Abe the Wizard



2On the third day after Headmaster Eugene and Headmaster Mumford visited Abel, he came out of the Dark World early in the morning because he was just a step away from being fully fulfilled.      0

As his power grew, he could not neglect the power of law, and he wouldn't take a risk leveling up in the Dark World.     

As for that sea turtle shell, he thought about giving it to Doff, or his summon, but finally, he gave it to his crystal angel statue.     

In the special dimension, that shell began to transform with faith at a much faster rate than Doff's kingdom, or his god rank summon's worlds.     

But still, it could take tens of years until the crystal angel statue's energy fully consumed the shell.     

Even if you considered the time differences in the Dark World, it could take 2 to 3 years in the Central continent.     

After Abel returned, he headed straight to the training room without even eating breakfast. He knew very well, one more training session was all he needed.     

He let out Doff's second body and his 3 god rank summons. By this point, with all his forces in his faithful grounds, he was no longer worried about the Golden Castle's safety.     

He took 2 intelligence fruit and ignited the mana gathering circle. Soon he entered a meditative state.     

The 3 laws within him began to replenish and strengthen, and his 3 wizard patterns began to glow in different lights.     

Becoming fulfilled was a process. It was around this time a wizard's mana and law would reach the limit of his body, but it could also be rejected.     

This process would only get longer after one obtained a partial energy body, and many wizards were stuck in rank 30 and never be able to get 100% energy body.     

It was a pity, and no one wanted to die by old age like this.     

So that's why the wizard union suggested every rank 30 wizards go into retreat, and they would be given unlimited resources.     

Unless you are at the end of your fulfillment process like the Lightnings' Wizard Miles, then all you needed was an opportunity to level up.     

Once a wizard reached the rank 30 fulfilled state, the energy in one's body would state to transform like crazy to the point where you couldn't even move. There was no way a wizard could do it alone.     

But Abel's body was already 95% energy, so he already far exceeded the requirements to become a half god.     

As soon as he reached the fulfilled state, his body would directly transform with no hassle.     

Blue, red, and white glow shot up from Abel's head.     

The laws in his body started to reject his body and began to communicate with the energy from above and below.     

Technically it was impossible to train 3 laws at once like Abel. Even wizards with 2 attributes would pick a dominant law to practice.     

However, Abel did not have a wizard school. Instead, his wizard patterns were grounded by the tree of life.     

His path as a wizard was someone never walked before, and there was no way he would do it so easily without the intelligence fruit.     

The 3 lights directly penetrated the ceiling of the training room and went beyond the star light protection circle.     

As the lights appeared in mid air as thick beams, all the energy around began to tremble forming a strange kind of energy before getting sucked in by the beam.     

That strange energy was a reward from the above for the creation of a fully recognized law.     

Since Abel had 3 laws, he got 3 times more strange energy as a reward compared to normal wizards.     

As he sat in his training room, he sensed warmth rushed through his body, and his body was approaching 100% energy.     

Just when he thought it was time to celebrate, even more energy rushed in.     

By that point, he did not even know how powerful his body was, but he knew he had shackles.     

After the countless enchantments and level ups he went from since merged with the dragon core, his body had basically reached the pinnacle of strength as a wizard.     

If he wanted another breakthrough, he would need to train in close combat. His knight levels were just too low to do anything.     

Although he claimed that he trained druid skills along with wizard skills, he knew very well it was all thanks to the tree of life. In reality, he never really with druid skills.     

It was because of that strange energy his body suddenly broke through, and he began to shake.     

It was almost like something shattered within him, and those scattered things rushed through his body.     

The energy was so immense he couldn't even imagine it. Although it was not as powerful as the angel body, it was at least half of what it was.     

What's going on? This energy alone could allow him to suppress close range fighters at the same rank.     

His body was going through a huge change like nothing he had ever experienced.     

Even the god ranks in the wizard union might have a hard time explaining.     

It was all because his body had reached 95% energy.     

Every single one of his laws could alter his body with its strange energy, and each of them could bring him an extra 5% of energy.     

Since he had 2 extra laws compared to other wizards and the above already rewarded him with the 2 extra strange energies, his body had to go through even more strengthening.     

Abel's body was very special from the start, and that energy finally broke the strength limit of a wizard.     

When the 3 beams faded from the sky, Abel opened his eyes again and looked down at his body.     

He felt translucent but not invisible, almost like every cell in him was cleansed and turned into energy.     

In the past, his cells would die and need to regenerate, but now, he would no longer age.     

"I will live forever!" He mumbled.     

Aging would no longer be a fork in the road. As long as he didn't get destroyed, he would live forever.     

There was no need for food or even water.     

But no half gods or god rank would actually stop eating or drinking. Doing so would make them feel like a piece of dead meat.     

You could tell just by how many god rank guests Abel had in the Golden castle. It was all a part of an experience.     

Abel stood up. But it was with that little force he directly speeded towards the ceiling of the training room.     

Of course, he would not be powerful if he couldn't even stop himself from hitting his head. With a twitch, his power of the will shot out and stopped his body.     

He then opened and closed his palm. Bang! The air particles within blasted open.     

The force he unleashed with that simple move was so great he almost doubted his eyes.     

Indeed, the power up he got was too extraordinary.     

He unleashed the would stone and gently moved his arms and legs. He then landed and began to take his first step.     

An energy shield emerged when his foot touched the ground. The force it gave out was so great it even triggered the golden castle's defense, but after a few minutes of testing out different moves, Abel finally mastered the control of his body.     

With this body, he could easily use charge and shield strike in close combat.     

It was fun just thinking about it. Those 2 skills were what he mastered in his early days of knight training, but he just rarely used them since he neglected his knight training.     

"I am now fulfilled as a legend, now what?" Abel began to winder again.     

Becoming a half god needed an opportunity to level up, but no book had ever been documented on this subject.      

Even the Lightnings' knowledge base did not have anything about it.     

He never really thought about it before, but now he had to.     

Maybe this opportunity was something indescribable, else the Lightnings Wizard Miles wouldn't be stuck in a fulfilled state for so long.     

"Seems like I have to find the opportunity myself!" Abel sighed.     

If he was still in the wizard union or had a good relationship with them, he might be able to get some useful information, but now he knew the wizard union would do anything to stop him from growing, considering their tension.     

Who could have guessed having extremely powerful summons ended up being his biggest weakness, and there was no way the wizard union would let him minimize his weakness.     

He needed a guide, yet the dragons' training system was completely different. But he did not regret leaving the wizard union. If he didn't, he would be swallowed up by those greedy wizards long ago.     

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