Abe the Wizard

Moon Guardian City

Moon Guardian City

4The giant golden eagle was faster than White Cloud. When approaching the Stone City, a golden flying rider sped down and another golden flying rider monitored White Cloud.     

"Lorraine, do you know why the dwarves built the city so tall?" Abel asked after thinking of Lorrain's knowledge of the dwarves.     

Do you know about the giants that disappeared in the legends?" Lorrain asked, covering her mouth and smiling.     

"Isn't that a legendary creature?" Abel had seen descriptions of giants in some books. Legend has it that God's most beloved creation has a huge body and unimaginable means of spell attack. The most famous was the Titan Giant with lightning ability.     

"But the dwarves stubbornly believe that they are the descendants of giants. The city they build has to be big enough to accommodate the giant's body so that they can live with the giants in the future when they return," Lorraine explained with her voice lightly.     

Abel couldn't wrap his head around the fact that dwarves were only 1.4 meters tall while Giants we're over 10 meters tall. He couldn't believe that they stubbornly built these tall cities. It also reflected the stubborn character of the dwarves.     

At this moment, the golden flying rider in the sky waved to Abel, motioning him to fly down.     

White Cloud fell slightly to the ground, Abel left Black Wind on White Cloud body and took and brought Lorraine down.     

Above the ground, a dwarf in pure black iron armor looked at Abel, and Abel felt strong impose pressure.     

Abel pulled Lorraine behind him, his body flashed with golden combat qi, and his eyes were flowing. He also exerted the power of the elite knight, different from the power of the opposite black armor dwarf spreading around with his own dot. The pressure was issued only in the direction of the opposite Black Dwarf.     

Although the opponent was equal to the level of the Elite Knight, Abel 's own impose was easier to control because his will power was much higher than a normal knight. Abel's physique had become more powerful, and his strength has surpassed a normal knight, so the strength of his impose was extremely strong.     

When the impose of the two men approached, everyone nearby seemed to hear the sound of two steel collisions.     

"Stop it!" A loud voice came, and the Black Dwarf heard the voice and couldn't even think of defending, and hurried back.     

Abel didn't chase after him. Although he was a bit angry when he was attacked suddenly, this place was the dwarf's territory. It was not a good idea for him to investigate the attack, but it was better to be more generous.     

The old dwarf wearing a gold robe called the Abel and the Black Dwarf.      

Abel only guessed his age because of the color of his beard. All dwarves had beards, so it was difficult for Abel to distinguish their age.     

Abel could see that this dwarf named Ivan was not ordinary. After hearing his command, a powerful knight-level powerhouse did not even care about his own safety. The dwarf in front of him had a distinguished identity.     

"Dear Master Abel, Ivan, the dwarven tribe of the Moon Guardian City, is here to greet you!" Ivan, the old dwarf, bowed to Abel.     

"Dear Ivan City Master, the human, Abel greets you!" Abel bowed back. Since the two sides were not of the same race, neither of them reported each other's title and used equal etiquette.     

"Sorry. Because you were flying ride on an orc's Sky Sparrow the golden flying ride couldn't confirm your identity, so you were brought here."      

The elder dwarf Ivan looked at the White Clouds and Black Wind behind Abel with an exciting light in his eyes.     

"It should be me who should apologize, I rushed into the Earth-Dividing Mountain Range and brought trouble!" Abel said, bowing and saluting.     

"No need to be polite, Master Abel, I heard about you. The Wizards Association of the Kingdom of St. Ellis drove a master blacksmith out of the human world. They are short-minded. They will regret it," Ivan said with a smile.     

Abel would not tell the owner of the st. Ellis was waiting for him to return to the human world when the opportunity matured. In his heart, he always thought that the escape was just a journey, so even if there was no way for teacher to find someone to help him clear his sins, he could also return to the human world with absolute strength. It was only a matter of time.     

Alberta, apologize to Master Abel!" Ivan turned to the black dwarf who had retreated.     

The black-armored dwarf called Alberta bowed to Abel and said, "Sorry, Master Abel, I just felt the powerful power in your body. So I became offensive. Please forgive me! "     

Abel hurried forward politely. He respected the masters like Alberta who were equivalent to the strength of an Elite Knight, He admired it from the bottom of his heart, and his knightly strength was all forcibly improved, which made him admire these masters, who grew through hard work, even more.     

Lord of Ivan's actions made Abel speculate Guardian Moon City's importance since it's separated the double moon forest from the human world, and the owner of this city was to him was too friendly. Although he may have a place in the dwarves as a master blacksmith, he did not think his identity could have such a great effect on the owner of a big city.     

"Master Abel, please come inside!" Ivan, the city owner, reached out to ask.     

It didn't take long to reach the gate; a real huge gate. The door frame was made of white stone, and the two-door panels are cut out of two monoliths, which were carved with a scene of a giant holding lightning fighting a demon. This gate alone was more than ten meters high. This gate could not be opened without the power of an Elite knight, according to Abel's estimation.     

Lorraine followed Abel quietly, and although Lord Ivan was a little curious about Abel carrying an elf woman, he did not ask anything.     

Entering the gate, Abel felt a great difference in the layout inside. The tall roof and white stone walls were carved with various birds and beasts, while the tables and chairs in the room were surprisingly short. The room with extra solemnity.     

Abel only had such feeling once in the human temple. Looking at the carvings on the walls around him, he couldn't help but admire the sculptural skills of the dwarves. He also learned to carve, and he knew how difficult it was to carve on this hard white stone.     

"Master Abel, this coffee is from the human world, please enjoy!" Said the lord of Ivan after the coffee was delivered by a dwarf waiter after seated.     

"You are so kind!" Abel and Lorraine looked at each other, and even Lorraine thought Ivan had a favor for Abel.     

"Master Abel, I have some things to ask for!" The owner of Ivan Felt the atmosphere drop and said earnestly.     

Abel knew trouble was coming, but he replied: "Please say what troubles you. If I can help, I will."     

"Master Abel, I have a nephew who was suffering from the poison of cold. He will hunt the Ice Fire Ape in the Double Moon forest and take its crystal nuclei to heal! I would like to ask for your help."     

Ice Fire Ape was a kind of spirit beast described by Abel in "Morton's observation Records." It was a grade beast, born with a combination of ice and fire; The adult Ice Fire Ape was a very powerful one among the top-level spirit beasts both in strength and spells.     

"You really overestimate me. I am only an elite knight, and I have not mastered many spells!"Abel was self-aware. He couldn't handle a powerful spirit creature, so when he heard the request of the Lord of Ivan, he quickly shook his head and refused.     

"Master Abel, you're mistaken. I'm not asking you to fight the Ice Fire Ape. I'm only asking you to transport our people over with your sky sparrow. You know that the effective time to take the nuclei was two hours, so My nephew must also go together, of course, your reward will be a piece of silver money," Ivan quickly explained.     

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