A Valiant Life

The powerful Godly Dragon Tail Strike

The powerful Godly Dragon Tail Strike

0Lin Fan was driving the car while Wu Huanyue and Wu Youlan sat behind. As for the front passenger seat, it wasn't that they didn't want to sit there. Wu Youlan was one step ahead and managed to seize the front passenger seat at first, but after a word from Wu Huanyue, she went to the back seat obediently.     

"Sister Youlan, why don't you sit behind and chat with me?"     

Lin Fan, of course, wanted the two of them to get to know each other, so he agreed with Wu Huanyue. With a pout of her lips, Wu Youlan went behind to sit with Wu Huanyue.     

Initially, Lin Fan thought the two of them would chat about things like where to get good-looking bags, which makeup product is good, etc. But to his surprise, their topics of conversation was rather interesting.     

If it wasn't about how tall they were, it was about their 'three measurements'.     

Also, they talked about whether they've been in an affair before and things like that.     

"Are they trying to hint something to me?" Lin Fan wondered.     


Lin Fan said, "Do we have to go there to get tickets?"     

Wu Huanyue nodded, "Yep, we have to get tickets from there. Let's go together."     

What Wu Huanyue meant was that the three of them had to move together and not be separated.     

Wu Youlan was cheerful. That day, she would just have to be a third wheel. She had already thought it through. Wu Huanyue had very little opportunities to visit the shop but she, on the other hand, was there every day. She had the upper hand, how could she lose?     

Even if she was the third wheel, she would still outshine Wu Huanyue.     

There were many tourists at the site. Not long after, they managed to get tickets and the three of them proceeded to Ocean Park together.     

The ambiance inside was pretty good. As they walked through the passage, it was as if they were in a world of oceans.     

Wu Huanyue pointed at the side, "Look, Master Lin, that one's very beautiful."     

Lin Fan turned his head, "Yep, it really is beautiful."     

Wu Youlan pulled on Lin Fan's arm and said, "Look, that one's beautiful too."     

Lin Fan looked over and nodded as well, "Yep, that one's pretty good too."     

He never thought that he would actually be able to understand these ocean creatures' speech as well, especially when a shark swam past them. He clearly heard the shark talking.     

"What are you looking at…"     

The three of them proceeded onwards. Lin Fan kept getting pulled here and there by the two of them, looking left and right. He lost count of how many times he had to say "Not bad", "Looks good", "It's beautiful", etc… whenever one of them pulled on them, Lin Fan would just reply in agreement instinctively.     

"Wow! There's a dolphin show over there, let's go get seats. It'll be starting soon," said Wu Huanyue as she pointed to the front. She loved dolphins. She had been planning to come and see the dolphins together with Master Lin, but she never thought that there would be a third wheel following them.     

In Wu Huanyue's eyes, dolphins represented love, nostalgia, and youth.     

Wu Youlan liked dolphins too, so she was ecstatic as well. Then, the three of them found three seats. The two of them sat at the sides, with Lin Fan sandwiched in the middle.     

As Lin Fan watched the dolphin gliding through the water, he let out a smile as well. It wasn't bad at all, to let loose once in a while.     

The dolphin trainer stood there, waiting for the visitors to fill up the seats. Then, he started the show.     

Every performance drew roaring applause from the spectators. Even Lin Fan was engrossed as he watched the dolphins perform action after action under the instruction of the dolphin trainer.     

Wu Huanyue's eyes were on the performance in front of her, then darted over to Lin Fan for a moment. She took a deep breath then tilted her head slightly. She wanted to rest on Lin Fan's shoulder, but the action was very subtle as if she was slowly feeling him out to see how he'd respond.     

At the other side, Wu Youlan leaned back and saw the slight deviation of Wu Huanyue's head. She instantly understood that Wu Huanyue was trying to lean on Master Lin's shoulder. Then, she also tilted her head slightly. She wanted to rest on Lin Fan's shoulder too.     

As the two of them slowly and subtly made their moves, Lin Fan was totally absorbed in the show. It was really marvelous. He never thought that letting go of one's emotions once in a while could be so delightful.     

Wu Youlan and Wu Huanyue finally steeled themselves and stopped hesitating. They leaned their heads towards Lin Fan     

"Brilliant." As Lin Fan saw the dolphins' captivating finale, he stood up and applauded. The surrounding tourists did the same.     


"Ouch! It hurts."     

Lin Fan looked over, "What's up with you guys? Are you tired?"     

Wu Youlan and Wu Huanyue rubbed their heads. They never thought that it would end up like that. Their heads collided with each other. It really hurt.     

When they heard Master Lin's words, they were both too embarrassed to reply.     

Lin Fan felt that they really were tired, so he said, "It's getting late, let's head back."     

Wu Huanyue nodded. This time was a failure. It seemed that she had to find another way the next time. She had to get rid of this annoying third wheel.     

Wu Youlan had thought of her own too. She never thought that this cunning little vixen would take such initiative. She couldn't let that Wu Huanyue get any more opportunities. After all, men's greatest weakness was a beautiful girl with initiative.     

At the open-air carpark.     

"Are your heads still hurting?" asked Lin Fan.     

Wu Huanyue shook her head, "Not anymore."     

Wu Youlan said, "Me neither."     

Lin Fan nodded, "That's good. Be careful next time, if you're tired then say so."     

"…" The two of them just kept silent.     


In a black Ferrari.     

Two young men were seated inside.     

"Look, those two chicks aren't bad at all," said one of them as he pointed in front. He was dressed fashionably.     

The young man in the driver's seat glanced over, "Hey, you're right. Let's follow them later. We'll give them a scare."     

"Brother Yao, this fella really has some f*cking luck. To get two beautiful girls with his lousy Mercedes-Benz. We have to scare him, otherwise, I won't be content," said Yang Jie as he laughed.     

"Hehe," Brother Yao laughed, then he intentionally stepped on the gas pedal.     

A loud roaring sound rang out.     

Lin Fan took a glance but didn't bother about it. Then, he drove off. The black Ferrari followed behind them.     

The two of them came from wealthy families. They loved disturbing others. When they saw a young man driving a Mercedes-Benz, with two beautiful chicks with him, they had to do something to disturb him.     

On the road.     

As Lin Fan was driving, he noticed that Wu Huanyue and Wu Youlan were rather gloomy, "Are the two of you really okay? Why does it feel like you're a little absent-minded?"     

Lin Fan had no idea how depressed the two of them were feeling. Wu Huanyue, in particular, was very depressed. She finally had a chance to be alone with him, but that third wheel next to her had to interfere.     

As for Wu Youlan, she was very uncertain about her feelings for Master Lin. Half the time, she wasn't sure what she felt, but when she saw Wu Huanyue, somehow, she felt a little threatened.     

Lin Fan shook his head. Suddenly, he jammed on the brakes. The black Ferrari that they saw at the carpark suddenly drifted from the side to their front. If he hadn't stepped on the brakes so quickly, they would've collided into the Ferrari.     


Wu Huanyue lost her balance and her forehead banged onto the front seat.     

"F*ck! What the f*ck is their problem?" Lin Fan scolded in his mind, then he quickly asked, "Are you two okay?"     

Wu Youlan was fine, but then she looked over at Wu Huanyue's forehead and cried out in shock, "Huanyue's forehead has been cut open!"     

Lin Fan was furious. He followed behind that black Ferrari.     

In the Ferrari.     

Yang Jie and Brother Yao were roaring with laughter, "Haha! That fella definitely pee-ed his pants."     

"How is it? Brother's Godly Dragon Tail Strike is not bad, eh?" gloated Brother Yao.     

Yang Jie gave him a thumbs up, "Brother Yao is f*cking awesome. That's a powerful move."     

Brother Yao said arrogantly, "That's a given. I've crashed several cars while practicing this move. That fella must have been scared sh*tless."     

"Hahaha…" the car was filled with laughter.     


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