Returning from the Immortal World

Material Girl & Being Trampled On (2 in 1)

Material Girl & Being Trampled On (2 in 1)

3The aim of Yue Kai in picking up girls was to move their motionless feelings. A beautiful woman was just like wine, who had thoughts and considerations of her own, and a man must act, and at the same time, do everything he could to capture her heart, showing his appreciation with kind words or gifts to showcase himself as a "strong and real" man. But in regards to feelings, Yue Kai was not one who was able to invest in them. For instance, this girl beside him. What she settled on was Yue Kai's money, while the latter was taking a fancy in her flesh.      4

Finding amusement when the occasion arises and nothing else but for fun.     

So as to make Xie Xiaotong give up her ballooning appetite, he directly took out his mobile phone and secretly sighed upon seeing that the caller on the screen was Tang Xiu's name. As a man himself, he deeply admired Tang Xiu in his way of chasing and picking up girls, for those top belles were like moths fluttering to a flame. He had never seen what kind of magic trick and spell Tang Xiu cast on them, and yet, all those belles gathered around him.     

"Big Bro Tang, you've always been busy, how come you remembered me? Did you miss me?"     

Envy and admiration may mix together, but Tang Xiu was his classmate, dorm mate, and a brother Yue Kai approved and identified himself with, so chit-chatting and teasing was a must-have.     

"Bah, cut the garrulous crap, will you?" Tang Xiu mocked him. "Anyways, I got something to consult, or rather, ask your help with."     

"Woah, no kidding?" Pretending to be surprised, Yue Kai called out. "Does Big Bro Tang want me to be there for your beck and call? Then, tell me, it will be my pleasure to serve you!"     

"Can you not happily chew the rag?" Tang Xiu snappily said. "I have some time and want to buy something, but I'm not experienced in this area. Let's just meet and chat."     

"What thing did you talk about?" Asked Yue Kai immediately.     

"Women's clothes!" Tang Xiu touched his nose and smiled dryly.     

Yue Kai rolled his eyes, immediately patted his chest and said, "I may not be sure of other aspects, but I guarantee that I can make you satisfied regarding buying women clothes, buddy."     

Suddenly, his eyes lit up. He quickly glanced at Xie Xiaotong beside him and smilingly said, "What a coincidence! It just so happens that I'm also taking my paid girlfriend to the Golden Eagle Shopping Mall. Do you know the Golden Eagle Shopping Mall in Hong District? It's on Tianhua Avenue."     

"Yeah, I know it. I'm in the vicinity."     

"Then come over now! I'm in the Hermes exclusive store on the 6th floor."     

"Got it!"     

After hanging up the phone, Yue Kai stuffed the mobile phone into his pocket and rubbed his hands with an excited expression. He did not know about others, but he knew perfectly well that Tang Xiu was a superrich who lived in an extravagant home and drove a luxurious car—a guy wallowing in money. He was now short on money, and now that this guy came over, it was simply a timely rain from the sky, a friend in need indeed!     

Xie Xiaotong looked at his expression and curiously asked, "Who called you, honey? Seems like that person is coming here too, no?"     

With a somewhat brazen smile, Yue Kai said, "A buddy of mine. He owes me some money. I don't have much pocket money recently. The reason being is, he borrowed most of my money. It seems like this buddy of mine recently hit a fortune and he'll pay me back my money!"     

Xie Xiaotong's eyes lit up and she held Yue Kai's hand tighter. Originally, Yue Kai spent money in front of her extravagantly, proving that he was rich and lavish. He even still had more money, but he lent it to his friend! Xie Xiaotong thought that Yue Kai would buy her famous brand clothes and various articles of luxury goods as well as dealing with her bills. The thought immediately excited her and made her lower body feverish at the moment, for she could not wait to employ every trick of horse riding art she had to make him prostrate under her skirt.     

"Alright, let's have a look at the bags first!"     

"Let's go."     

Ten minutes later, Tang Xiu came to the sixth floor of the Golden Eagle Shopping Mall and spent some time to find the Hermes exclusive store. When he saw the smiling Yue Kai watching a girl who was unceasingly choosing handbags, he immediately came to him and then said, "I did not disturb you, did I, Yue Kai?"     

The way Yue Kai looked at Tang Xiu was like he was seeing a gold mountain. He shook his head like a beaten drum, and his face, that was as beautiful as a woman's, wore a bright smile as he replied while rubbing his hands, "Nope. How come you're disturbing me? Anyways, you borrowed money from me, can you pay it back? You don't know, Buddy. I have been so poor recently that I did not have a thing to eat at all. Just look at that pretty girlfriend of mine. She wants to buy a bag but I'm almost broke myself."     

Tang Xiu stared blankly and found that the girl who chose the bag also looked up to see him, but did not pay attention anymore and continued choosing the handbag. Then, he immediately looked at Yue Kai and, shaking his head, smilingly said, "How much is it?"     

"50 thousand yuan," answered Yue Kai immediately.     

Tang Xiu smiled and secretly stuffed his hand into his pocket and took out 50 thousand yuan in cash from his interspatial ring. He threw it to Yue Kai directly and said, "Well, I'm returning the money to you, but don't take your words back and help me get my things done, then the account between us is cleared."     

It was Yue Kai's turn to stare blankly, with eyes staring so wide they almost popped out, staring at the Tang Xiu's pocket. If it wasn't for him holding 50 thousand yuan in hand and counting them, he would have come over to rummage that pocket. How could 50 thousand yuan in cash be stuffed into such clothes?     

"Big Bro Tang, did you just conjure some magic?"     

Tang Xiu snappily replied, "That was originally the money I withdrew to buy the clothes. But I did not expect it to be exactly the amount I needed to 'return' to you. So, do you want it or not? If you don't, then give it back."     

"Hell no, who said no?" Yue Kai put the two stacks into his pocket, and then went to the checkout counter and dropped the remaining 30 thousand yuan on it. He then said to his girlfriend—Xie Xiaotong, "Hurry and pick your choice, babe. I already put the money in the checkout counter, so you can pay the bill directly. Keep the rest for your pocket money if there's some left. My buddy and I will go out to the entrance to smoke and have a chat."     

"Got it!"     

At the moment, Xie Xiaotong held a Hermes bag she took a fancy in, and her sharp eyes glanced at the checkout counter and saw three stacks of red 100 yuan bills placed on it. She immediately put down the Hermes bag in her hand and selected another slightly worse quality and much cheaper bag in the next partition.     

Buying a bag was her motive, but if the rest of the money was for her own pocket money, she did not want to waste too much!     

At the store entrance.     

There was an embarrassed expression on Yue Kai's face as he rubbed his hand and spoke with a dry smile, "Thanks for this time, Big Bro Tang. I'll pay you back next month."     

Tang Xiu could not help but laugh and said, "We're brothers, so leave out talking about money since it's kinda offensive, don't you think? Anyways, are you available to help me pick some women clothes?"     

"Your matter is of the utmost importance in the Heaven and Earth, Big Bro Tang." Yue Kai nodded. "Let alone girls, even if such a great event as the sky falling, they must be put aside first. Anyhow, lemme see and bade farewell to that girl first before we go shopping."     

That girl?     

"Are you doing it for fun?" Asked Tang Xiu curiously.     

Yue Kai lit a cigarette, puffed twice, and said, "Without having some fun, don't tell me I have to invest in some feelings too now? I know perfectly well that women nowadays are very materialistic. You too heard what Qingsong said before, no? The craving for material things reigns in this age of materialism, where money is the principle of truth! Women… tsk, tsk. Just have fun and playing with them will do. If you do have a good life later, you may meet a good one and marry her so you can be said to make a hit yourself. If you don't chance upon one, you might as well be muddleheaded."     

Tang Xiu rolled his eyes at him. He was helpless as far as Yue Kai's deranged fallacy was concerned. However, each and every person had their own circumstance, and naturally had a different way of thinking as well. At present, Yue Kai said what he thought as if seemingly the truth, but maybe he would meet a girl one day, one who could satisfy what his heart had been wishing for and step into the matrimony sanctuary ahead of time, ultimately hugging a chubby boy earlier.     

"Dear, I want the latest Hermes bag."     

A coquettish voice came from the left side, as a woman with a voluptuous body and beautiful looks held a handsome young man who was donned in various famous brands from head to toe. Her posture was literally almost hanging on the young man.     

A smile outlined on the handsome young man's mouth as he said, "Then buy it. You can buy them if you like it, honey. We'll buy three to five of them."     

The girl's eyes lit up and she immediately said with pleasant surprise, "You're the best, dear. I'll serve you and definitely make you feel great after we go back home tonight."     

"I love it."     

During the chat, the couple walked past Tang Xiu and Yue Kai. They did not even glance at them and headed straight into the Hermes store.     

"What a foolish spendthrift." Yue Kai rolled his eyes and whispered.     

Tang Xiu's smile looked strange as he commented, "I think you're just same, mate!"     

Yue Kai was stunned and his face immediately blushed with shame. He touched his nose and coughed, "No, it's different. Absolutely different. At least I never said 'Honey, we'll buy three to five as long as you love them'… Hahaha."     

Tang Xiu ruthlessly slammed him, "That is because you're poor as dirt."     

Yue Kai's face was pulled down and said helplessly, "Big Bro Tang, don't send me such a deadly blow, will you? If I had a financial source like yours, I would have been disinclined to see that woman inside or the woman who just passed by. I'd definitely find myself the best women."     

Tang Xiu shook his head and did not feel like responding to this creature again.     

After the cigarette was completely burned out, Yue Kai then called Tang Xiu and walked toward the Hermes store. Just as he strode inside and saw the situation there, his expression instantly turned gloomy, since his girlfriend Xie Xiaotong acted so intimately, pulling the arm of the handsome young man who had just entered the store and tried her best to fawn upon him, while the other woman also did not want to be outdone by her and took the young man's other hand.     

Much to Yue Kai's indignation, the handsome young man seemed to welcome the two beauties, with his arms coiled around their shoulders while his fingers slid across their makeup covered faces from time to time.     

"You both are my babes. This young master is very happy today, so you can pick whatever bag you like and I'll pay it," said the handsome young man with a particularly bright smile.     

"XIE XIAOTONG!" Yue Kai dashed a few steps forward and shouted, looking incensed.     

The girl glanced at him and looked flustered. She hurriedly released the handsome young man's hand and wanted to break free from his hand. But that handsome young man obviously heard Yue Kai's shout clearly as he furrowed his brows. Not only did he not loosen Xie Xiaotong's shoulder, he even forcefully pulled her to his chest.     


Xie Xiaotong somewhat regretted it. She had just seen Young Master Wu and was so excited that she forgot herself and ran straight to the young man and did everything to please him. She knew his identity as the only son of the Wanjian Group, who grew up with a golden spoon since childhood. He was rich and handsome with an illustrious identity—an existence a countless number of people would look up to in the future. He was simply the perfect wealthy husband in her eyes.     

------------ This should be chapter 695:     

Being Trampled On     

Xie Xiaotong was once fortunate enough to be invited when a certain group of scions held a party, and the one she served was this Young Master Wu. She did her best to serve him that night, and not only did she win this young man's favor, she also obtained tens of thousands of yuan. Following that, she was also often called to serve him from time to time.     

However, she knew she had just created trouble looking at the angry Yue Kai. Though Yue Kai was only a freshman at Shanghai University, he probably came from a notable, wealthy family given his extravagant spending.     

Yue Kai's angry eyes instantly landed on Wu Guanghui and roared, "LET THE GIRL GO, YOU FUCKTARD!"     

Wu Guanghui raised his brows. Not only did he not release Xie Xiaotong, but also lowered his face to kiss her, shot Yue Kai a provocative look, and then casually said, "Who the hell is this rubbish? Xiaotong, honey! Where the hell did this bloke come from? Do you know him?"     

Xie Xiaotong knew how Wu Guanghui acted to a certain degree, and in particular, his habit to seek revenge for the smallest grievance, and his pettiness was also notoriously famous in his social circle. She would end up miserable if she made him lose face today. After hesitating and weighing the importance of Yue Kai and Wu Guanghui inside her mind, the balance counter immediately fell to the latter. She raised her pretty face, shook her head and said, "I don't know him, Young Master Wu."     

Wu Guanghui nodded in satisfaction, hoisted his face toward Yue Kai a few times and sneered, "Did you hear that, punk? My honey, Xiaotong, doesn't know you. You're just hopelessly picking up a fight, aren't you?"     

Yue Kai stared at Xie Xiaotong in disbelief. He had planned to beat the guy, but Xie Xiaotong's answer was like a heavy slap in the face, literally trashing his complexion and burning his face.     

She doesn't know me?     

The woman who he had slept with a few days ago now said that she did not know him just to fawn upon another man?     

Yue Kai took a deep breath, trying to contain his anger inside. He pointed at Wu Guanghui and shot a "you got guts" look, and then turned around and walk away. Just as he was about to step out of the store door, he suddenly remembered something and walked back to the checkout counter, grabbed the 30 thousand yuan, and then spoke to the elegant and beautiful cashier in a deep voice, "I, Yue Kai, am a rich guy, but I'm not giving my money to that bitch. You, on the other hand, are much better since you make a living by your own skills. I'm leaving this money for you to pick wherever bag you like. Just count it as a present."     

With that said, he went straight to the entrance door without looking back.     

The elegant and beautiful cashier was utterly dumbfounded as she held the 30 thousand yuan Yue Kai gave her. She looked at Xie Xiaotong and then looked at Yue Kai's back with a sympathetic expression. However, she then turned around to speak to her female colleague in a whisper and then chased toward the outside.     

At the shop's entrance.     

Tang Xiu heard Yue Kai's yell, but he did not go inside. Though he did not know what happened inside, he did not want to meddle in the love affair issues between Yue Kai and his girlfriend.     

"Are you okay?" Asked Tang Xiu casually after seeing Yue Kai come out with a sullen face.     

Yue Kai spat to the side, shook his head and said with a scowl, "It's nothing. I just had some fun with a bitch for a couple of days, and now I wanna go home to wash my body since I'm done with her."     

Tang Xiu sighed inwardly as he nodded and said, "Since you're fine, let us just leave."     

The female cashier appeared in front of him holding the 30 thousand yuan quickly blocked Yue Kai's path and said, "Hello, Sir. This is your money, I can't accept it."     

"Interesting. This fucking bastard is really interesting. You know, a nobody is still a nobody, for no one will accept money from a fucktard like you." Wu Guanghui came out from the inside while hugging the two women's shoulders. He had heard Yue Kai cursing Xie Xiaotong as a bitch and was very angry inwardly. He came out and planned to humiliate Yue Kai, but did not expect to be a godsend opportunity just as he came out.     

In an instant, Yue Kai's face turned extremely nasty.     

The female cashier had watched all the unfolded causes and everything that followed. She knew that this young master Wu was not a good man. She knew that this guy was using her to mock Yue Kai, making her sympathize with the latter, and quickly said, "That's not true. There's a regulation in our store that no employees are allowed to receive tips and any benefits from our customers."     

Wu Guanghui frowned, and there was an annoyed look in his eyes, as he shouted at her in a deep voice, "SHUT THE HELL UP!"     

Tang Xiu, who stood by at the side and looked at the fearful looking female cashier, as well as the nasty looking Yue Kai, secretly sighed inwardly and spoke to Wu Guanghui, "Dude, go easy on them. You already have the upper hand, so stop it here and now! It's not worth it for you to make enemies just because of women, especially for such casual women."     

Wu Guanghui let out a complacent smile and only glanced at Tang Xiu. His eyes then fell again on Yue Kai's unsightly expression. On the contrary, it was Xie Xiaotong who was fuming, unable to bear being the target of Tang Xiu's ugly remark, as she cussed angrily, "Who the hell are you? It's none of your damn business! What are you, to mind others' fucking business? Careful with your words. Who the hell did you say was a casual woman, huh? What a dickhead!"     

The other woman also swayed her voluptuous waist and indignantly said, "Did you wash your mouth with shit? Look at your destitute and sour appearance, yet you want to be the third wheel in other's business? Hmph… relying on yourself you want to trifle with me?"     

Wu Guanghui looked overjoyed and kissed Xie Xiaotong and the other woman's face and unreservedly praised them, "My two babies, you really can talk, eh? Anyways, your Young Master's mood is very great today, so good that I will treat and love you well tonight!"     

Tang Xiu watched the trio in disgust, and then looked at the female cashier and lightly said, "My brother gave the money to you. Just accept it. You're outside the store now, so the rules of your employer no longer apply to you."     

With that said, he patted Yue Kai's shoulder, shook his head and said, "Let's just go! Do you want to bite back the mad dogs who just bit you? Just go back home, take a bath and wash your bad luck."     

Yue Kai nodded. He did not get angry with that female cashier though she had to give back his money and it was used by Wu Guanghui to mock him. He, on the contrary, admired her, because that 30 thousand yuan was probably equal to one or two months of her salary.     

"Yeah, right!" Wu Guanghui rolled his eyes and looked at Tang Xiu and Yue Kai with disdain. He was regretting wasting time to taunt these two trashes, so he might as well spend his time having fun with these two women.     

At this moment, his totally unconcerned eyes drifted from Tang Xiu and Yue Kai and were about to turn back to the store, as his eyes caught sight of someone and his expression moved all of a sudden. He immediately released the two women and strode past Tang Xiu towards a pair of handsome man and woman who were passing by another place about a dozen meters away from them.     

"Hello, Brother Chu."     

The man and the woman halted their pace. When the man saw Wu Guanghui rushing over, a disgusted look flashed in his eyes, but he nodded at him and said, "It's you, Little Wu! Did your Dad send you out of the company?"     

"Yeah, I did great in the company recently, Brother Chu, so Dad gave me a holiday. I never thought I would bump into you here today. It's really… a pleasure and honor for me. Anyways, is this… big sis-in-law? Wow, she's really a fairy. A goddess."     

Wu Guanghui looked at the woman next to Chu Yuan, feeling very envious inside, though he still kept flattering without a change in expression or his voice.     

Chu Yuan only let out a faint smile and did not feel like explaining his relationship with Xue Yu. He did take the initiative to invite Xue Yu out for a walk today. Since Xue Yu herself just came to Shanghai and had already bought her enough daily necessities and clothes with Tang Xiu before, she still proposed to visit the venue and was planning to buy some clothes, accessories, and jewelry for herself. It was because she wanted to dress herself up to look beautiful in order to attract Tang Xiu.     

Suddenly, Chu Yuan's expression moved, because he caught sight of two men in front, and one of them was unexpectedly Tang Xiu. He subconsciously glanced at Xue Yu and found that she also saw Tang Xiu and straightly walked towards him.     

"How come you are here?" Tang Xiu felt somewhat helpless inside upon seeing Xue Yu and Chu Yuan. However, he felt quite amused and annoyed to see Wu Guanghui, who previously acted so rampant and arrogant, now rushed over to Chu Yuan's front to greet him with such a humble manner.     

Xue Yu let out a faint smile and grabbed Tang Xiu's arm, saying, "Chu Yuan called me out to take a walk today. It's kinda boring to go to the teahouse, so I brought him here since I wanted to buy some clothes and jewelry."     

Tang Xiu nodded at her. He then looked at Chu Yuan and said, "How was it? Were you able to persuade her?"     

"Haven't you seen what her character is like?" Chu Yuan shook his head. "She'll never budge on what she has decided upon--not even ten bulls can pull her. Anyways, it's you who is too excessive, Tang Xiu. You just left her as your lover only."     

"It was me who was willing!" Xue Yu interjected with an irritated expression.     

Tang Xiu could not help laughing. He shifted his sight to Yue Kai, who was gaping in astonishment, and then Wu Guanghui, who was utterly dumbfounded and tongue-tied. While pointing at the latter, he asked, "Do you know this brat?"     

"Yeah, I know his father." Chu Yuan nodded. "I have had some business deals with him."     

"This brat is kind of a rotten apple—the type of unbridled and arrogant young master," said Tang Xiu. "You had better lessen your contact with him and his father later since he is probably as bad as him for teaching such a son. If you can opt not to cooperate with him later, then try not to so as to save your own money."     

"Did this brat provoke you or something?" Asked Chu Yuan, surprised.     

"It's nothing." Tang Xiu waved his hand. "It's just a trivial thing, there's no need to stoop down to his level. Anyhow, let me introduce you to this guy. He's Yue Kai, a brother and a fellow student of mine in university. Yue Kai, this is Chu Yuan, it's fine for you to call him Brother Chu later."     

"Hello, Brother Chu. I've already heard your great name before. You're simply a legend in the business circle in Shanghai, an awesome figure in the domestic financial industry." Yue Kai hurriedly stretched his hand out to shake hands. "Anyways, I did not expect you to be friends with Big Bro Tang, though."     

Chu Yuan's acted very humbly, and after he shook hands with Yue Kai, he said with a smile, "Please don't tease me and compare me with Boss Tang, Brother Yue. I don't even qualify to carry his shoes."     

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