a terrible incident must have taken place, so Shi Can and his team felt quite nervous.     

"Captain, did Black Water attack our headquarters?" Shi Can went off and asked urgently.     

"Are you kidding? In the security zone, how could Black Water do that? Unless they don't intend to stay there anymore," Hou Dingkun looked relaxed and joked.     

"I heard what happened yesterday! You really did a good job!" After praising Shi Can, his eyes turned to Jiang Liushi:     

"Of course, Shi Ying Squad had made great contributions! Moreover, Captain Jiang was brave and skillful in battle, so we were able to foil the enemy's scheme."     

Hearing Hou Dingkun's words, Jiang Liushi just smiled. It seemed that Hou Dingkun knew everything. Hou Dingkun was happy to the point even every wrinkle on his face was smiling.     

Jiang Liushi also noticed a man beside Hou Dingkun. He was a handsome young soldier with an incomparably strong face. But the uniform he wore was different from the standard military-grade uniforms. It was blue and white. When Jiang Liushi started observing that young soldier, the young soldier also looked at Jiang Liushi.     

"Are you Jiang Liushi? Nice to meet you. I'm Gao Fei, Captain of the First Convoy team attached to Xiayuan Security Island. I came here to meet and take Miss Li Yuxin per to my leader, Zhang Gaohe's order," the young soldier said in a low voice.     

'Zhang Gaohe?' Jiang Liushi felt confused when he heard that name and his purpose of meeting Li Yuxin.     

Hou Dingkun jumped about joyfully aside as if he would like to explain something.     

"Captain Jiang, did you remember that you asked me to help you inquire about two scientists coming from Shenhai Island? By coincidence, Professor Su Tong and Professor Su Guangqi had also asked Captain Zhang Gaofei inquire about your team. As soon as they learned that you had gone on a mission, they felt worried, so they asked us to come and aid you. Although it seems we were a little too late…" Hou Dingkun explained.     

"The two professors were all right?" Jiang Liushi heaved a sigh of relief with the good news they got. In this post-apocalyptic world, reuniting with family members was a happy occasion.     

"Professor Su Tong and Professor Su Guangqi are safe. They were in the first batch of scientists that had been sent here before Senhai Island fell. I'm under Captain Zhang's orders to pick up Miss Li Yuxin," Gao Fei said.     

Jiang Liushi nodded and then communicated mentally with Ran Xiyu, 'Xiyu, tell Yuxin to come out. Her mother and grandfather are safe in Xiayuan Security Island."     

'Woo—excellent!' Ran Xiyu answered happily.     

Soon, the minibus' door was opened, and then Li Yuxin walked down with red eyes and a happy smile.     

"Brother Jiang, the news came so suddenly, I-" Li Yuxin said excitedly.     

"Get on quickly. Your family is waiting for you," Jiang Liushi interrupted and encouraged her.     

"Okay." Li Yuxin nodded, but she still looked at Jiang Liushi, "Brother Jiang, do you mind going with me? My family must also want to meet you," Li Yuxin asked with much hope in her eyes.     

During this period, Li Yuxin had been living with everyone, and she had regarded Jiang Liushi as one of her kinsfolk.     

"Yuxin, thanks for your invitation. It's already very late. Let me deal with the two tasks firstly. I will make a visit tomorrow," Jiang Liushi answered with a smile.     

 "But…" Li Yuxin was still a little hesitant.     

 "Don't worry. I will visit tomorrow. We will all be okay," Jiang Liushi added.     

Li Yuxin nodded and then she went on an off-road vehicle. Hou Dingkun assigned several powerful paranormals to escort them to the distance.     

Watching that off-road vehicle disappear in the darkness, Hou Dingkun said to Jiang Liushi regrettably, "Captain Jiang, I'm so sorry for coming here to take a member of your team…"     

"It doesn't matter. We all feel happy for Li Yuxin," Jiang Liushi answered.     

Hou Dingkun just nodded with an embarrassed smile. He didn't expect that Li Yuxin had such a background.     

"Captain, Why have I never heard about Captain Zhang?" Shi Can finally asked.     

"It's a quite normal thing." Hou Dingkun fixed his mind and said, "Captain Zhang has just been appointed here. He used to be a very elite special forces' member of Peng Dinglong's team."     

"Peng Dinglong?" Shi Can nodded, and he understood why Hou Dingkun was so passionate. He wanted to ride on Peng's coattails. In addition to the security zone, there were also two military bases, not far away from each other, in Xiayuan Security Island. The forces of the three parties were connected tightly. The security zone was mainly an economic and production center. Nearly 2/3 of the force was in the two major military bases. Peng Dinglong was one of the military bases' leader.     

"Captain Jiang, I really envy you. Your team member is so valued by Captain Gao. Moreover, all scientists are valued by the government. I will be riding on your coattails tightly," Hou Dingkun said.     

Jiang Liushi just smiled without saying anything. He didn't care about these things at all. He clearly knew that in this hellish world, only their strength was the real weapon which would help them survive.     

"By the way, how come you returned so early? Was the level-3 mission a failure?" Hou Dingkun asked Shi Can. He had only heard about their clash with Black Water the previous day, but he was unaware of everything else. In his mind, in order to complete the two missions, they would at least need several days. As a result, he thought they had just completed one of the two.     

"Captain, we've completed both missions!" Shi Can answered proudly.     

"What? Really?" Hou Dingkun asked again.     

"Yes! Shi Ying Squad performed deeds of valor in battle," Shi Can answered and then gave every detail to Hou Dingkun.     

After hearing the whole story, Hou Dingkun showed an amazing expression. He had expected that Shi Ying Squad was powerful, but not to that point. Those feats were simply incredible. As Shi Can had said, if Shi Ying Squad had not joined, they would have no way to complete the two missions on their own.     

"Captain Jiang, on behalf of Doom Walker, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to you," Hou Dingkun said. He was grateful for Shi Ying Squad, even his attitude and the way he treated them changed when he looked at Jiang Liushi.     

"It was nothing. We are partners. Naturally, we were supposed to help," Jiang Liushi answered lightly. However, he suddenly felt dizzy.     

"Captain Jiang, are you okay?" Hou Dingkun noticed and asked.     

"Don't mind, I'm probably tired." Jiang Liushi shook his head. "President Hou, we should return as soon as possible. We found very important data, and they should be given to the government immediately."     

"Okay. Let's go!" Hou Dingkun said.     


After a while, a fleet was seen rushing toward the buildings in Area C. The largest exchange and Task Zone were all there. Not long after, a telephone call from the Task Zone directly awakened a mysterious residence in area A. Then all high-level personnel in the field of military and political affairs in area A, including in the field of medical and healthcare, all got up and rushed to their office.     

Outside that Task Zone, Jiang Liushi and the others had been waiting for nearly half an hour, but no one had complained this far.     

Later, an officer walked toward them and gave a mission award-list to Jiang Liushi directly. Although Jiang Liushi had guessed they would obtain lots of awards, he was still shocked after seeing the list.     

The total reward for two missions: 21 mutant nuclei, three light machine guns and a batch of rifles, five cartons of bullets and five tons of mutant meat.     

"Brother Jiang, we made a fortune." Zhang Hai became excited, and he jumped highly.     

Qi Liang and others were all very happy. They all felt that they had benefitted greatly from associating with Shi Ying Squad.     

At the same time, Institute Director Zhang directly affirmed Shi Ying Squad to Level B. Actually, Jiang Liushi had thought they would be affirmed to C+ at most. As a result, he felt quite happy about this outcome. Not only that, but Director Zhang also asked Jiang Liushi to give him his direct contact address. This detail even made Hou Dingkun envy. That meant that in the future, high-level leaders of the government would contact Shi Ying Squad directly. Shi Ying Squad had entered the government's sights.     

"Brother Jiang, did you see Qi Liang and the others members' happy faces?" Zhang Hai was still very happy even after arriving at their house.     

"Well, let's have a rest. Last night, we were quite tired…" Jiang Liushi said. He was quite satisfied with all the rewards they had gotten. Even though they had kept only half of the rewards, per the agreement with Doom Walker, Jiang Liushi cherished all those rewards.     

'Uh?' Suddenly Jiang Liushi stood still and felt as if countless ants were crawling in his body… He knew it was an effect related to the evolutionary crystal, which he had consumed the previous day. Ever since he had consumed it, that feeling would reappear from time to time.     

"Brother Jiang, are you okay? Don't scare me!" Seeing Jiang Liushi like that, Zhang Hai asked.     

"I'm okay. I just felt itchy all over," Jiang Liushi answered.     

"Well, I will go back to sleep first. Good night!" Zhang Hai said.     

Suddenly, he heard a loud sound and saw Jiang Liushi lying on the ground unconscious.     

"Brother Jiang!"     

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