Abe the Wizard

Urgent Call

Urgent Call

3In Blood Moor.      2

Abel was unleashing the 'charging bolt' so easily. He could now unleash the rank 5 'charging bolt,' which included 7 electric arcs simultaneously. 10 fallen were rushing towards him, and 7 of them had been struck by the electricity. Afterward, he unleashed 4 'charging bolts' again and filled the ground with electric arcs. The fallen were knocked over immediately.     

The fallen shaman kept reviving the dead fallen, but they could only revive one at most. The other souls were sucked into the Horadric Cube. The fallen who were still alive around him were all screaming for their lives, scattering in all directions, leaving only the shaman who was just preparing a fireball.     

Abel lightly patted Black Wind. After Black Wind got the signal, he quickly dashed around left and right, dodging all the frightened fallen and arrived in front of the shaman.     

A fireball flew towards Abel from the fallen shaman's hand, so Abel took out a fire rune sign. The fire rune sign exploded with the fireball in mid-air. Abel was trying to fight like his teacher, Wizard Morton.     

The 2 'fireball' spells ended the fallen shaman life. Then, Abel jumped down from Black Wind, picked up the fallen shaman's magic cane, and threw it into the Horadric cube for examination.     

"Uh, It's a 'fireball' spell again!" Abel blamed it on his bad luck and shoved the magic cane in his portal bag.     

It had been a week since he was attacked in the Duchy of Keyen. Throughout the week, he had stayed at home to heal his wounds. He spent most of his time in the Dark World, and this was the 8th fallen shaman he had killed. He was in one of the smallest fallen camps, so there were only around 500 fallen were there.     

He won 8 fallen shaman magic canes: 2 of them had been damaged during the battle, and 4 of them didn't have any special abilities.     

He only got another 'fireball' magic cane, he must have been very lucky when he got the magic cane with an official Wizard ability from that first three fallen shaman's he killed.     

Ever since he realized the Horadric cube could suck the souls of hell creatures, he began to use Black Wind's speed and guerrilla tactics to drag the fallen to their death since the fallen shaman couldn't do much to revive them anyway.     

Abel checked and he didn't have much mana left. Then, Abel began to use the 'fireball' spell to kill the fallen who had regained their will to battle until his mana had been completely depleted.     

"Black Wind, let's go!" Abel commanded as he gently patted Black Wind on the neck.     

It was time for him to go back to the Rogue encampment to restore his mana. He had made this decision after he learned his lesson.      

In the past, every time his mana was depleted, he would always direct Black Wind to a nearby safe place to restore his mana through meditation. He thought he could save some time this way. But, a few days ago, when he was restoring his mana through meditation, he suddenly woke up. He saw was a ground full of zombie corpses surrounding him. Black Wind was covered in blood. If Black Wind didn't risk its life to protect him, Abel would have lost his life while he was meditating just like that. Ever since then, he would return to the Rogue encampment.     

Luckily, at the time, he still had that leftover healing potion, so Black Wind's wounds didn't affect too much of its performance in the following few days.     

Nevertheless, they weren't playing a game. It was dangerous to meditate in the wild without strong self-defense strategies. There was no revival here, so he had to be careful.     

When Abel thought about his self-defense strategies, he thought of that stone metal monster left over by the orc's deity. That would be the best defense puppet, but in order for Abel to control it, he would have to be an official wizard. He could only admire it for now.      

Before he exited the Rogue encampment, he would always meditate to recover his mana. This was because, one time, he had almost gotten killed by a wolf rider captain when he exited the Dark World with depleted mana.     

In regards to the lambskin parchment in the orc's deity's dimensional finger joint, it was filled with notes about potions. But they were too complicated for Abel to understand. They were notes for some extremely elite complicated stuff about potions, not basic studies. On top of that, they were all written in the orc's language. If Abel wasn't fluent in orc's language, he would've been hopeless.     

There were 2 books in the dimensional finger joint; one was called 'skeletons summon' spell guide and the other was a scripture.     

When Abel first saw the 'skeletons summon' spell guide, he thought he could learn another new spell. But when he opened the book, he realized he would be using skeletons.     

This was what the so-called deity altered spell. The power of the skeletons depends on the skeletons' original owner's power. Therefore, the more powerful the owner of the skeleton was, the more powerful the skeletons would be.     

In order to attain these skeletons, one would need to drain and torture the will of an elite warrior for a long time in the harshest manner. On top of that, they would be injected with all kinds of poisons to corrupt their flesh, so their power could be transferred to their skeletons bit by bit. Afterward, the broken-down soul of the elite warrior would be locked in their skeletons. Just like that, a skeleton with the same ability as it's the original owner was born.     

Abel could not tolerate this, so he decided not to learn it. Even if he could tolerate it, he would still be frowned upon by other wizards.     

However, through this 'skeleton summons' spells description, he could try to find a way to counteract the spell. Of course, his optimism was in the 'soul potion'.     

Throughout the last week of the massacre in Blood Moor, Abel gained 5 bottles of 'soul potion'. However, he did not use them on himself. Instead, he tested it out on Black Wind to see how it would go.     

Since Wind Black would need to be prepared for battle at any moment in the Rogue encampment, Abel was not ready to let it use the 'soul potion' yet. If something had gone wrong here, he could only pray to the Lord. But if he was outside, he might be able to find Marcy for help or ask a pope to unleash some holy spells.     

Although Black Wind was Abel's mount, it wasn't a wizard. So if it got hurt, it could seek the pope for help. Abel could not do that. Although his wounds were healing very slowly from his battle with the diety, he couldn't ask the pope for help. The reason was simple: Wizards could not accept the holy spell from popes. Holy spells and mana had too many conflicts, so it would only hurt his wounds further.     

The worst part was that his wounds would heal quickly every time he entered the Rogue encampment, but would return to how they originally were when he went back to the Holy Continent. Abel thought that coming to Rogue encampment was the best way to heal his wounds until he realized his recovery didn't last.     

After recovering his mana, Abel looked at the sky. It was time for him to leave.     

He opened the portal and disappeared with Black Wind from the Rogue encampment.     

After Abel took a shower and put on some new clothes, he ran into Steward Ken, who was just looking for him. Steward Ken said, "My Lord, your follower Finkle just delivered a message. Wizard Morton is inviting you back to the magic tower!".     

"Go order a carriage, I'll get going soon," Abel said nodding his head. Since Wizard Morton was looking for him when he was healing his wounds, there were most likely had some updates from the Wizard Union.      

The moment when Abel had got off the carriage at Morton Magic tower, he sensed a constricting atmosphere. All the low ranking wizards surrounding the magic tower seemed depressed. Something must have happened.     

"Mr. Abel," when the low ranking Wizards saw Abel, they immediately stepped up and bowed. They were gossip mongers, so when they heard Wizard Morton's respect for Abel, Abel's status shot straight up.     

Abel bowed back to the crowd and entered the magic tower with his identity card.     

The moment he entered, he heard the voice of Wizard Morton, "Abel, go straight to my place now."     

Abel felt his heart drop; something big must have happened. Otherwise, why would his teacher need him so desperately?     

He quickly stepped up the stairs 3 stairs at a time. Soon, he had arrived at the 11th floor. He pushed open some doors with all kinds of weird birds and beast on them. At last, he arrived at the hall on the 11th floor.     

Camille and Carlos were already standing in front of Wizard Morton in the hall. They seemed to be reporting something.     

"Abel, you're here!" Wizard Morton said to Abel with a smile while nodding his head. His face didn't betray what he was thinking at all.     

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