My Cold and Elegant CEO Wife

A Fierce Battle

A Fierce Battle

2There were eight various wounds throughout Qingfeng Li's body, each of which was serious, with exposed flesh and bones. Due to the continuous bleeding, the original colors of most of his clothes had become indistinguishable since they were stained with blood.     

Thanks to Qingfeng Li's strong physical and mental fortitude, he stayed awake. If it were someone else who suffered such serious injuries, the person would have already fainted from the pain.     

"Qingfeng, get out, don't mind me!" At the sight of Qingfeng Li covered in blood, Ruyan Liu's charming face showed her worry for him. Her pearl-like tears kept on rolling down along her face desperately.     

Ruyan Liu had seen what Qingfeng Li did to save her just now, but she could not help him out because she was roped up. She was deeply moved, and at the meantime, she felt worried for Qingfeng Li. She did not want him to die here.     

Qingfeng Li gave a miserable smile to Ruyan Liu, saying weakly, "Today I'm getting you out of here, even if I have to die here."     

"What an impressively affectionate couple! But it is a shame that you're about to die." Looking at Qingfeng Li, Hell King said sarcastically, with a trace of jealousy in his voice.     

Having found that Ruyan Liu was so concerned about Qingfeng Li, Hell King was mad with anger as he was still in love with Ruyan Li. Otherwise, he would have killed her earlier instead of taking her as a bait to trap Qingfeng Li.     

Damn it, only thirty seconds left for Wolf King Tattoo?     

Qingfeng Li's face became pale with a flash of horror in his eyes, since the Wolf King Totem, of which the effect was limited within merely three minutes, had only thirty seconds left after such a long fight.     

The reason why Qingfeng Li had been able to kill the Eagle King and fight against the Hell King was because he could rely upon the blood power of the Wolf King Tattoo. He will become badly weakened once the blood power disappeared, as a result of which even an ordinary person would be able to kill him easily, let alone Hell King.     

The Wolf King Tattoo was so powerful, it had to carry with it some bad consequences though, which was the reason that Qingfeng Li seldom used this sort of power. Back then, Wind-Edge Demon King, his master, had once warned him not to use the power of the Wolf King Totem unless he was in extreme danger.     

The world obeys the law of conservation of energy, which meant gains would be coupled with losses. As a result, you would have to pay for the strength boost.     

I must end this quickly, Qingfeng Li had to kill Hell King within thirty seconds. There was a trace of cruelty flashing in his eyes, and he knew that he had only thirty seconds left.     

I'll kill you!     

Qingfeng Li growled, bursting into his full strength and rushing towards Hell King, in the hope of finishing him in the shortest possible time.     


Hell King suddenly swung the long blade in his hand and clashed with Qingfeng's Life-Reaping Dagger. With a vast boom, both of them took a step back, neither of them winning.     

Although Qingfeng Li was utilizing with the Wolf King tattoo, he was injured so badly that he could merely use a half of its power. And Hell King was by no means ordinary as well, he was of course not afraid of Qingfeng Li since he had learnt a lot from his master Ghost King and he had the meteorite blade with him.     

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang....     

The Life-Reaping Dagger in Qingfeng Li's hand kept on colliding with Hell King's meteorite blade, which made loud banging noises and explosive air currents whenever they touched.     

Qingfeng Li intended to kill Hell King and Hell King wanted to destroy Qingfeng Li as well. They both behaved murderously and unreservedly. The weapons collided into each other again and again, bursting out with vast forces.     

The both of them kept on fighting in the living room so hard that the solid granite floor had been shattered, with lots of footprint holes littering the room. As for the furniture like the tables, chairs and stools, they were all smashed apart by the two people in an instant.     

This had completely exceeded the limit of the human body. Even if the King of Special Forces was here, he would fail to cause this sort of damage. Perhaps only a monster had the power to cause such enormous damage.     

Damn it, only ten seconds left for the Wolf King Tattoo?     

A trace of horror flashed into Qingfeng Li's eyes. He was not afraid of Hell King, but he was worried about the loss of the power by the Wolf King tattoo, which meant he would return to being an ordinary person and die.     

Qingfeng Li knew that Hell King was tough, and his strength at the pinnacle tier of the SSS rank was absolutely able to be compared with that of a King. As a result, Qingfeng Li was unable to kill Hell King at all at this moment, if he merely relied upon the Life-Reaping Dagger or the power.     

To perish together?     

Qingfeng Li came up with the idea. It seemed that only perishing together could wipe out Hell King.     

Since he had made the decision on how to fight, Qingfeng Li rushed into Hell King without any hesitation, regardless of the blows coming from Hell King's long blade.     

At the sight of Qingfeng Li running into himself, Hell King was happy that his opponent was rushing in the same direction as that of his blade.     

"Qingfeng Li, go to hell." Hell King shouted with rage, stabbing into Qingfeng Li's chest with the blade penetrating through him and out from his back.     


Qingfeng Li spat out a mouthful of blood, being heaviliy injured again. Even though his body was penetrated by the long blade that almost pierced his heart, he managed to slightly swing his body and have the blade go through along with the heart at the critical moment.     

"What are you laughing at? Your body had been pierced, and you're going to die at once." Having found that Qingfeng Li was still smiling, Hell King pulled a long face, and said in a cold voice.     

He believed he was being mocked. It was obvious that he was the winner as his blade had penetrated Qingfeng Li's body. This guy was still able to keep smiling, however, was he laughing at me?     

"I'm laughing at you because you're such a fool for coming in so close to me." Qingfeng Li sneered at Hell King, mockery filling his eyes.     

Was Qingfeng Li a fool? Of course not. Instead, he was very smart. The reason why he had chosen to get so fatally hurt, even having Hell King's blade penetrate the body of his own, was to lure Hell King to approach him so as to give his opponent a lethal blow as well.     

"Sh*t, I f*cked up." It came to Hell King at the moment that although he had penetrated Qingfeng Li's body with his blade, he was standing so close that there was only twenty centimeters between them.     

Hell King's blood ran cold. Having felt the sense of fatal threat, he intended to step back but it was too late.     


With his last strength, Qingfeng Li stabbed Hell King with his dagger at a thunderous speed, aiming at Hell King's heart. As long as he made it, the opponent would be dead for sure.     

Hell King's face became pale and his eyes were full of horror. He knew that he was unable to dodge Qingfeng Li's dagger at all because they were too close to each other.     


At the critical moment, Hell King growled and gave full play to his strength, ending up with moving to the left side a few millimeters and saving his life. Qingfeng Li's dagger failed to stab Hell King's heart, but penetrated his chest.     

Hell King spat out a mouthful of blood and stepped back swiftly with Qingfeng Li's Life-Reaping Dagger in his chest. His current state looked extremely miserable.     

The Ghost King team around them all had a shocked look on their faces because they thought Hell King was bound to win today. They had not expected that Qingfeng Li managed to fight back at the critical moment and nearly killed the Hell King.     

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