Abe the Wizard

Merlin the Druid

Merlin the Druid

1Merlin didn't know what would happen when the power of will entered the Giant Dragon's brain. There hadn't been a fool brave enough to do so. Now, he felt like the fool.      2

Druids were a type of wizard. Even though they could use close-ranged attacks, they could only do so through self-enhancement spells. Wizards were also limited to their power of will. They usually only used it to activate spells, rune signs, hexes, etc. Only a few wizards would use their power of will offensively. This was because once their power of will was broken, there would be severe consequences.     

Merlin was in that exact situation. When his power of will had entered Abel's brain, it was so complicated that even Abel, himself, couldn't identify what was so special about it. Firstly, the countless soul potions allowed the soul in his brain to grow significantly. Secondly, after becoming a commander, his soul had significantly increased in attack power. Lastly, absorbing the impose pressure from the dragon crystal through the ambergris wood big had also affected his soul and power of will.     

Now, Carrie felt that something was up. How could Merlin attack Abel in front of her? Abel was her younger sister's love interest, the only blacksmith in the Elven city, and possibly only one who could make the special 'Elven perfumes,' 'lotions,' and 'conditioners' in the entire Holy Continent.     

It happened when Carrie was about to ask her mother to stop Merlin. Attacks like this on the power of will were among the most dangerous. She lacked training, so she wasn't ranked highly among the intermediate druids. Furthermore, she was not familiar with attacks on the power of will.     

As she was about to say something, she noticed that Merlin's expression had slightly changed, whereas Abel had shown no change. Her suspicion grew, could it be that Merlin, as an official druid, had weaker will than a third grade wizard?     

The battle was already decided when she finished her thought. Merlin looked dumbfounded. All his power of will had become a part of Abel's brain.     

As Merlin's power of the will entered Abel's brain, it seemed like there a terrifying monster waking up inside. His power of will had been stunned as it entered. Soon, all of Merlin's power of will began to leave his mind and entered into Abel's brain. Consequently, Merlin lost complete control of himself.     

A dragon's roar from Abel's mind. Merlin was a Druid specializing in summoning, and he could communicate with soul beasts through his power of the will. However, this roar had whipped out all of Merlin's attributes and his power of will. Afterward, the weak little soul viciously dashed out and swallowed Merlin's power of the will--like a hungry snake eating an elephant.     

In the physical world, Abel posed no harm to an official druid as he is unable to utilize his giant dragon impose pressure. This impose pressure only existed in his soul, so entering his mind would be like entering the mind of the giant dragon.     

Abel had felt something change after the weak little soul consumed Merlin's power of will. Although it had no sense of self, it grew under the official druid's power of will.     

"What's wrong, Merlin?" One of the druids attracted the others' attention.     

Carrie looked at Merlin coldly. She wasn't dumb. Merlin would often discuss training, but she would leave whenever the conversation became off-topic. Who knew Merlin would interpret her tolerance as a sign of love. She didn't know if Abel would survive Merlin's attack, but she had already put the blame on herself.     

Merlin's eye had lacked expression and was wide open. He was smiling awkwardly, and his saliva had flowed down towards his chest.     

"Merlin's power of will is gone!" an intermediate druid started to shout.     

"Who did it?" his fellow druid yelled, though he had his eyes on the similarly still Abel.     

"Who is he?"     

"He did it!"     

"He attacked the Grand Ducal Druid in the Grand Ducal Palace? Off with his head!"     

Several druids gathered to Abel, but Carrie stood beside him, silent. The druids understood her intention.     

"Why are you protecting him, countess Carrie? He killed Merlin!" one of the druids questioned her.     

Carrie hadn't even moved her eyes, worryingly staring at Abel. This action had aggravated the Druids even more.     

"Calm yourselves!" said Grand Duke Edwina as she and Duke Albert had appeared beside Abel.     

"Grand Duke Edwina! This elf attacked Merlin. Look at what he did to him!" said one of the druids. He was a very close friend of Merlin.     

"Are you all blind? Between an official druid and a level 3 elf, does it need to be said explicitly who the aggressor was?" Grand Duke Edwina said with piercing eyes, staring at the druid who talked back. "He attacked the Grand Ducal Palace's alchemist. He deserved to get counter-attacked. Do you still want to take revenge for him?"     

Upon learning Abel's identity as the Grand Duke's alchemist, nobody dared make as much as a squeak, including Merlin's buddy. Everyone understood that the mysterious alchemist who made the Elven perfume was Abel. Before he arrived, there hadn't been Elven perfume that improved the purity of souls. There was no need for words. Grand Duke Edwina's attitude had explained everything.     

"Mother, is Mr. Bennett alright?" Carrie said in a slightly concerned tone.     

"I just checked, he's alright," Grand Duke Edwina said with a slight smile.     

As she finished speaking, her beast portal bag suddenly opened. 5 ravens flew out and eyed Merlin, and without hesitation, flew towards Abel. After flying around him for a bit, they land on his shoulder, looking at him affectionately.     

"A Pledge transfer!" most of the elves present shouted. This was almost a myth. Only a few elves had ever seen it themselves. This kind of pledge could transfer a beast's pledge to one elf to another. As though removing one's body part, almost anyone who attempted it regrets it.     

"It seems a lot had happened without us knowing!" Grand Duke Edwina had shown some surprise. She knew that Abel was human, and human wizards are not able to coexist with druid wizards. This was not a rune conflict between a wizard and an alchemist, but one on the spiritual level.     

Since elven druids needed to change their souls to a natural green to be able to communicate with animals, this same soul change also allowed druids to be easily accepted by animals. And more a druid was accepted by animals, the easier their soul could change.     

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