A Valiant Life

Master Lin is so fortunate

Master Lin is so fortunate

4Professor Li and Director Zhang took their leave. Fraud Tian went up to Lin Fan. "Do you think Professor Li will be able to succeed?"      4

Lin Fan grinned, "We'll see."Fraud Tian would sometimes wonder how Lin Fan made his scallion pancakes to be this good. All the ingredients were bought by him, so how was it that something so delicious could be made from such ordinary ingredients?     

He came to the conclusion that the making of the scallion pancake was all skill. Although he wasn't totally convinced by that, it was something to satisfy his thoughts.     

At this moment, a slender figure appeared at the front door. "Master Lin." A clear, crisp voice could be heard. Wu Huanyue was wearing a hat and a sleeveless dress in plain sight of everyone. Lin Fan turned his head and was surprised. "Why are you so free to come down today?" Lin Fan grinned.     

Fraud Tian chuckled. "Maybe she's here to pay me a visit instead."Wu Huanyue gave a lively smile, casually walking into the shop. "I've been busy recording songs these past few weeks, and I've just wrapped up today, so I decided to pop by today to see how you and the rest are doing.""Come, come in and take a sit." Fraud Tian said warmly.     

Wu Huanyue turned and looked at Wu Youlan, smiling at her, but she was a little cautious. "Master Lin, who's this pretty lady here?"Lin Fan laughed. He originally wanted to introduce her to Wu Huanyue, but instead, Wu Youlan said, carrying an air of refinement, "My name is Wu Youlan, and I'm currently helping out in Master Lin's shop. If I didn't get your name wrong, your name is Wu Huanyue, right? Our surnames are similar, but if I can remember the genealogical records correctly, the "You" generation came after the "Huan" generation, so I should be from the generation above you."Wu Huanyue put her hat down, her hair draping down smoothly. She gave a small chuckle. "We're probably not from the same lineage because from where I come from, the "Huan" generation comes after the "You" generation, so it's the other way around."Wu Tianhe looked at her daughter, flabbergasted, before saying, "Wu is a pretty common surname, so you guys probably are from different family lineages."Zhao Zhongyang held his phone, live streaming the scene. A flurry of comments came when Zhao Zhongyang panned his camera towards Wu Huanyue.     

"Damn, Brother Yang is so lucky! Not only can he work with pretty ladies in Master Link's shop, he even gets to meet so many other beautiful women as well!""Hey, why does this girl look so familiar?""Right, isn't that the Wu Huan Wei from 'The New Voice'?""I am absolutely in love with her voice!""Who is Wu Huanyue? I've never seen her before."…     

Lin Fan and Fraud Tian looked at each other, silently agreeing that the atmosphere in the shop had just become a little weird.     

"When are you releasing your new song? We're all dying to hear it!" Lin Fan smiled as he said. Wu Huanyue and Wu Youlan were meeting for the first time, so they probably won't have anything in common.     

Wu Huanyue laughed. "It should be soon! The new songs are planned to be released on Ku Re Music, and the main song of the album is the one written by you."     

Lin Fan chuckled. "The other songs were produced by Teacher Yang and the quality should definitely be good. It'll definitely be an instant hit and you'll be a superstar!"     

"I owe all of these to you. If not for you, I won't be where I am today." Wu Huanyue smiled sweetly as she looked at Master Lin." "Recently, I've been practicing 'The Sky' a lot. It's the song which you wrote for me when I was still competing and I've improved a lot since then. When you have the time I'll let you listen to it."     

"Sure, no problem!" Lin Fan laughed. Wang Mingyang lacked a star performer before, but Wu Huanyue was a good candidate for that slot. If they wanted to shoot her to stardom, not only did one need connections, they also had to have talent, otherwise, everything would be short-lived. Wu Huanyue was exceptionally hardworking. The thought of her not succeeding was unthinkable.     

Wu Youlan stood at one corner, silent. She felt a little peculiar as she saw Master Lin happily talking to Wu Huanyue. "Actually, I can sing pretty well too." Lin Fan looked at Wu Youlan, surprised. "Really? I didn't think that you would be a singer."Wu Youlan nodded. "Yep, I even got first place when I was still in school.""I've never heard that before. You should sing for us next time when you get the chance! I would really like to hear you sing." Lin Fan said cheerily. He felt that everyone he knew was talented. At that moment, Wu Huanyue walked to Lin Fan's side and sat down, grabbing his shoulders. "Hey, I've got a rest day today and I've booked two tickets to Ocean Park. Do you want to accompany me, Master Lin?"     

"To see animals?" Lin Fan didn't have much interest in this since he thought there was nothing much to see. Wu Huanyue nodded. "Yes! Today is a Sunday so there'll be performances too!"     

Wu Youlan stared at Wu Huanyue with displeasure. Wu Huanyue's hands were wrapped around Lin Fan's arms.     

What a vixen.     

Lin Fan looked outside his shop. There weren't any customers and with Wu Tianhe here to take care of his shop, he had nothing to worry about. "Alright, let's go. I also need to relax a little."     

Wu Huanyue nodded her head. "Yep, yep. It must be boring staying here every day. Ocean Park will be way more fun!"     

"I've never been to Ocean Park before." Lin Fan realized that ever since he got to Shanghai, he had never done anything outside of work. All he ever did was run around and work a 9 to 5 job, only going home to sleep.     

Ever since he had obtained the Encyclopedia, he had gone to work on time, every day, and very rarely walked out of his workplace.     

"All the more you should come!" Wu Huanyue said excitedly.     

Wu Youlan looked at the scene that was unfolding before her. The d*mned vixen was getting too close to Master Lin. "I also want in. I've spent quite a long time in Shanghai and I haven't had to chance to go around. Can you bring me along too?"     

Lin Fan didn't think twice. "Alright! Let's go together! Huanyue, could you get one more ticket?""Actually, I want to go too," Fraud Tian said sheepishly, but as the words left his mouth, he felt two death stares aimed at him. Wu Youlan and Wu Huanyue turned their heads at him. Thereafter, Fraud Tian laughed awkwardly. "Nevermind, I better man the shop, since there's no one to do it."     

Fraud Tian was distressed. Now that he was old, he wasn't welcomed for anything anymore. When he was younger, he was a kicking spring chicken who was popular with the ladies. Now that he got older, the women wouldn't even look at him. Wu Huanyue originally intended to come over to ask only Master Lin to go out with her. She never thought that there would be another woman whose looks were on par with hers working in the shop. She felt a sudden sense of oppression.     

Now that her plan to go to Ocean Park with Master Lin alone was thwarted by an unplanned third-wheel, she looked at her phone unwillingly, not wanting to buy another ticket.     

"Alright, let's get going now. Sorry to trouble the rest of you to look after the store." Lin Fan said.     

Fraud Tian waved them away. "Go ahead, I'll take care of the shop for you. Have fun over there."     

Lin Fan gave a huge grin, as he brought the two pretty ladies out of the shop. After Lin Fan left the shop, Fraud Tian scooted closer to Wu Tianhe. "This daughter of yours is contending with the other lady. Any thoughts?"Wu Tianhe chuckled. "She's all grown up already. Let her do what she wants."Zhao Zhongyang was envious of Lin Fan. "Master Lin is really lucky."…     

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