Abe the Wizard

Two Hands, Double the Speed

Two Hands, Double the Speed

4In the evening, Abel opened the barrier circle. Akara's tent was there, and he entered in front of the alchemy table to start refining potions.      3

After the first bottle of blue quality elven perfume had been, Abel was no longer satisfied with the speed it took for this method because it took twenty minutes for each bottle of refining. With this speed, he couldn't make that many bottles.     

The main reason for the idea of accelerating the refining process was because Abel found that after Druid's sub soul consumed the power of will from Merlin, he was able to command a large amount power of will. It was stronger than the power of will that the main soul could command. If Druid's sub soul had an intelligent, active mind, he wouldn't have to worry about which was the main and which was the side.     

After so many days of multitasking, Abel was able to use it inadvertently in daily life, but he had never tried delicate work like refining potions with two hands separately.     

He took two Akara's Alchemy Bottles in both hands and took the materials separately in each hand, but when he was about to start the incantation, he got trouble. He couldn't say two incantations at the same time.     

However, he quickly dealt with this problem.     

He staggered two alchemy movements. He let the left and right hand performed completely different movements. The precise calculation separated the incantation time so that both hands could continuously perform the alchemy movement without delay.     

The alchemy that originally required 20 minutes took only half the time, making a bottle within 10 minutes. In the next five hours, he refined 20 bottles of blue quality elven perfume, twenty bottles of blue quality "skin lotion," and twenty bottles of blue quality conditioner. Any level alchemist would definitely be amazed if they say his refining process. Although there was a 100% success rate at the cost of three times the materials, each time, the sublimation was because of the use of the flash of lights from Akara's Alchemy Bottle, upgrading to a higher level.     

Then Abel went to sleep. He did not dare to enter the dark world in the Grand Ducal Palace. The next morning, when he stretched his body in the yard energetically, he saw the butler Brewer walking toward him quickly.     

"Master, Master Mara wants to see you!" Brewer bowed, deep worshiping Abel. It was an honor to have a master alchemist visit so early in the morning.      

"Brewer, quickly take me to meet her!" Abel said after finished tidying up.     

Master Mara seemed to be in a good mood. When she saw Abel, he went up and performed a peculiar ceremony solemnly. This was a ceremony that Abel had never seen before.      

"Dear Master Mara, I'm sorry. I have just learned alchemy recently and don't know about alchemy etiquette that well!" Abel said without making a ceremony but made an apologetic gesture.     

"Haha, that's fine; you only need to learn two alchemy etiquettes in the future: one is between peers, and the other one is for the lower alchemists. The alchemy ceremony I have just performed was the ceremony between peers!" Master Mara said with a smile.     

" Master Mara, you must be wrong; how could I treat you as a peer!" Abel said in surprise.     

" Master Bennet!" Master Mara, said with a serious look, once again made a strange movement in the air with her right hand, and finished it in front of her chest, then bowed.     

Abel was shocked when he heard the word "Master." He thought he had been found as the identity of a master blacksmith, but thinking of what Mara just said, it seemed that Dame Carrie mentioned that Master Mara had submitted an application to Elven Alchemist Union for him to get the title of an honored alchemist. It seemed that the application was approved.     

Abel looked and smiled at Master Mara, whose right hand was still resting on her chest. He hurriedly imitated her movements: drawing the same pattern in the air, and putting it back on his chest.     

"Master Bennet, I officially inform you that you have been officially awarded the title of Honored Alchemist by the Elven Alchemy Union. Please come with me to the Elven Alchemist Union to receive the medal of Honored Alchemist!" she announced to Abel with a smile.     

"Master Mara, I am very grateful for your selfless recommendation. It is a great honor for me to go to the Alchemy Union with you!" Abel said formally with a bow.     

The gratitude in Abel's heart not only came from Master Mara's application, but also from thoughts of Master Bentham in Harvest City. It was the same selfless recommendation that allowed him to grow up to this day. If it wasn't Dame Carrie's notice in advance, he might know the news of success after Master Mara told him. If it failed, then Master Mara might really just contribute silently.     

"Master Bennett, the last time I disturbed you, you inspired me. I felt guilty for it, and your alchemy level has indeed reached the application of the honored alchemist, so I took your work to apply to the Elven Alchemist Union. I am very sorry I didn't discuss anything with you in advance!" Master Mara did not hide her thoughts. With her status, she didn't need to hide anything. She could only get higher achievements by doing things exactly as she intended.     

"Master Mara, please wait for a second. I have to change my clothes. "     

When Abel was about to turn around and change his clothes, Derek, the Grand Ducal Butler, came in from the door and saluted to Master Mara, saying, "Master Mara, you have to wait for a while!" Then saluted: "Lord Bennet, Grand Duke Edwina is asking you to come right away!"     

"Since Grand Duke Edwina called you to go. There must be something urgent. I'll take a rest here!" Master Mara said with a smile.     

When Abel followed Derek to the Grand Duke Palace, Grand Duke Edwina and Dame Carrie were already standing there waiting for him, and there was a smile on Grand Duke Edwina's face when she saw him come in and said, "Abel, how dare you. If I didn't stop you, then you would go to the Elven Alchemy Union directly?"     

"Grand Duke Edwina, is there a problem?" Abel looked at himself with confusion.     

"Bring forward your transformation necklace!" Said Grand Duke Edwina, reaching her hand out to Abel.     

Abel didn't hesitate. If Grand Duke Edwina forced him to hand in his transformation necklace, it would have been taken away and didn't need to wait until then. He took off the transformation necklace from his neck and gave it to Grand Duke Edwina.     

When the transformation necklace left Abel's body, Abel felt the rapid changes in the bones and muscles. The body converts back into a human form within a few seconds. Fortunately, at that time, he was wearing a large uniform so that he would not feel awkward because of physical changes.     

Dame Carrie looked curiously at Abel in human form, and spit out two words: "So ugly!"     

Abel's human appearance was certainly not as ugly as Carrie thought. On the contrary, due to the perennial knight training, his body was tall and strong. It was completely different from ordinary wizards and looked very vigorous and handsome. Compared with the elves with exquisite faces, of course, there was a big difference in Abel's appearance. No race in this world could match the appearance of the elves.     

"Abel, after the transformation necklace got in the hands of the orcs, they did not activate the incantation. They just forcibly added some cracking patterns on it, so that the transformation necklace can only be used. But the cracking patterns can't really make this completely function. If you use this transformation necklace and enter the Elven Alchemist Union, you might be discovered. You must know that the Elven Alchemist Union has a special smell detection circle, and it's very sensitive to all kinds of scents. This transformation necklace has an obvious orcish scent, and because it's not at its full capacity, your transformation is also stained with the scent of the moon goddess," Grand Duke Edwina explained, holding the transformation necklace glittering with a green light on her hand.     

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